Politics and Religion

Did President Trump say Tangier Island could flip over
Cottonmouth 22 reads

like the highly intelligent member of the Congressional Black Caucus said would happen to Guam ?

...and climate far into the future.  Trump watched a report on CNN about Tangier Island, Virginia.  The report showed that the island was rapidly shrinking because of the sea level rising due to climate change.


Old Troposphere Trump called the mayor of Tangier Island, James "Ooker" Eskridge, and told him not to worry about sea-level rise.  Trump said:  "(Tangier)  Island has been there for hundreds of years, and I believe your island will be there for hundreds more."

And of course, the starstruck dumbass Trump-supporting mayor believed Trump rather than his lying eyes.  In a few years when the mayor will be up to his neck in water, he'll say:  "Hey Mr. President, are you SURE our island will be here for hundreds of years more......glub, glub?"

What else would you expect from a guy named "Ooker?"  It wouldn't surprise me if all 63 million Trump voters were nicknamed "Ooker" or had a similar hillbilly nickname.  Ooker and 87% of Tangier voted for Trump and believe in him.  Let's see how they feel if Trump and the Republican Congress don't throw hundreds of millions at Tangier Island to try and save all 1.2 square miles of it (it has lost two-thirds of its landmass since 1850).  The only thing Trump is paying to Tangier Island is lip service.


Tangier will be akin to his legislation..totally underwater..

Cottonmouth23 reads

like the highly intelligent member of the Congressional Black Caucus said would happen to Guam ?

But when its a "religion," like it is for BP and many on the left, there is never a need or desire to look at facts that may hurt the chicken little's "sky is falling" theory.

...It's OK with you if he's just as dumb as a back-bench Congressman.  Good luck with that.

100% chance of little snow lake Democratic pussy tears.......all this week and most likely for the next 7 plus years.

Posted By: BigPapasan

...and climate far into the future.  Trump watched a report on CNN about Tangier Island, Virginia.  The report showed that the island was rapidly shrinking because of the sea level rising due to climate change.  
 Old Troposphere Trump called the mayor of Tangier Island, James "Ooker" Eskridge, and told him not to worry about sea-level rise.  Trump said:  "(Tangier)  Island has been there for hundreds of years, and I believe your island will be there for hundreds more."  
 And of course, the starstruck dumbass Trump-supporting mayor believed Trump rather than his lying eyes.  In a few years when the mayor will be up to his neck in water, he'll say:  "Hey Mr. President, are you SURE our island will be here for hundreds of years more......glub, glub?"  
 What else would you expect from a guy named "Ooker?"  It wouldn't surprise me if all 63 million Trump voters were nicknamed "Ooker" or had a similar hillbilly nickname.  Ooker and 87% of Tangier voted for Trump and believe in him.  Let's see how they feel if Trump and the Republican Congress don't throw hundreds of millions at Tangier Island to try and save all 1.2 square miles of it (it has lost two-thirds of its landmass since 1850).  The only thing Trump is paying to Tangier Island is lip service.  

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