Politics and Religion

Classic lib bitching an moaning
cajunman 36 reads

with not a single solution offered.  Nor a single fact other that he's a whiny little bitch! ;)

How many women/libs does it take  to screw in a lightbulb?

None, they'd rather sit in the dark and bitch about it! ;)


Spare us your inane stories, other than not liking the NRA, what's your point?  Deosn't it crack you up to be called a hypocrite by this dumbass lib? ;)

Libs always lie and claim to support the Constitution, before they try to take away your gun rights.  It normally starts with a nonsensical screed like this.

Fucking WAAAAAH!!

GaGambler395 reads

That said, I can't help but say, I would feel a LOT safer if I were one of this man's neighbors knowing that his guns were locked up and taken away from him.

Disarming hundreds of millions of law abiding Americans is a ridiculous, not to mention an unconstitutional idea, but keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people I have to agree is a worthwhile endeavor.

NYminute30 reads

for all of these second amendment issues.  Relocate every NRA member to Florida.  Kind of like we did to the Japanese during WWII, except now we could include every race, color, and creed.

Relocate all frauds, phonies and imposters, you know like anyone who pretends to have boards on his shoulders, to Las Vegas.

You’re Welcome
At Pretenders We LaUgH

I just need to point out that a majority of NRA members are IN FAVOR of additional, common-sense gun laws.  Also, I have a legal handgun but am not a member of the NRA. How do you ship me to Florida?

I don't oppose common sense gun laws, what I do oppose is the intentional erosion of our 2nd Amendment rights by with the ultimate goal of completely disarming the American citizenry.

I bet you NYM would even be honest about his intentions, he doesn't want common sense guns laws, he wants guns outlawed completely, just like so many righties don't want common sense regulations on abortion, they want ALL abortions outlawed.

What the left, (well the vast majority of the left) think is common sense gun laws are very, very different from what you or I consider common sense.

-- Modified on 3/18/2018 11:44:43 AM

First of all, I do NOT want Trojan Horse gun laws whose intent is to ultimately gut the Second Amendment.
The responsible gun laws I support include closing the gun show loophole, banning high-capacity magazines and ending the sale of AR-15s and bump stocks, and a waiting period for a serious background check.
That's it.
I'll be keeping my M1911.

NYminute33 reads

We do AFTER ALL have a second amendment and I whole-heartedly support our constitution.  We do live in a constitutional republic and everyone does not have to agree with me--that would be rather boring.  Yet, on this issue, a significant percentage of Americans do agree--while, the big money the NRA throws around, continues to trump (no pun intended) the majority.  This is what I oppose!

THIS is NOT how a constitutional republic is supposed to work.  Your stated opinion is pretty consistent with the NRA leadership,  Why hide behind claiming to support "common sense gun laws"--when you march lockstep with the NRA, NOT the majority of Americans who DO support "common sense gun laws?"  Why don't you stop being a hypocrite and just tell the truth.  Hypocrites like you are why NRA members allow the NRA to stonewall the American majority.  Shame on you!

The farmer refused to allow his daughter to take ballet lessons.  He was afraid some day she may use that skill to learn how to dance like a stripper.  The farmer was also from Georgia and was a gambler, who claimed he supported common sense gun laws but instead supported the NRA because passing common sense gun laws would eventually lead to "completely disarming the American citizenry."

See how ridiculous that sounds?  Be honest with yourself!  I know this is a fuck board, with more than its share of morons, but there are a few of us on here who DO have more than one brain cell firing at the same time, and we aren't buying it!

cajunman37 reads

with not a single solution offered.  Nor a single fact other that he's a whiny little bitch! ;)

How many women/libs does it take  to screw in a lightbulb?

None, they'd rather sit in the dark and bitch about it! ;)


Spare us your inane stories, other than not liking the NRA, what's your point?  Deosn't it crack you up to be called a hypocrite by this dumbass lib? ;)

Libs always lie and claim to support the Constitution, before they try to take away your gun rights.  It normally starts with a nonsensical screed like this.

Fucking WAAAAAH!!

NYminute35 reads

my post, you illegitimate fool!  Your dad told your father countless times to stop fucking his sister.  He was right!  See what happens when a coonass brother keeps fucking his sister--inbreeding and a severely brain damaged idiot like you are the end result.  How sad!  Your father should have listened to grandpa.  See why we favor abortion?

If you had half a brain, you would know this problem would have been solved long ago if it were not so complex.  But anything more complicated that reciting half of the alphabet is complicated for YOU, dumb, dumb!

Who the heck logs into your computer and reads the things that pop up on your computer screen for you--some second grader in the neighborhood?    You are such a stupid lame asshole, it definitely can NOT be you.  Keep strumming your banjo, stop trying to fuck every white male, tourist who roams around the forest, and leave the complex issues facing our country to the adults.

cajunman31 reads

YOU claimed that your position on guns was well known but, given 4 chances to PROVE YOUR STATEMENT that you DON'T want to take guns you won't articulate proof to the otherwise.  It is obvious to all that all you want to do is insult - classic lib nonsense, when they back themselves in a corner, they call YOU names!  ;)

So, now. it's "complex". FUCKING LOL!!!!  So you DO favor confiscating guns?  Admit it and at least only be stupid and not a liar too! ;)

Change the topic of your obvious stupidity with really lame name calling all you want, you have been proven a dumbfuck and liar with your own words.

Like the little pussy bitch you are, all you want to do is bitch and moan.


Frustrated, huh? ;)

zorrf39 reads

I feel like you halfway appreciate how morbidly retarded most of your perspectives are, because you occasionally post things like this to try to appear sensible.  Yokel guilt, I think is what it's called....Only problem this kind of shit is so obvious that no one should have to declare their stance on it.  "Hey guys, I'm cool with crazy people not having access to guns."  Good job, man.  

The most over used term that the NRA brandishes...So when did the Vegas shooter become an "UN-law abiding American", when he checked himself into the Mandalay Bay Hotel? We can all claim to be "law abiding American", till something naps.
Bravo for that Walmart employee...
And Connecticut has a Gun Seizure law that I agree with. Hope it works in Florida

As much as we love our guns, we love our freedom just as much is not more. Plus, many more people love their freedom than the number who have guns. So, there are many obstacles to taking away someone's rights, freedoms, etc. Everyone is a potential threat to perpetrate violence. So, who determines the probability of one person becoming a treat. Those are the issues involved that became obstacles to preventing Nikolas Cruz's mass shooting, even though there was some movement to have him committed a couple of years previous. Oh, BTW, the NRA, and their lapdog Trump, do not seem to agree with your point of view.

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