Politics and Religion

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 54 reads

Quad is smoking that good shit tonight..

Why do so many  left wing looneys feel threatened by Black conservatives ?  
        They're afraid of the truth.  


Does God help your civility ?  

  I couldn't help but notice the most Godly posters on this site are a couple points more civil than the rest of us.
  Think about it, the crassest ass by far,  without naming the poster, more intolerant of religion than anyone with TDS, though he does pray to his Global warming God.
Imagine him drinking green bile blood  from captive lizards to wash down live kittens he's eating,  the least civil person here.

...I should have known with quad there would be no reflection.

Quad is smoking that good shit tonight..

So scared of blacks?....You really don't want them to vote do you?

...since you're too gutless to name names.

I don't think it's me because if I drank green bile blood  from captive lizards, I'd be engaging in cannibalism since I'm a Komodo Dragon.  That's a no-no, even for a crass ass.

Also, there's no such thing as "bile blood," you dumbass ninth grade dropout.  Bile and blood are two distinct bodily fluids.

BTW, speaking of crass, are you still eating "boshintang?"  You grew up on it.

Too hard to tell you say ..ROFL   I must have missed your abusing  kittens post like your mentor idol has written.
 You win a  prize for stupidity if you couldn't figure  out I wasn't speaking of you
  Narcissist much.    ROFL  
 I surely  hope your American hookers don't kiss your Komodo mouth, that's an easy way to get a deadly  infection.
 No wonder my KGirl friends refuse to see you, Big  Komodo breath.    Smart Gals they  certainly are.  :-D

No bile blood you say... Is that what your dollar store diploma told you ?  

 I've learned a lot from people smarter than me though I wasn't in a brick and mortar building .
 I've learned   from people that quit school before I did,  a ninth grade drop out.
 I've never learned anything from you or any dummy  that doesn't realize you are an ignorant ass.  

But it's fun watching you tread water flailing away  drowning trying  to look smart.

 Start swimming from Venice Beach on  a course of West- South West , depending on tides and winds, and your navigation skills,  in 6900 miles you should  find your distant cousins with bile blood.  
 They will welcome your kisses with their green tongues.  
 Share a bite when you kiss, now you'll be bile blood lizard brothers , you  dumb shit.   ROFLMAO  

You should try   Baidu to learn, like hundreds of millions of the  poor in China immensely more intelligent than you.  



Posted By: BigPapasan
Re: Am I the "crassest ass" you refer to?  It's hard to tell...
...since you're too gutless to name names.  
 I don't think it's me because if I drank green bile blood  from captive lizards, I'd be engaging in cannibalism since I'm a Komodo Dragon.  That's a no-no, even for a crass ass.  
 Also, there's no such thing as "bile blood," you dumbass ninth grade dropout.  Bile and blood are two distinct bodily fluids.  
 BTW, speaking of crass, are you still eating "boshintang?"  You grew up on it.

...has completely FLIPPED-OUT, it must be that horrid strain of Trumpanzy's  disease that has finally melted his brain, but you have hand it to him he still has his imagination.

I grew up in one of the most racist Southern towns in Georgia and didn't even know it until I was older.  Crosses were burned in white cheerleaders yards that dated black football players.  The Baptist preacher didn't allow blacks to funerals or weddings.  The KKK had rallies when I was a small child and we weren't allowed outside on those days.  Curious children, we would sneak outside and here all the screaming back and forth from town; which was 2 miles away.  My parents didn't expose us to it, wasn't taught in our homes to fear anyone different, and I didn't experience racism with my generation throughout school.  I love running in to them today!  And they are happy to see me too!  I want to acknowledge to anyone that still has bitterness in there heart.  I didn't know the struggle from naivety until I moved many times in the city and exposed to many different cultures.  I look back and know it happened. Our clubhouse and public pool was shut down for 2 decades after integration.    

My prayer for future generations to keep evolving away from these fears and become curious about other cultures, religions, nationalities and ways of life.  I promise to continue on teaching love with grandchildren and generations to come.  Let's finally forgive all this hurt.  Racism is taught at home.  

A brilliant person once said in an interview "it doesn't exist if you don't talk about it" Sam Elliot  

Attached a songwriter story about George Wallace and the flip flop.  Can we say we have come a long ways and be happy for progress


-- Modified on 8/28/2017 6:58:37 PM

I wrongly named Sam Elliot as the brilliant man I quoted, and the correction is Morgan Freeman.  I saw his face when I typed the quote, but wrongly typed the name.

HappyChanges51 reads

It's safe to say in most parts of the country, times have changed. Perhaps there are a few holdouts. What's the climate nowadays where you grew up?

I took her for 3 years in high school.  Typing I, Typing II and business.  She moved up to be the Principal years after me.  

My seamstress in that town was a black lady, the mother of one my classmates.

We (my class) built the built the float for our homecoming parade at my home, in the basement.  All showed up and came and were welcomed.

I would like to think it's different.  My experience with my generation was the turning point.  And I say great job to the parents of my classmates, my generation forward.  

bigguy3066 reads

You are a Trump supporter and your President stands for hate.

So you talking about progress is laughable.
Since the scumbag in chief is dividing this country!

to this group, that I was ashamed of who I voted for.  I do not support the actions of our leader.  I made a mistake.  Do you always bring up people's mistakes even after they said they were wrong?

Thank you very much for your vote.  
I believe the USA and the world is very fortunate the Dunce Queen was not elected.  
 By now, with  her in  charge we'd likely be at war with North Korea, Syria, and  Russia, while she'd be conniving where to start fires in the rest of the Middle east.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
Re: I have already apologized
to this group, that I was ashamed of who I voted for.  I do not support the actions of our leader.  I made a mistake.  Do you always bring up people's mistakes even after they said they were wrong?

I was in a major car accident a few years ago and needed Trump to make insurance more affordable for me.  I am self pay and blessed my specialist gives me a reasonable rate.  Probably still more than he gets from insurance companies.  I am also blessed with an amazing  pharmacist that always gets me the best prices; including informing my doctors of major discounts with 3 mo refills that I will be on the rest of my life.  I have been given much cheaper rates on MRI's self pay.

My accident has taught me of what a scam insurance is to us.  But how I need it so bad.  It is the most stressful thing in my life, to not be able to afford health insurance and Obama's policies not being small business friendly.  But how grateful I am to him for insurance companies to not penalize me for preexisting.  

Where I am in life now.  I don't believe insurance will ever be fixed.  I would like for the government to offer Medicare to all.  I file taxes every year for S Corp and Individual; and that is where I want our tax dollars used.

bigguy3060 reads

So you believe the GOP party that did everything to stop the ACA.  
Then would turn around and help lower your medical bills?

-- Modified on 8/29/2017 8:32:39 PM

...It appears ole Crappy Changes & his pal quad selectively ignored Madison's apology for her mistake in last Novembers presidential election but it seams clear that after witnessing this liar in chief's behavior for the last seven months her voting decision rightfully changed. Madison also brought up a subject that I posted about about a month ago Medicare healthcare plans for all Americans, when I brought up that subject it got little support, now that we know exactly what  the republicans plans or the Trump plans mean for the health of this nation it may be time to revisit that idea. Of course with Trump's healthcare plan & a less healthy America it might be easier for Putin to step in & take over, Or on the other hand who would want to take over an unhealthy america under Trump's plan.

HappyChanges74 reads

"I would like for the government to offer Medicare to all." Your statement is the beginning of socialism and government control.  How can OUR government PAY for 350 million United States citizens health insurance without stifling!?!?!?

to keep people from snapping and firing guns on children.  the bullied that commit suicide, the returning soldier in society with PTSD, the self-employed that wish to continue to work with illness, the heroin epidemic addict.

HappyChanges58 reads

Surely you are not regretting voting for trump. You may be feeding into the MSM and the democratic liberal resistance movement.  

Democrats, under the leadership of Barack Obama, has failed us and the liberal movement is dying.  They have turned to violence and everyday Americans (the silent vote) are tired of it. The only reason why they are still standing is the MSM and the bias, politically motivated BS they broadcast into folks homes.

Trump has run into roadblocks. Particularly in the congress where conservatives needed everyone on board but failed because of a slim majority. Congress aside, trump has made great strides on illegal immigration, the economy, job creation and foriegn policy.

I wouldn't listen to the liberal cupcakes on this board, who spew out anti-american socialism. You made the right decision voting for trump. Your vote saved the American people from decades of liberal, democratic, socialist policies.

bigguy3067 reads

You saw who Trump was before last November.
Also you approved of his racist actions, earlier this year on this site.
So how was that a mistake?

When the scumbag in chief is acting the same way.
He was a dangerous asshole before and a bigger one now.

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