Politics and Religion

Chuck said it - if you had an answer, we'd hear it
WillieTheBarTender 2709 reads

wouldn't we?

BizarreBipolarBoy2405 reads

The war is over!

But the troops are staying because they like it so much.

Bushit-eater3132 reads

The war is over!  Besides, the Iraqi Army is starting to fight the "rogue militias"!  The surge worked!  

This is not news!   McCain already told us everything is normal in the Baghdad bazaar, as long as you have all your body armor, a platoon of Marines and helicopters escorting you!

Declare Victory and Win!  But DON'T be asking, if the war's so over, when are the troops coming home?   And BTW, what exactly did we win?  Don't be asking where's Osama Bin Laden!   Don't be a socialist!

Brought to you by Swift Boats for Girls so Wholesome They Could be Mormons!  Fundie Mormons!

WillieTheBarTender2661 reads

when are we gonna stop pissing money down that sandpit?


Now that we've wrecked our economy for a bunch of fucking ingrates, and Osama - who was supposed to be the cause of all this - is still running loose - are we gonna get back to business one of these days?  

Are you girls thru panicking?   Do you suppose we can get serious someday soon?

I think I'll download this and see how many lives and bucks we lose between now and November.  You want to make any bets?

kerrakles2316 reads

Unless you are drinking the same mush room juice Obambi is drinking, there is no way you can pull all the troops out. Juice drinkers might believe in the grand rhetoric but it is not reality.

It is what it is. You can beat Bush all you want, it ain't going to change a bit of reality.

If Obambi follows through (assuming he get elected), the situation will get worse and as he himself said, he will send the troops back in again. How does that work? Moving troops in and out is not a game you buy at Wal-Mart. It shows how naive he is or he is completely misleading the public.

Pulling majority of the troops possible as it is happening now. All of the troops, not for a while.

Great election year rhetoric though.

WillieTheBarTender2282 reads

Why not?

Who said anything about election year rhetoric?  The PAC who thinks that going to Iraq solves all the problems?  Haven't we already tried that for 5 years?

Maybe we need an easy enemy, like Hitler & Tojo, so we can kick their ass.  Why can't the Republicans pick an easy enemy?  Because they'd invade the wrong country anyway?

I'll tell you what's election year bullshit.  That's saying the war is over, but the fighting has to keep going.  "The civil war is over, but the Iraqi army just started to fight rogue militias".  "The war is over, but the troops can't come home."

What we need is some criminal investigations for these politicians, and some legal guardians for you morons who repeat their obvious shit.

WillieTheBarTender2060 reads

and whatever understanding they get doesn't seem to be helping us.

John McCain went and stood in the Baghdad bazaar and told us everything was back to normal, just like your hometown mall.

I'm gonna tell you, I haven't had a platoon of Marines behind me locked & loaded since I got back stateside.   And I've never seen that kind of armament in any mall, not even in Inglewood, and sure not in Phoenix.

So what I'm thinking here is that there must be something hallucinogenic in the Iraqi water.

Duty_Historian2676 reads

That's a really intelligent argument.   It's the sort of thing that we've come to expect from Republicans, the folks who are living proof that our school system has failed.

Brother_Al_Sharpton3364 reads

the chicken might not fuck it up, but the moron is guaranteed to fuck it up.

GaGambler2644 reads

Yeah, but your guy is both a moron and a chicken. Just wait until Mahmoud and Hugo start passing his black ass around in an international gang bang. Maybe they'll hold him down while Kim Jong-il fucks him in the ass too.

Talk about a moron. His only qualifications are he's black, and he hasn't been convicted of a major felony "yet".

Cpl_Punishment2903 reads

than the one we have now, EH?

People who ever thought GW had a lick of sense or character or ANY qualification apart from his name ("Bush?  Of course I like pussy!") are obviously delusional and discredited, and need conservators baby-sitting their mindless bodies.

At least McCain is deranged.  He's to Bush as Nixon to Johnson, the guy who has no excuse for continuing another fellow's massive fuckup.  McCain could go down as the fellow who gives the final shot to American civilization after Bush mortally wounded us.   Bush will go down in history! as the American Nero.

GaGambler2669 reads

Unless someone ammended the constitution and forgot to tell us, we ARE going to have a different POTUS.

You think McCain is deranged? At least he won't be the one getting buttfucked by the likes of Chavez and Ahmadinejad. Those guys have got to be lickint their chops at the prospect of the weakest president since Carter.

We don't need appeasement, we need another Reagan who will send a cruise missle up their ass.  

Cpl_Punishment3750 reads

from the movies.

You know, somebody who thinks things thru, and doesn't walk us into ambushes while they're busy beating their chest to make a bunch of civilians feel good about the fact that their ass isn't on the line.

Somebody who doesn't get excited every time some asshole flips him off.

Somebody who actually looked for Osama, maybe.

What a concept, hunh?

But you don't have to worry.  The war's over.  Now you have to find another one.

WillieTheBarTender2997 reads

a normal visit to the mall?

Deranged seems to cover it pretty nicely.  Do you have a better description?

Chuck Darwin2636 reads

is the war over, or the Iraqis still fighting, or mission accomplished, or do we stay there forever?

I understand that not thinking about what the fuck you are doing is the 1st plank of the Republican platform.  I understand that you think cruise missiles will solve commercial problems, and your core constituency believes any shit Pat Robertson tells them.  I understand that you don't understand shit, and really don't care.

You imbeciles need to be sent to the special care farm for incompetents, and your traitor leaders need to be tried and hanged.

GaGambler3086 reads

that anybody here really believes that there is more than one person that shares your beliefs?

Get back on your meds and I'll be more than happy to talk to you again. In the meantime I don't plan on responding to three separate responses to my one post, made by the same person.

Tusyan4356 reads

Nice to see that the swiftboating of Senator Obama has started.  It's also interesting that Vets for Freedom has violated federal laws governing 501(c)4 non-profit groups by engaging in partisan political efforts (even though it claims to be non-partisan) by endorsing only Republican candidates for Congress on its website. Its founders were also part of the White House project to get former military members hired as "non-partisan" experts on news program to spout off the the administration's take on  events in Iraq.

Bushit-eater2649 reads

our President will pardon us!

harryj2410 reads

Damn'd, "swiftboating". The slogans of the libbie pinks are amazing. Don't deal with things of substance when diversion is available. Osama Hussein Obama is, and will continue to be, a piece of dog dung and you can't redeem him.

WillieTheBarTender2714 reads

how many more KIAs we have between the "end of the war" and inaguaration day.

Nobody can guess how much more money we'll piss away.

Well, at least Obama isn't a convicted, deserting piece of dog dung.    Gives him a head start on your fella.

Timbow2012 reads

Obama told The New York Times late Wednesday that he is thinking about going, but not under McCain’s terms.

“I think that if I’m going to Iraq, then I’m there to talk to troops and talk to commanders, I’m not there to try to score political points or perform,” he told the newspaper. “The work they’re doing there is too important.”

So then why does he want to withdraw the troops if it is so important ! He was wrong about the surge not working last year too.

Chuck Darwin4174 reads

if your name is Halliburton.   If you're a PFC, well, not so much.

You just have to ask, "who is it working for?"

Cpl_Punishment2210 reads

fight rogue militias?

If the war is over, when are the troops coming home?  When do you think we're gonna stop pissing away money?

You don't see anything patently contradictory about what she says?

And BTW, where is Osama bin Laden?

If you think she's hot, I can understand why you'd think the war is over.

So, do you want to bet Willie about how much more we're gonna lose between now and January?   Do you want to bet that we won't have any more combat casualties?   Is that your idea of "the war is over"?

Brother_Al_Sharpton2468 reads

the day after you go.

I figure the intervening 24 hours is about what I need to declare victory and order the troops to come home.

Bush has already told us the mission is accomplished!  We don't need this little girl to tell us the war is over, it was over 5 years ago.

Bush just forgot to bring the Army home.

Not surprising, since he forgot he was a convicted drunk, and forgot where he was instead of his ANG drills, and forgot that his service record would show where he was - probably the drunk tank.

What a crock of shit.  1st you vote Republican, then you try to tell us this mousy little girl is hot.  You'd probably pay for a BJ from Skanky Annie, and come away with 3" less dick, and tell us it was a good deal.

Sen_Craig6270 reads

I will NOT let him out of my airport bathroom stall to go to Iraq. He's my bitch now!!

Duty_Historian2549 reads

drinking the Republican Kool-Aid is the only patriotic thing to do.

Yeah, Jesusland needs to secede.  Them and Mexico can see if they can finance the Republicans.

Where do you come up with this shit?

How much did you have to pay that poor girl to say that?

kerrakles2942 reads

Iraqui oil starts pumping. After all they have the second largest reserves in the middle east compared to Saudi Arabia.

Have to get the oil Iraq's oil industry back on line.

Hey, we already paid for the fucking thing. Might as well get it out.

Realistic not dreaming after drinking mushroom brew.

GaGambler2857 reads

Like it or not, we need to stay to make sure that not only the Iraqi oil flows freely, but that the rest of the region's oil continues to flow.

We all know that's why we are there in the first place. It's not to steal the Iraqi's oil, it's not even about Iraq itself. Thirty percent of the world's oil flows through the Straits of Hormuz. we need a presence,we need a large presence to keep that oil flowing. Allowing the likes of a Saddam or a Ahmadinejad to cut off that flow is simply not acceptable, and yes it is worth going to war over.

WillieTheBarTender2498 reads

Whip out a weapon, and the usual considerations of business disappear?  Like, you don't have to get the oil out of the ground and to the buyer?

Not so good, eh?  I suppose you'd have to have been there & done that to imagine how hard it is to do business when you need a fucking platoon of Marines to escort every pissant bank deposit.

You need to correct yourself here - YOU aren't going to war.  To you, it's worth SOMEBODY ELSE going to war for.   And the war has fucked up the US economy pretty well, hasn't it?   Just keep pumping that ammo downrange, and pretty soon you're gonna run out.

GaGambler2548 reads

but wars are fought over national interests, and it is definitely in our interest to keep the oil flowing. Millions have died for less.

As far as ME going to war goes, I did my time like almost all of my generation. I got over it and myself a long, long time ago. You might try the same.

You want to see a fucked up economy, try the depression we would have if the flow of oil from the Middle east were ever cut off completely.

WillieTheBarTender2925 reads

but we were doing fine until The Chimp Boy decided he had to invade.

We were seizing most of the oil Saddam was trying to get out, and selling it to our buddies at fire sale auctions in Dubai.   Things were just fine, until Bush decided he needed to fuck things up.

kerrakles2937 reads

You are desperately trying to make points based on the sound bites you hear from the media.

How familiar are you with that region of the world? You are taking points from MSM that cannot even pronounce Baghdad correct. Have you ever bothered to look at an aerial photograph of Southern Iraq? Probably never.

Drinking too much Mushroom Brew dished out by MSM is detrimental to one's intelligence. You do know that the so called Main Stream Media outlets is Three Ring Circus staffed with Clowns trying one up each other. A herd of sheep.

WillieTheBarTender2766 reads

you even call yourselves dittoheads.

"Head" of course referring to shitters rather than brains.

WWWhhy don't you go to Iraq yourself?  WWWhhy of coourse because you're a checikenhawk, a moral welfare queen who needs other to carry your load.

WillieTheBarTender3443 reads

Iraqi shiites will take the oil over.  

No, you better keep them there forever.  Don't think whether the cost of maintaining an army there is more expensive than the oil itself.   Thinking is unpatriotic.  Geaorge sure wouldn't think.

kerrakles2791 reads

Bases in Kuwait since the first Gulf War and in Saudi Arabia for decades to keep oil flowing. Like I said you don't much about Iraq and the surrounding area and Iran.

You may unaware of the fact Saddam fought an eight year war against Iran and both came to s standstill.

Go read and learn before spouting of ridiculous notions.

WillieTheBarTender2704 reads

doesn't look too good from here.   IOW, whatever knowledge you have doesn't seem to be doing you any good.

Maybe you can find a bunch of marines and a few helos to go down to the mall for a photo op.

What I know, son, is that when you take a patrol out, you need a plan - some sort of idea of WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!  Maybe you'll get back in a few hours - instead of being lost for 5 fucking years, with a promise of 100 more.

I know a liar when I hear one - and you've been drinking way too much of your own kool-aid.

Chuck Darwin2256 reads

so we deposed him, and now we're going to install a Shiite democracy that will be friendly with the Iranians, and give them what Saddam wouldn't, and it's happening even now, while we're there!

Only a Republican could fuck up that wet dream!

You dumshit, this war is not over Iraq.  It is over the US Treasury, which is far richer than Iraq.  The RNC doesn't want anything with that sandpit, they just want their Swiss bank accounts and caribbean vacation homes secured from the IRS.

5 Deferments Dick2324 reads

5 no 3 no 0 seconds ago.  I can't keep up!!

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