Politics and Religion

an enemy of my enemy is my friend - Nanu Nanu zinaval (eom)
llcar 9 Reviews 29814 reads


Between Bush anf Gore I did vote for Gore only because he was, in my opinion, the lesser of the two evils. But again also Al Gore is an IDIOT, go get his college transcripts, a dumbass,a rich, third generation money jackass, ditto for Bush. Between Bush and Kerry they are both equal evils, so i won't vote.

For those who compares Clinton and Kerry as if they were similar, I disagree. There are a few defining differences between Clinton and Kerry. First, Clinton is way smarter, he wasn't and isn't an idealoque and had the brains to surround himself with top notch people. Kerry is more analgous to Hillary, who, if ever elected, will be a disaster.
I actually could make a case that a split Dem/Rep president/Congress would be good in that they would so dispise one another that nothing, including run away spending, would get done, that is what we are left with, the hope of completely ineffectual sorts running things. Is basic competency too much to ask?

I read two weeks ago that the Dept of Education budget is $55BB, can you believe that.I need to look up how many K-12 kids there are in this country but I bet it works out to about $1K per kid, now, just what in Sam hell does the DOE do for $55BB.

I'd like to see the US Defense spending as a % of total GLOBAL defense spending. It is time for the country with 5% of the worlds population to stop spending what I bet is something like 30-50% of the Worlds defense budget. I'm officially getting worked up now so I'm gonna go PERTURBATE to relax lol.

My voting record:
1980-1984: Reagan
1988: Bush
1992-1996: Clinton
2000: Gore
2004: NO ONE

-- Modified on 3/28/2004 3:47:03 PM

danfrommass36708 reads

never voted here , i agree with the lesser of the 2 evils. i plan on voting for kerry to get that dumbshit outta the office , not to get kerry in ! him and his corrupt cronies have got to go. i cant imagine kerry or any1 else screwing up as bad as jr.

And what were your SATs.  Bush's were 1200, back when that score meant something.

Unless yours were higher (doubtful, from the quality of your post), you can shitcan the "dumbshit" rhetoric.

And BTW, mine were well over 1200.

My SATs were very high and my prick is longer than yours.  

Personally, I don't think that SATs are a good measure of success as a leader and I think that SASs don't measure all the ways you can be a dumb shit in life.

I don't think either Bush or Kerry are stupid.

I really don't want to compare either, Harry.  But I agree with most of what you said.

'Point is, most of those who call Bush "stupid" are simply incapable of making an argument, and just want to call him names.

Pathetic, really.

But I'm glad you can't be numbered among them.

danfrommass34659 reads

for nasa , space is still a high priority

   a low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls

 it isnt pollution thats harming the enviroment, its the impurites in the air and water that are doing it

 if we dont succeed we run the risk of failure

the vast majority of our imports come from outside our country.

lmfao , james , i guess you went to the same place for your SATS.......

Yeah, I'd be much further ahead if I could make asinine assertions about people I don't know, just like my hero, danfrommass.

'Course, I'm smart enough to refrain from posting the same thing twice.

Did Bush not say those things? What rationale could you possibly have for his constant malapropisms other than that he is, in fact, an idiot?

Don't forget my ATF: "Is our children learning?"


The median SAT for admission to Yale is roughly 1430.  The only people who get into Yale with 1200 scores are great athletes, world-class artists, and rich legacy cases like Bush was (and even then, usually after a sizeable donation).  1200 on his SATs would make him among the dumbest 10% of all Yale attendees.

-- Modified on 3/29/2004 5:02:09 PM

Now I can slash swords with those on the right and those on the left.

Then, or now?  Now, I would bet that 1430 is the median, but 1430 doesn't mean now what it used to.  Remember, when Bush went to Yale, 1200 meant something.  And actually, Yale isn't know for its great athletes.

So Bush got there as a legacy.  And Kerry's career has been largely built upon familial connections, too (remember the picture of him on the boat with JFK?).  Name one thing that has distinguished Kerry since his service in Vietnam.  'Fact is, dying there might have been the biggest service he could have performed for his country.  He's certainly done nothing since.

I have no idea what it is now.  I know what it was in the 1970s, because that was when I was applying to schools.

1200 was a crappy SAT score to get into Yale circa 1975.  It is probably even a more crappy score now.

even so, as others have mentioned 1200 is pretty low.  More importantly, if the guy does have a higher SAT score does that mean he can continue his ``dumbshit'' rhetoric.  An SAT score is a pretty lame indicator of intelligence as demonstrated by your own counterexample (well over 1200 - WOW).

What's next, are you going to tell us how many touchdowns you scored in your high school homecoming game.  BFD.

Oh, I see ... 86' is the year you graduated.  Dude, high school/community college is over.

Like I said, I'm not sure I buy that these "quotes" are accurate.

And "dude," you're right.  Childhood is over.  Didn't go to a community college (got a full ride to a private college, actually).

'Course, I was always grown up to eschew use of "dude" as a form of address.

Is my escalting lordosis quotient. SAT scores mean nothing when a provider's IQ is greater than her weight. Its not too late to change your registration card baby.

StartThinking!33071 reads

(IQ tests actually don't test anything other than the ability to take IQ tests), and if I trim down really well, I'll come in at 137 lbs.  

Take the IQ > Weight Challenge!

'Well over 1200' - gee, sounds like 'well under 1300' to me. If you had any pride in your score, if it was anything to be proud of, you'd have stated it.

Work to convince other people that your viewpoints are correct.  Never think that not voting accomplishes anything, because it does not.  Regardless of the cynicism that modern politics breed, the conerstone of a democracy is the right to vote, protect that right, even when you are disprited by the trend of current events.

I am not complaning. American's they think solutions to problems just happen and look to everyone else but themselves to find that solution. It is the NATURE of the politician to be an idiot, their mediocrity is their biggest asset and you think THEY will come up with a solution to anything what a joke

Regardless of whether a politician is liberal or conservative running for public office is an honorable endeavor.  It is easy enough to redicule politicians, and honestly some by their actions deserve ridicule.  But society works because the overwhelming majority of politicians from the lowest elected office to higher offices, spend a good part of their waking hours each day trying to figure out how they can make the things that us non-politicians take for granted work for us.  Why don't you convince city hall in your city to turn off all the traffic lights for one day and order the police to do anything else except traffic detail, this would be a pure manifestation of where you seem to want society to head, please let me know how it works out.

I'm sorry but you've got to be joking.   You think any high level politicians sit around wondering how to make the country a better place - their only care is how to stay in office.  

Shit if trees could vote Bush et al would be hungin red woods and tossin seeds (and not just eachothers salads) every damn day.

The great majority of politicians are true public servants.  If you will re-read my post you will see that I excluded the offices at the highest level, not because of any political bias but because I am not thrilled by the sometimes shrill responses that even well reasoned opposition invokes.  Every politician should work their way up from an office such as city commissioner, or county commissioner, or state representative before standing for a higher office such as governor.  Work in the lower elected offices gives the office holder the emotional and philosophical seasoning that comes from stairing sometimes intractable opposition in the face and working through compromises that keep government moving.

-- Modified on 3/29/2004 4:53:35 PM

Sorry, I didn't see your exclusion of highest offices.  At any rate, I do agree with your point that officials should work their way up (in every field for that matter).  The problem is that our political system just doesn't work that way for the highest offices which are the most important to us and the rest of the world.

Sure, it would be an inconvenience (even lives can be lost) if our traffic system shut down or the public transportation stops running (although in Boston this is a way of life).  However, this is by no means even close to the damage a president or governor can do.

I disagree.  Kerry is not the mediocrity that Bush is.  In the 60s & 70s, the man had some fire, took wounds and fought hand-to-hand in Vietnam.  Then, he protested against the war.  More than Clinton did.  He's not had much fire or spirit, nor any good ideas, for a long time, but at least there's something in him that can be revived.  Furthermore, if he's fallen into a slump, at least his people are more likely to listen me and my concerns, and the concerns of people who post to this board.  Bush's people will show us the door, or even the jail cell when they notice us at all.

Bush, by contrast to Kerry, never did anything, never accomplished anything.  The apex of his accomplishments was finding JEEZUS and sobering up.  Meanwhile, his family coattails kept him employed and finally put him into the White House, and even Bush's ardent supporters in the Christian Right voted for him praying that God would make him a pleasant surprise. Since that was their prayer, they now have to pretend that God made Bush a great leader.  In fact, he has been a disaster. And he's shown no hope of learning from mistakes.  

If we can't impeach him, we've got to vote him out of office on general principle: for what he's committed in Iraq, for our soldiers he has sent to slaughter, for his faith based initiatives to transfer wealth to Christian churches, for his shifting the tax burden away from the wealthy, for his incompetent handling of the economy, for his alienating our country from allies... this list can go on. Don't stay home from the polls just because Kerry is the alternative. It's far better to replace disaster with mediocrity.  

Vote your interests, at least. Defend yourself. Do you know who's been kept real quiet recently, been keeping a very low profile so the uninhibited like us won't go to the polls?  John Asscrossed.  What do you think he'll like to do to hobbying and the TER if this administration is actually elected?  Look at how brazen they were when they weren't elected.  Democrats may not be our friends, not just yet, but at least they're not our objective enemies.


i agree, Bush is jackass, kick him out of the White House !
vote anyone but BUSH !

anyway this will be the first time i vote for president of the United States( i just turn 19 last month )

Kerry is not the best, but better than BUSH

I will be offering 10% discount during the fall election for registered Democrats. Must bring voter registration.

...if I can switch jobs before that.  That will be an accomplishment in the Bush economy.  Most of the things available consist of damage control in Iraq and supervising the outsourced IT plantations in India.  

But your offer is very motivating.

Doing it in the voting booth is soooo kinky. I can't wait to kick bush out of office with my stilletto boot.

Politics has never been better. The fantasy image is thrilling, and edifying, but it doesn't have anything to do yet with what's happening on the ground.  None of it will count unless we get him out of office, and continue to be engaged from there. Discounts (assuming you were serious now) will get out the registration and vote for those inclined to vote democratic, anyway.  That's very good. I take it that the majority of your clients are apolitical. They've got to see that their time and quality with you might be affected adversely by political events. I know, unfortunately, nothing can kill the quality and time like a political discussion.    

Now, if I were cynical >} and fiendishly manipulative, and of course, a hot female provider teeming with sexual energy and a body that didn't stop, (Do you know anyone like this, NMichelle?) I might be motivated to experiment with a subtle, carefully designed, strategically placed, body stencil, perhaps camoflaged by surrounding tattoos. Bush showed in the previous election that he had no qualms about subliminal advertising. It would be funny for providers to trump him with it.

Don't underestimate the effects from this.  When I was with a woman who had an ex-husband's name tatooed on her shoulder, I had to put myself through a debriefing to stop feeling jealous of every guy by that name by the end.

Of course, this has draw backs. It will anger some clients, and I shutter to think what may happen if it became common practice for providers to stencil endorsements. That would be awful. But when it's in your calculated self-interest, as this election is...


ABeautifulMind26304 reads

My SAT = 990  (missed half my high school days sleeping in and pretended sick; the other half I came in late just before lunch)

My LSAT = 170

Case closed!!

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