Politics and Religion

According to whom you ask?
DUANE 33 Reviews 51 reads
2 / 19

No surprise, they have to do it.  Whether they will find something or not is another question.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 51 reads
3 / 19

I hope it is and given a choice, I fully believe in former FBI Director James Comey and his testimony.    It is about time the country get rid of this crook.

-- Modified on 6/14/2017 8:10:15 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 78 reads
5 / 19

for Trump to fire him. Or, at least the fallout should be greater, if he does.

JackDunphy 41 reads
6 / 19

WaPo no longer has the rep it had just a few months ago, so once again, we have unnamed sources leaking something we have no idea is true.

Lets also acknowledge that they are using the word "possible" in their reporting and not "likely" or "probable."  

Then there is the problem that many believe the POTUS can't be indicted for a crime while in office.  

If that isn't enough, from what I understand,  OOJ is VERY difficult to prove bc a key element of proving it is there must be "corrupt intent."  

And are they going to find him "guilty" of OOJ if there is no underlying crime? In other words, if "collusion" isn't proven?

Even in Comey's own words, he has never prosecuted, nor has he ever heard of a prosecution, when the accused was merely "hoping" an investigation would be dropped. Remember, Comey also said Trump wanted to know if any of his "satellites" were involved in any wrong doing. Does that sound like OOJ?

And remember, both Coats and Rogers have also stated publicly that neither of them were ever pressured by anyone.

So then, if all those hurdles are cleared, what is the remedy? Impeachment.  

Do you really believe the House will impeach Trump if Dershowitz, Turley, et al are loudly pronouncing to every microphone they can find that POTUS can't obstruct while acting in a constitutional manner re: Comey firing?  

And if we get THAT far, is 2/3's of the Senate going to vote for ouster?

Lots and lots of problems with this story and the timing of the release is very suspicious to me.

DUANE 33 Reviews 41 reads
7 / 19

The underlying crime may lie with Flynn and his taking money from Russians.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 50 reads
8 / 19

Probably will vote to cover their own ass and worried about re-election.    Covering up a criminal is not worth losing a Senate seat.

JakeFromStateFarm 80 reads
9 / 19

First of all, the Post's reputation has diminished ACCORDING TO WHOM?  Right-wing hacks?  As far as sources go, the Post had FIVE separate sources on this story.  You are also conveniently forgetting that the investigation does not depend simply on Comey but on what Trump said to Rogers, Coats and others.
And, of course the investigation doesn't mean Trump is guilty.  Yet.  But it is a significant blow to him and his Presidency.
As for impeachment, we're a long way from that.  But pardon me if I don't think Congress gives a damn about  what Dershowitz and Turley think.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 46 reads
10 / 19

and the noose just gets tighter..

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

It really shouldn't come as a surprise.

2465305 70 Reviews 77 reads
11 / 19

So your dumb ass believes that a person who leaked info to the press is credible?

Comey is a butt hurt political clown. He played both sides of the fence...much like you.  

Mueller has lost all credibility seeing as he and J Edgar Comey are besties, Mueller also hired multiple lawyers to help in his investigation.....1 was a Clinton Foundation lawyer who's primary role was to fight freedom of information act pertaining to requests for documentation on the Clinton Foundation. 2 others were major contributors to both Obama and Clinton's political funds.

Nah...no conflict of interest there.  
Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: I just read the same thing...
I hope it is and given a choice, I fully believe in former FBI Director James Comey and his testimony.    It is about time the country get rid of this crook.

-- Modified on 6/14/2017 8:10:15 PM

2465305 70 Reviews 65 reads
12 / 19

Even if he is a ball washer, you've mentioned the presidential balls way more than he has.  

Is there something you'd like to tell us?

Is the closet door opening finally?
Posted By: Laffy
Re: Bishop Ball-Washer to the rescue!!!
It truly is cute how you Ball-Washers cry about "WaPo having zero credibility" when you wash your Messiah's balls NON-STOP when he's been busted for lying virtually every time he opens his mouth.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 16 reads
13 / 19

Never in our 241 year history a President and his Administration has been under so many scandals and investigation including a special counsel investigating a possible obstruction of justice by President.    All in just 4 months!

JackDunphy 81 reads
14 / 19

Anyone willing to have an open mind and do the least amount of research, apparently.

Glad I could educate you. ;)

balller 118 reads
15 / 19

He's EXACTLY the type of pussy middle-school punk-bitch snitch that libs relate to!

Particularly lib children!

JakeFromStateFarm 53 reads
16 / 19

Your entire OP here disproves that one.

Mr.M.Johnson 18 reads
17 / 19

Does ANYONE seriously believe that Mueller is doing this investigation for-grins and/or for political reasons??  He has nuthin to personally gain in doing this investigation, unless, of course, that he hopes to do all of us a favor and get Illigitimate POTUS removed form office.

If Trump is not guilty, then he should we;come the investigation so that he can get on w/his so-called fucking agenda - that is if he actually had one other than "Make America Great Again," which is a fucking high school slogan.

I'm still welcoming more guys who will bet that Trump will be POTUS on 1/1/2019 - I'm betting that he won't.  BTW, it's interesting to me that only 3 guys are willing to bet, yet, a whole bunch piss-n-moan about Trump haters like yours truly.  That's called "all talk and no fucking balls"

Mr.M.Johnson 91 reads
19 / 19

Or, are you just babbling in the wind?

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