
Re:So, the new review about Megan is false too then??
MrBaseball177 6 Reviews 7133 reads

Can you blame a guy for getting all worked up late at night with no one to contact or no one is available???....  SWA was easy and got the job done... That's what counts, right?

Guys, ended up seeing her Saturday night.. She was great!!! I posted a review on here and it should be posted within 72 hours.....

Thank you MrB...Amber had a great time with you and she appreciates your review:)  


TaylorLynn7415 reads

Glad to hear there is another great agency in town.  This town is too big for little old me to handle by myself!

danordanny8929 reads

Taylor Lynn, With all do respect... Desert Divas has not proven to be viable. MrBaseball is an unknown resource who according to his past reviews frequents southwest attractions. No TER reader will pay any attention from a reviewer who goes to SWA, also seems fishy all the new handles that have been popping up lately. As for me I'll stick to the only 2 viable agencys in the State, TLC & Phoenix QT's. Desert Divas will get 95% of their Biz from tourists. For DD prices I could fly RT to Vegas and see many of Vegas best Independents and still have money left for a first class dinner and cab fare or I could stay here and see a couple of top ladies. Desert Divas and Zoe are History as far as the locals go. Taylor, Mya, keep up the outstanding work, us locals really do love you.

azhacker7182 reads


Think that about sums things up:)

TaylorLynn8546 reads

All I can say is that he has been nothing but polite and honest to me.  

As many of you know, I can't stand people who screw me over by stealing clients while working for me, trying to steal my girls and phone operators, and trying to ruin my business with BS lies, etc. on the boards and in person.  Adam has done nothing of the sort and has even warned me that certain individuals are saying crap about me to him in order to make themselves look better.  Service wise, time will tell, but in my eyes he's an ok guy.  

I made a lot of mistakes when I first started in this business however, my intelligence, attitude about the business and customer service showed through and I without a doubt run the top agency in the valley.  I started from the bottom and worked my way up, never took anything from anyone else and never went about things the sleazy way like some others on this board.  I had to prove myself time and time again when people started believing the lies that were told about me, but because of my honesty and motivation, I came out ahead.  He'll have to prove himself like I did, and he'll have a struggle because he didn't steal anything from anyone in order to start his business, but I think that he'll come out ahead in the end.

Unlike others that have come and gone, he seems sincere in that he wants to run a good agency.  I may be wrong, but I'm usually right about people and everyone's true self always comes through in the end. I'll be watching and waiting, just like the rest of you.

brazilian838021 reads

Unlike like others providers and agency owners you don't attack your competition. I think is so funny how some hobbyist in this board attack every single agency or provider that possible can be the competition of their ATFs. Taylor I hear a lot great stuff about ya, and you been showing with actions that you are one of a few in this boards that act with professionalism and respect to others. Like you said, in the end the true colors away come out. Nobody needs to judge anyone just wait and see, only time can prove who is right or wrong. I really admire you.

XOXO, Carla Brazil

danordanny7184 reads

Carla says  "I  think is so funny how some hobbyist in this board attack every single agency or provider that possible can be the competition of their ATFs.

# 1. I could give a rats ass how much business any of my hundred plus atf's get, I only wish them the best

# 2. Carla, Carla, Carla, I've heard nothing good about you, Before your makeover you werent even in the game, I still dont think you are. You can buy just about anything but class.

brazilian838555 reads

I am sorry but with you think a boob job can get you in the game you must be really superficial. And hear you talk about class. Do you ever met me? I am sorry but if you never met someone how can make up those conclusions? And you think you have class? Attacking someone personally in a public board? Do you ever heard about discreetion? Or you just don't have the guts to pick up the phone or e-mail when you have issues with someone? Is so easy to hide behind an alias.

danordanny7982 reads

alias, my ass, i'm everywhere. Youve no called no showed too many times carla, your simply a game player and very full of yourself

brazilian837427 reads

I been in "the game" around an year, of course I started working in the east coast for a few months then came west. Just for you to know I have my breast done 10 months ago and I don't think this is the reason that my clients enjoy their times with me if was they just would go out and buy two bags of saline and fondle and kiss them all day(that sounds hilarious).

danordanny7381 reads

ok, i'll find before and after photos and we'll have a contest

gary..9193 reads

But she is gorgeous today!  And that's what counts, no?  Besides don't we all try to better ourselves from one day to the next?  If not, I think we should be trying.

Carla & Danny, I wish you both good luck and happiness, and that every new day is better than the day before.

danordanny7677 reads

Thanks Gary, Every new day is better than the day before. Aint life great? I LOVE THIS GAME

TaylorLynn7572 reads

Thanks for your support!  I respect agencies who respect me.  Those who don't can go to hell for all I care.  I know who I am and I'm flattered that they try to copy me and start rumors about me in order to give them an "edge".  Too bad I'm the real deal and am not going anywhere but up, even with their petty threats, lies, etc!!  Just shows you who the real people are!

Give me a call sometime and we'll do lunch! I'd love to meet you!

azhacker7953 reads


You came into this business from the "outside" and actually were pretty open about things in our long ago conversations. From Adams posts it's clear he and his girls have a mutual past here in the valley. Since he hasn't come forward with any details I simply assume he has something to hide. So far I haven't seen anything to make me inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. To often the names change but the players remain the same. I certainly see no need to slam the original poster here...but I'm not going to give his so far unpublished review as much weight as the other reviewer who has 10 posts of known providers either. You've earned my trust and respect thru your actions over time, if he sticks around and comes clean maybe Adam will too...

TaylorLynn6305 reads

Two of MrBaseballs four reviews are for well known providers.  Did they pay him off too??  Just curious.

danordanny6644 reads

wouldnt know about that but 2 out of 4 SWA reviews negate any reviews of any other providers period.

danordanny6761 reads

As I said ALL his reviews are worthless. SWA? give me a break

Can you blame a guy for getting all worked up late at night with no one to contact or no one is available???....  SWA was easy and got the job done... That's what counts, right?

danordanny4586 reads

I understand but taking time out to write a review, hence supporting a rippoff joint is different. Nothing against you but real hobbiests wont take your reviews seriously

I have never got ripped off at SWA... The prices are way out of range for what you get compared to independents, TLC, QT's and Divas, but I got what I wanted... How is that being ripped off??  If someone doesn't mind paying the $$, what's wrong with it??

Actually Taylor, I have seen 5-6 of your girls and never post reviews. I am acutally what Mya called us once, a I have seen, Kara, Mya, Paris, Carmen(Devin), Monica(Nikki), Jessica..

Kara of Club TLC6433 reads

I am just reading this long post and I DO know MrBaseball.  He is a real guy and I used to see him late time after a concert.....I believe his favorite was Carmen awhile back.  

Oh MrBaseball.........where is my review????


I'm sorry that I haven't posted a review...Everyone knows how great you are and if they don't know yet, they should find out... You are FANTASTIC!!!!  I would love to see you again soon..  Maybe we can play a little naked chess?? =)

Taylor, I would love to attend one of your private parties....  Let me know...  

Everyone have a nice weekend...

TaylorLynn7855 reads

Don't fret, I know who yoiu are and my girls love you!  I love you too!  Next time I have a private get together I'll be sure to let you know far enough in advace so you can attend.  I'd love to meet you in person!

loverboy578901 reads

Danny, I echo what you said.  I read Mr. B reviews.  He appears to only frequent studios.  I ask some of the local providers and they did not know who he was.  Way to many alias's of late with fishy reviews.  Taylor and Mya keep up the great work you already do for the local crowd.

I canceled because the chick amber wanted 50.00 more than the 350.00 she already wanted, just 1 hour before showtime.   bull shit to me.   ill go with danny on qts and southwest attractions .  


So when someone posts a fake review and he has legit provider references, he's real...but when someone posts a real review and has legit provider references, but has also visited SWA a few times, he's fake? ....

Ok well let me ask you this:  Another TER member has seen one of our girls on Sunday and he said the review should be up on Friday when he returns home and has access to his computer.  When THAT review goes up is he fake too?  And when the two TER members I have scheduled for this weekend post positive reviews are THEY fake as well?  I'd just like to know where it ends is all:)  As far as pricing goes...this is all subject to change of course as new girls come in, etc.  I have already cut my fee in half for TER members...the girls then provide full service for going independent rates.  (300 - 350)

Chefray: It is apparent that you are still a bit shaky about the whole situation, and if a few more reviews over the next week or so change your mind, let me know and my offer to you still stands in order to prove otherwise.  350 IS her full service GFE rate...if she said anything other than that I will be QUITE upset.  All of her customers have received that amount and that is what anyone will be quoted if they inquire.  More reviews are coming so I'm not terribly worried at this point.


danordanny7749 reads

DD say's, "I have already cut my fee in half for TER members...the girls then provide full service for going independent rates.  (300 - 350)"
Question where in the world do you get your info? Off web sites? Where? That pricing is pure bullshit and if you dont know that your in the wrong business. 300 - 350 is NOT the average independent rate.

azhacker6833 reads


1st, as far as most of us are concerned the 1st review stands on its merit. I'll gladly give the same consideration to any positive reviews when (if) they;re far no review is up from the original poster. Looking at his other reviews I started with Sky...since it was a totally lame review with no value I didnt bother with the other 3. I'm not implying it was false...simply that the reviewer didnt write a review that would help me. As a counterpoint take a look at Carla's last review, the guy has a solid history and nice detail...obviously he didnt have a great time and he highlighted his issues. Now, as much I dont like Carla's attitude as a "nuetral" looking for a good time I can see there was probably a YMMV issue of some kind. Carla has plenty of other reviews that counter the last one with equal quality. I'd call Carla (if I was so inclined) let her know I'd like to see her...but had concerns do to the last review...then discuss those with her once we were "comfortable"...either we would have a quality time or she'd get $50 for her time and we'd part company without a session. Honestly I have no doubt she'd deleiver if she her actually showing up would be a bigger gamble:)..

You still havent explained your original charges regarding a fake

Who are you, who is the gal who set up the bad review and what is the former name you and she operated under???

So far you come across as a typical high price low milage "eros" style deal to me...

....the defender of good, he who exposes evil, is at it again, and I AGREE One Hundred Percent!  You hit the nail on the head (no matter how small yours is!), that both Taylor and Mya have gone out of their way to help locals and regulars, while maintaining an excellent presence with tourists and out-of-towners.
As for those Desert Diva folks, I think we flatter them just by mentioning their name, and I think those who are really in the know  just won't pay their rates, period.

with your comment on Desert Diva's pricing. Their pricing is competitive with the rest of the Phoenix market. It also appears as if you've had a change of heart on taking Adam up on his offer to prove DD's legitimacy. Seems to me that TLC and QT's was once in the same situation trying to prove themselves.  Now look at them...these are two of the best and most reliable agencies in the country. We are lucky to have them in Phoenix and are now on the verge of having three excellent agencies...I think the world is coming to an end :-)Bottom line, and with all due respect, I think your post is premature...IMHO.

I've scheduled an appointment to see Amber this week. Of course, I will not tolerate any up-selling that "chefray" experienced. If that occurs, I'll handle the situation in the same way he did. No matter what happens, I will post a detailed and honest review.

By the way, I agree with Taylor's feelings regarding Adam. I've sensed the same sincerity and my limited dealings with him have been nothing but professional and respectful.


danordanny6275 reads

Dont worry you wont get upselled and your mileage will be great if they know your a TER reviewer. 500 is WAY high & if you think it's competitive lets have lunch and i'll enlighten you.

I would love to have lunch with you one day. You've been a "guiding light" on the boards and I respect your contributions. No disrespect intended from my original post.


danordanny6886 reads

lets do it PM me.

azhacker6267 reads


$350 + $150 agency fee = $500

Thats not "normal" pricing here in the valley. As a comparision TLC has website pricing of $150 + ~$200-$350 with occasional flat rate specials and promotions as low as $300. Now, obviously we're not all the same so I understand the variable "tipping" completely. Accordingly your encounter (ignoring the specials) will run anywhere from $350 up to $500. And based on my persoanl experiences you'll get a great time backed up by a group that really wants you to have a positive experience. Big Big difference. Now since QT standard pricing isnt on the site I wont go into any detail but again Mya's reputation speaks for comparision there either...

So you can pay more and get less...or you can pay less and get so much make the call.

No TER member should ever pay 500 dollars for a date with Desert Divas.  The special rate I currently offer is 75 dollar agency fee and most girls will provide full gfe for 350...NO HIGHER and a few will go lower. (have 4 - 5 girls not pictured on site at this moment, but getting photos done in the next week or so)  So you are looking at 400 - 425 in most cases. (NO HIGHER)  Also, repeat customers receive better rates, etc.  After this weekend, any TER member who wishes to see one of our girls will receive a permanent rate of a 100 dollar agency fee per visit.  

While I do NOT argue in any way that Taylor and Mya have great reputations, you are assuming that I don't want you to have the same positive experiences through Desert Divas.  Obviously I will have to earn that reputation just like everyone else, but to flat out say that I will NOT provide that type of service without actually using the service yourself is a bit unfair. (IE: pay more get less comment)

One review is already up, one should be posted around Friday as I have said before, and if all goes well, I will have another couple reviews by Monday.  I of course anticipate these to be positive, and hopefully this will at least change your mind about the kind of service we offer even if you do not agree with the pricing.


azhacker6657 reads

Thats a simple statement of fact...I get "more" for less than you seem to feel is "fair market"...~$425 is simply not "market rate" here. As for quality, nothing I've "seen" leads me to believe you have anyone approaching Kara or Paris...I wont even bother thinking to compare you to Isabella, Jordan Kay, Mya, MJ etc...

that $500 isn't normal pricing in the valley. Although I haven't posted many TER reviews on providers in Phoenix, I have quietly stuck with the independents. In this case, $300 is usually the going rate for me. I've only seen one of Taylor's lovely ladies and I plan to renew my business with her very soon. I haven't had the pleasure with Mya's group yet but hope to soon. My only point is TLC's website indicates booking fees starting at $150/hour and the tip's range from $250-350 (you said it yourself). My math indicates that's $500 worst case scenario. Unfortunately, I haven't been fortunate yet to take advantage of a "special" with either TLC or PhxQt's. With the special that's currently available by DD's, they're actually "competitive" as I originally stated in my first post. Again, I do agree there is no way anyone will stay competitive at $500 or more per hour.

Give Adam and DD's a little more time. I just seem to remember Taylor and TLC taking a pretty good "bashing" way back in the beginning....and now look at them. Let's hope that DD's turns out the same way. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it publically on the board. Although I consider myself a nice guy, I'm definitely not perfect.

Thanks for all your feedback.

Enough energy spent on whinning about all this stuff to light up the whole town for a week!  Too funny... like ANYONE has the right to be judge and jury on anyone else.


loverboy576535 reads

OneK no one is being judge and jury.  We do have a responsibality to speak when something does not seem to be quite right.  Whether thats a low review, a cash and dash operation, or just a plain old get in the door and upsell, upsell upsell.  Since you say you have seen many of TLC's girls you should know that they offer great service at a fair price.  And you should also know that if the TLC girls don't deliver agood service Taylor Lynn makes it right.  You may not like what many on this board have to say so don't read it.  Many of us care about who is coming into our community and at what level of service.  You should also know you can't always trust brand new reviews of brand new providers or agencies.  TLC, PhoneixQTS are tried and true and as my good friend Danny says are very local friendly.  They care about the locals which greatly help their girls during the slow times.  So do many of the Independents who frequent this board.  So, like Mya said lets have lunch and discuss this.

"OneK no one is being judge and jury.  We do have a responsibality to speak when something does not seem to be quite right.  Whether thats a low review, a cash and dash operation, or just a plain old get in the door and upsell, upsell upsell."

That's fine... although 'responsibility' is an interesting word... especially when someone simply thinks 'the price is too high for what you [seemto] get in my opinion'.  IMO the issue is splitting hairs, certainly not shedding light on some cash and dash!!!

"You may not like what many on this board have to say so don't read it. "

It's totally inappropriate for you to tell me not to read something let alone comment.  It's incumbant on the reader to do the ignoring.  In this case that's you, since I certainly have NO problem with anything any one has said... I simply comment on the way I see things... I've never implied anyone should not read or post what they want.

I don't come on the board that much [or to town for that matter... although next month!! ho ho] so I'm not aware of some of the ongoing conversation or feuds going on.  Please feel free to ignore my comments... I'm just telling you how it looks to me.


azhacker7236 reads

To many folks who post here $500 is a reasonably large chunk of change. From the nature of your posts your either an ass kisser or a provider with an attitude. Since you wont post stuff like this under your "real" name your comments are just junk anyway. Mrbaseballs review on amber is up...its "soso" from my perspective. Certainly not the do all end all review I'd kind of expected.

"Since you wont post stuff like this under your "real" name your comments are just junk anyway."

Oh, and AZHACKER is your real name??? Hello, McFly?  Anybody home?  OneK is the only name I've ever used here... what's your point?

"From the nature of your posts your either an ass kisser or a provider with an attitude."

LOL... I enjoy my ass kissing [and other] thank you!


BTW.. I'm not saying its NOT... [the 5ive hundo isn't a lot], and I'm not judging on that price... my comment was that some people don't mind paying up for a certain look despite service that may not include what OTHERS judge they would want for that price... ie BBBJ, PSE, or whatever... get it?  Read my post... I've never seen any of those girls [from the new agency] and I'm not commenting on them or their price... I'm commenting on those who claim it's overpriced.  It's JMO on their comment, feel free to ignore please.  I still say, folks bellyached about TLC's prices too... now over time they're "OK".


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