
Again, tell me...
TaylorLynn 10601 reads

…why should I bury the hatchet with someone who…

1. Purposely took business cards from every client she saw so she could call them when she went off on her own.  Towards the end she even told them she was leaving and starting her own agency – read her reviews!  IF someone wanted to see you, I'm sure they could have found you the HONEST way.

- I forgot in my last post - SCHEMED with another girls from my agency to get clients - Here's how it went -

Mya quits my agency and the other girl stays on.  The girls sees clients, takes their business cards and gives them to Mya.  Mya calls them and says she is opening her own company and that they should see her.  The reason the girl didn't do it is because she knew better.  Mya was only there to help Mya, not the other girl.  The other girl was there to do her dirty work.

2. Told my girls lies about me so she could take them when she left. That’s how the whole Jordan/Sydney Paige thing started.  I also heard things from others who chose not to believe her.
3. Tried to take my phone operators (she did get one who I was about to fire anyway, big deal on that one).  The others decided to stay.
4. Is STILL calling my girls.  Even girls who can’t stand her and have told her so through email.  
5. Started lies about me on this board and others.  Here’s proof:

Staff wrote on 3/4/2004
Turns out that Mya and Jorden, formerly of TLC, created the following accounts:

SPENCER90, and many others.

They used these account to submit reviews of themselves and bash TLC on the message board.  I have banned all account involved and de-listed everyone involved with this fraud.

6. Told independents lies about me such as “she tried to break into my house”, “she called the cops on me” and “she called the IRS on me”.  Give me a break.  If I wanted to start things, all I have to do is call my lawyer.  Remember your contracts???
7. Had TER members that never did business with me write lies about me to support her story. Strange that they never posted or said anything about me until they started doing business with her.
8. JUST THE OTHER DAY told an someone that they had the wrong impression of Taylor Lynn.  (Their impression was and still is a good one).  Oh, and she also threatened this person saying that she could get them banned.  How's that for "playing nice"??

Oh how I could go on, but I think you get the picture.  I won’t ever start on all the things I think are wrong with her “agency”, or what I call, her self made shrine.  All you have to do is look at the photos and who’s in the background to know whom she cares about.  Agency owners are suppose to care about their girls and getting them calls, not answering the agency phone and saying “she’s not available, but I am.”  (Proof is in HER reviews!) I do have to give her credit for hatching that plan though.  It is definitely getting HER more business.

I am not jealous and I welcome competition. I don't expect every hobbyist to use my agency.  I do, however, play nice with those who play nice with me and keeping a stack of business cards for a rainy day is not playing nice.  Ask anyone.  I have great relationships with all of the independents and work with them whenever they need it. I honestly can’t handle all the calls I get and would love to be able to give some of them to another agency.  However, as the saying goes…

Screw me once, shame on you.  Screw me twice, shame on me.  I WILL NOT let that hatchet get buried in my back once again!  

Boys, I see no reason for you to fret over this.  See whom you want to see and do what you want to do.  There is room for both of us but there is no room for lies and deceit in my world.  I WILL NOT ALLOW it back in.

After all this, why would I want to make peace with someone like this???

First, let me say I read Mya's post and for one was glad to see it come out.  I have the utmost respect for Taylor Lynn and the type of Agency she operates.  While Taylor and I did not always see things the same way we have found that we all in this community have common interest.  Between Keeno and myself we have attempted to broker a solution to the hard feelings that obviously exist betweeen these two agencies.  Both have their side but for us it was not about who was right or wrong it was about both providing a quality service to the hobby community.  They both do that.  I know I speak for a number of hobbyist when I say I hope Taylor and Mya can solve their differences and we can all "live in a yellow submarine again" together.  Just my two cents worth.

TaylorLynn10602 reads

…why should I bury the hatchet with someone who…

1. Purposely took business cards from every client she saw so she could call them when she went off on her own.  Towards the end she even told them she was leaving and starting her own agency – read her reviews!  IF someone wanted to see you, I'm sure they could have found you the HONEST way.

- I forgot in my last post - SCHEMED with another girls from my agency to get clients - Here's how it went -

Mya quits my agency and the other girl stays on.  The girls sees clients, takes their business cards and gives them to Mya.  Mya calls them and says she is opening her own company and that they should see her.  The reason the girl didn't do it is because she knew better.  Mya was only there to help Mya, not the other girl.  The other girl was there to do her dirty work.

2. Told my girls lies about me so she could take them when she left. That’s how the whole Jordan/Sydney Paige thing started.  I also heard things from others who chose not to believe her.
3. Tried to take my phone operators (she did get one who I was about to fire anyway, big deal on that one).  The others decided to stay.
4. Is STILL calling my girls.  Even girls who can’t stand her and have told her so through email.  
5. Started lies about me on this board and others.  Here’s proof:

Staff wrote on 3/4/2004
Turns out that Mya and Jorden, formerly of TLC, created the following accounts:

SPENCER90, and many others.

They used these account to submit reviews of themselves and bash TLC on the message board.  I have banned all account involved and de-listed everyone involved with this fraud.

6. Told independents lies about me such as “she tried to break into my house”, “she called the cops on me” and “she called the IRS on me”.  Give me a break.  If I wanted to start things, all I have to do is call my lawyer.  Remember your contracts???
7. Had TER members that never did business with me write lies about me to support her story. Strange that they never posted or said anything about me until they started doing business with her.
8. JUST THE OTHER DAY told an someone that they had the wrong impression of Taylor Lynn.  (Their impression was and still is a good one).  Oh, and she also threatened this person saying that she could get them banned.  How's that for "playing nice"??

Oh how I could go on, but I think you get the picture.  I won’t ever start on all the things I think are wrong with her “agency”, or what I call, her self made shrine.  All you have to do is look at the photos and who’s in the background to know whom she cares about.  Agency owners are suppose to care about their girls and getting them calls, not answering the agency phone and saying “she’s not available, but I am.”  (Proof is in HER reviews!) I do have to give her credit for hatching that plan though.  It is definitely getting HER more business.

I am not jealous and I welcome competition. I don't expect every hobbyist to use my agency.  I do, however, play nice with those who play nice with me and keeping a stack of business cards for a rainy day is not playing nice.  Ask anyone.  I have great relationships with all of the independents and work with them whenever they need it. I honestly can’t handle all the calls I get and would love to be able to give some of them to another agency.  However, as the saying goes…

Screw me once, shame on you.  Screw me twice, shame on me.  I WILL NOT let that hatchet get buried in my back once again!  

Boys, I see no reason for you to fret over this.  See whom you want to see and do what you want to do.  There is room for both of us but there is no room for lies and deceit in my world.  I WILL NOT ALLOW it back in.

After all this, why would I want to make peace with someone like this???

brazilian837503 reads

Very well said Taylor, I myself have never done anything to Mya and really don't give a crap about her business. But she likes to stick her nose in my business and spread rumors that are unfounded and then turns around and wants to be friends. To me thats not getting started on the right foot and I will have no part of it. There's a saying that goes like this " Open mouth insert foot." That's no way to conduct business or make any friends.

TaylorLynn8070 reads

...and I'm sure you won't be the last.  I heard the exact same thing from someone else just the other day.  Of course, she was bashing me as well.  When will it end???

SayWhen9239 reads

LE!In their skewed thought process they likely think this could lead to busts if the agencies continue to battle.

Tetley6428 reads

If you're getiing more calls than you can handle why are you so upset - unless she took employees from you?

TaylorLynn5341 reads

Amoung other deceitful things, yes.  Sorry but I don't forgive and forget.  I've left things alone.  SHE was the one who made this pubic.  Thanks for your concern.

Your side, her side, and the truth.  I love you both, I would of not met Mya if it was not for you and I kept going back to your company b/c of girls like Mya......Still missing Jewel.

Hey what could it hurt for you two to talk.  If you dont like what she has to can always leave.  Maybe you guys cant get along, but maybe they can be some type of truce.

And it worked to some extent and muddied the water... I remember some of the guys on this board pissed about my support of TLC thinking I was a 'shill' or whatever.  I guess there were a lot of shills around back then!


MadisonAZ6806 reads

I say let the past be the past and move on to the way to live your life is to live for the moment!!!

Hopefully all this will be settled soon, there are too many wonderful people involved to be carrying this on forever!


Let me line up behind all who wish for nothing but a peaceful and happy community. There are too many fine people in the whole of the community, including the aforementioned agencies. There is enough tension external to us --- any internal tension makes it more stressful for all of us. No "blue meanies" needed. Life is too short, and we certainly only want harmony for us all.

...let's get back to having fun and being the best hobbyists that we can be!
Obviously, quite obviously, a dead horse is just being mercilessly beaten here, and a reconciliation is just not happening.  Let us strive to get along with all parties concerned and stay united for our goal of the pursuit of pleasure.  
Let us not clog this board with further attempts at something that's just not going to happen, no matter what our intentions are.

TaylorLynn5432 reads

I AGREE!  Leave it alone.  She did too much damage to try to make up for it now.  Forget about it and have the fun you use to have!!!

funbag6974 reads

Hi Taylor. I don't mean to sound totally cynical, but I've owned a business for 17 years and no matter how nice you are to employees it's only natural for them to want things you have. They always remember the time you looked at them the wrong way or were upset about tardiness. They often forget being a boss sometimes means having to do or say things they don't like. I'm sure the same thing will happen to Mya down the road. It's a cycle that happens in every business.  Live, Learn, and both be Happy.

ChrissyStone8847 reads

I doubt most hobbyists are interested in knowing all the behind-the-scenes tension between some of the providers in town.

Not all providers are good friends in private--and why should they be?  

Both agencies are reputable--that's the most important fact for this hobby community.

Let's let the ladies involved deal privately with these private matters.

northdak535883 reads

I agree 100%....Mya and Taylor were doing a good job of being civil to each other on this board after alot of drama previously this why start it all over again by offering the olive branch on a public forum.  They are grown business women and will get together if they both want to.  As long as they both run good businesses and provide an honest service...thats all anyone in this hobby should worry about!

TaylorLynn9268 reads

Thank you for your support and understanding.  I totally agree with you.  There was absolutely no reason for this to be brought public.  Hopefully people will leave it alone and go about their merry way.  It's just another drama scene that we don't need.

Thanks again!

Thanks to all who responded to my thread.  I agree, whats done is done.  Jeffrey, you hit the nail on the head as did nothdak.  I know the hobbyist I know will not raise this issue again.  Good luck to both Taylor and Mya.

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