
Fe26del 83 Reviews 211 reads

Wow, that was a surprise. She has tons of good reviews and I planned to see her when she visited my town. She canceled her visit so I missed out. Lucky me.

Warning you now guys, reviews look like she is a provider. I reached out to TER already, personally I sent deposit got the crying act day before about her friend being in the hospital. Next day drops N bombs on me how I’m a POS. Stole my money and I’m to try to save as many people not to get scammed like I did. PM me for details.

i tried as well, very rude...but, she didn't get deposit, she wanted full pre payment for a discount.  

It a scam she took down p411

That is strange for I know personally know of people that have seen her in the past.  Maybe something is going on more than we know about.

Wow, that was a surprise. She has tons of good reviews and I planned to see her when she visited my town. She canceled her visit so I missed out. Lucky me.

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