Orange County

The LA meet and greets are the best and a lot of OC people attend those as well!
ryan3504 15 Reviews 422 reads
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Any Orange County meet and greets planned for the near future?  I'll also check the M&G Board.

HillaryLynk See my TER Reviews 479 reads
2 / 3

Not sure when the next one is planned.I know this "other" site has parties in OC a few times a year but I don't think there are enough people to have just an OC meet and greet! I wish !

Silkstalkings 327 Reviews 310 reads
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There have been a few M&G in The OC in the past but have been kinda small. So, mostly all the
M&G are in LA or the Valley area.
But, unfortunately their are none planned at this time.  

Hopefully, in 2014?

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