Orange County

The LA meet and greets are the best and a lot of OC people attend those as well!
HillaryLynk See my TER Reviews 480 reads

Not sure when the next one is planned.I know this "other" site has parties in OC a few times a year but I don't think there are enough people to have just an OC meet and greet! I wish !

Any Orange County meet and greets planned for the near future?  I'll also check the M&G Board.

Not sure when the next one is planned.I know this "other" site has parties in OC a few times a year but I don't think there are enough people to have just an OC meet and greet! I wish !

There have been a few M&G in The OC in the past but have been kinda small. So, mostly all the
M&G are in LA or the Valley area.
But, unfortunately their are none planned at this time.  

Hopefully, in 2014?

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