
Re: Well I wonder who that could possibly be?!
CincinnatiGuy 2 Reviews 1985 reads

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Does her name start with an "A" and end in "lly?"

You've got a case of allyonthebrainitis. ;-)

It's alright though.  So do I. :-)

Have any of you heard this?  They setup a BP sting and picked up 12 hobbyists which included a doctor and a teacher.  

-- Modified on 2/26/2013 9:38:48 AM

That explains it all.

Check out NewsNet5's website. Names and pictures of the fellas. Bummer...

Posted By: Kinot
Check out NewsNet5's website. Names and pictures of the fellas. Bummer...
No sympathy.  If you show up at a BP girl's location, you deserve what you get.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: Kinot
Check out NewsNet5's website. Names and pictures of the fellas. Bummer...
No sympathy.  If you show up at a BP girl's location, you deserve what you get.
I show up at them all the time. I'm too poor for the high class non-BP providers (contrary to popular opinion around here). Granted, I do a lot of research and have my own requirements that need to be met before I see them (especially if Im going to TOFTT).

I put myself on BP when I very first started. I will never do it again. In my eyes you are asking for a bust or sting..and looks like that is just what happened.

OMG.. I know one of those guys. Honestly!! I don't believe it.

With all due respect to Stage2's friend (or acquaintance or whatever), it appears these guys were careless and likely didnt utilize any of the basic safety protocols to filter out high risk providers from low risk providers. BP can be very safe in my opinion, just have to use your noggin and invest a bit of time and effort when selecting.

Posted By: Kinot
With all due respect to Stage2's friend (or acquaintance or whatever), it appears these guys were careless and likely didnt utilize any of the basic safety protocols to filter out high risk providers from low risk providers. BP can be very safe in my opinion, just have to use your noggin and invest a bit of time and effort when selecting.

Up until what happened happened, how can you seriously say that she might have been a high risk provider?
She has 5 all far above average reviews here. Anyone that did basic homework would figure that she was 100% safe. You're a member of that other forum where her name was mentioned so you know who she is,

Posted By: bobuckeye
Posted By: Kinot
With all due respect to Stage2's friend (or acquaintance or whatever), it appears these guys were careless and likely didnt utilize any of the basic safety protocols to filter out high risk providers from low risk providers. BP can be very safe in my opinion, just have to use your noggin and invest a bit of time and effort when selecting.

Up until what happened happened, how can you seriously say that she might have been a high risk provider?
She has 5 all far above average reviews here. Anyone that did basic homework would figure that she was 100% safe. You're a member of that other forum where her name was mentioned so you know who she is,
Uhhh.... I dont follow... Who is this "she" you are referring to??

So confused...

Do you mind telling me who it was? Does her name start with an E end with A?

Posted By: Aston8890
Do you mind telling me who it was? Does her name start with an E end with A?


know deseveres this(provider or hobbiest).it's a shitty law.unfortunitly it's still on the books and
(occassionally)enforced.europeans are way ahead of us backwoods americans(drug,laws prostition,gambling).half our poplutions wants to go back to the dark ages(and take the sane ones
with them!)

Posted By: roncee
know deseveres this(provider or hobbiest).it's a shitty law.unfortunitly it's still on the books and
(occassionally)enforced.europeans are way ahead of us backwoods americans(drug,laws prostition,gambling).half our poplutions wants to go back to the dark ages(and take the sane ones
with them!)

I believe I get the gist of your comment.

I'm very Libertarian when it comes to personal freedom.

I also believe the biggest difference between the Democratic and Republican Parties is the names of the parties.

Whatever your views left, right or wrong - it is what it is and as I said above this hits way to close to home for me. Paranoia strikes fear and I'm shak'n in my boots.

Posted By: 2013stage2
Whatever your views left, right or wrong - it is what it is and as I said above this hits way to close to home for me. Paranoia strikes fear and I'm shak'n in my boots.
That's one reason why I'm going to see one lady exclusively.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Does her name start with an "A" and end in "lly?"

You've got a case of allyonthebrainitis. ;-)

It's alright though.  So do I. :-)

Posted By: ASinfulDream
Love Ya Bitch..xoxo
Love you too.

I'm pretty sure she was talking to me. Unless you two refer to each other as "bitch" as well.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
I'm pretty sure she was talking to me. Unless you two refer to each other as "bitch" as well.
I was actually making a joke.  But I'm sure she's called me a son-of-a-bitch more than once.

Posted By: ASinfulDream
LMFAO no just you are my bitch...bitch :)

As long as you don't draw blood or wreck my back, I'm cool with it.

No you can be a SOB sometimes but Tobi is the Bitch I am referring to :)

Posted By: ASinfulDream
No you can be a SOB sometimes but Tobi is the Bitch I am referring to :)
Two words, Ally: "Quote feature."


I know I can be a pain and drive people nuts.

When I was a kid, my poor mom (God rest her soul) had to have thought that she'd given birth to the antichrist.

I'm certain of it.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: 2013stage2
Whatever your views left, right or wrong - it is what it is and as I said above this hits way to close to home for me. Paranoia strikes fear and I'm shak'n in my boots.
That's one reason why I'm going to see one lady exclusively.
Darn I will not ever get to meet you. ;-)

Sorry honey he is stuck on me for some strange reason...LOL I tell him about others, but he just keeps coming back. I don't mind though, as long as he is a good boy and minds his manners :)

Its funny how opposite me and CG are. I really dont get into repeating with providers. I guess I like to experience everything that's out there for the short time I can keep doing this (Kinot Jr just around the corner, then its daddy day care time).

Posted By: Kinot
Its funny how opposite me and CG are. I really dont get into repeating with providers. I guess I like to experience everything that's out there for the short time I can keep doing this (Kinot Jr just around the corner, then its daddy day care time).
To each his own, right?

A lot of guys like to stick with one provider because they know what they are going to get, and don't like the hassle of trying to get comfortable with another one. Then I have regulars that like variety...it all depends.

Posted By: ASinfulDream
Sorry honey he is stuck on me for some strange reason...LOL I tell him about others, but he just keeps coming back. I don't mind though, as long as he is a good boy and minds his manners :)
I'm not stuck on you.  Well, okay... Maybe a little.  But is that a bad thing?

I just feel comfortable with you.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: ASinfulDream
Sorry honey he is stuck on me for some strange reason...LOL I tell him about others, but he just keeps coming back. I don't mind though, as long as he is a good boy and minds his manners :)
I'm not stuck on you.  Well, okay... Maybe a little.  But is that a bad thing?

I just feel comfortable with you.
Not at all hun..was giving you shit because I can..xoxo

Posted By: ASinfulDream
Not at all hun..was giving you shit because I can..xoxo
A woman's prerogative, right? ;-)

Oh, and if you think I'm getting too clingy, just tell me.

I consider you a friend and I hope that you think I'm a friend.

I'm not trying to sweep you off your feet.  I know you've drawn a line and I'll respect that.

Was this at "americas best"  LE all over that place for years

Well she was an informant and not all guys are savvy about doing their research. So I feel bad...lil' bit.  Not impossible for a known/reviewed provider or hobbyist to get flipped either. Screening/research is to reduce risk but it's not necessarily fool-proof.

-- Modified on 2/26/2013 9:27:51 PM

This could happen to anyone at any level BP or not, all you need is one snitch.  Nice thing though is at least you get a fine and a slap on the wrist as a hobbiest (at least thats what I have heard) Just would be embarrasing.

In this case you get you name and picture in the paper, tv news, and internet.  That ruins your life.  Some slap on the wrist?

that falls under my embarasment claim, but better than a jail cell.

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