
Re: I've heard...
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1951 reads

Yeah that's pretty much what I was saying hahaha. So far, I haven't scheduled a single local guy because most of them are looking for $100 FS on BP.

...like Siberia for touring providers?

They'll come from Washington D.C. or New York or Boston and go to Columbus or Cleveland, but poor Cincinnati gets virtually ignored.

I realize we're only the third-largest city in Ohio, but the area also includes Northern Kentucky.

And with casinos and racinos being built, this will become a fairly jumping area in a year or two.

It's busy as far as for us, but it does seem not a lot of Providers come here. Maybe that will change in 2013!!


I love Cincinnati & come from WI to work 2 weeks out of the month. Great place, great people.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
...like Siberia for touring providers?

They'll come from Washington D.C. or New York or Boston and go to Columbus or Cleveland, but poor Cincinnati gets virtually ignored.

I realize we're only the third-largest city in Ohio, but the area also includes Northern Kentucky.

And with casinos and racinos being built, this will become a fairly jumping area in a year or two.
Hey you guys have enough of your own! I'll glance at the cinncy BP from time to time and I practically fall out of my chair from all the beautiful girls you get to choose from. Cleveland isn't all that, trust me (it is among the poorest major cities in the country after all, and it shows). Columbus has a ton of pretty ones too but they're too far out of range for me. I am SO envious of you Cincinnati hobbyists...

Yeah, there are beautiful ladies here, but I'm talking specifically about touring providers.

Posted By: tallslim26
End of Message
Go to the northern suburbs.  You can get a hotel for a lot less than the airport and downtown areas.

Tall is saying it costs MUCH more to FLY into Ciuncinnati than anywhere  else in the Ohio area.... and if  its ''slower''  than other markets it is  a double hit to the providers...

...that providers tend to stay away from the Nasti simply because Columbus and Cleveland offer much more opportunity in terms of quality hobbyists. Personally most of the guys contacting me aren't in this area.

Ha Ha, I know exactly what your saying, you said it in a nice way..lol

Along with the airport rates being higher the other thing I have heard from ladies I have seen is that the area might have more cheapskates or quantity over quality hobbyists. I am sure that all cities have hobbyists who won't pay more than x amount but from browsing other boards there seems to be a solid clique of $150 or less hobbyists who detest those who spend more as foolish. Not sure where it would rate against other cities.

Nothing like a crazy rate for a plane ticket and then a bunch of phone calls asking for a discounted rate to scare away the quality.

Funny thing is when a perfect 10 type girl comes into town in can be very hard to schedule - so there are some exceptions to the rule I guess.

I completely agree with some of the hobbyists trying to discount the amount. I do have quite a few regs in Cincy,but a lot of my guys are from out of town. This is why I also like to Tour, because it's a change of pace, and the other cities and states are always very nice and welcoming to me.


Ally! When are you coming back in town? Let's grab lunch!

P.S. thanks for the referral, btw. I had family stuff so I wasn't able to see him but you're awesome for recommending me! :)

I will be back the 18th love..and that sounds like a plan to me. And of course I would..you are HOT!!

Yeah that's pretty much what I was saying hahaha. So far, I haven't scheduled a single local guy because most of them are looking for $100 FS on BP.

Well, BCG, just come visit us in Cleveland.  We'll try to act a little bit better.

serpius2048 reads

... Cincinnati seems to get more visits from touring providers or so it seems to me. No, I don't have the numbers to prove it, but that's my observation.

Think about it... most providers go where the money is... in the BIGGER cities such as NYC or Chicago. No, it doesn't seem fair, but that's their choice to make.

I wish it was different, but there are plenty of local ladies that I can choose from, so I don't have to worry about whether or not a touring provider will visit Columbus or not.

If you happen to visit Columbus, send me a PM and I'll give you a few recommendations.


Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
...like Siberia for touring providers?

They'll come from Washington D.C. or New York or Boston and go to Columbus or Cleveland, but poor Cincinnati gets virtually ignored.

I realize we're only the third-largest city in Ohio, but the area also includes Northern Kentucky.

And with casinos and racinos being built, this will become a fairly jumping area in a year or two.

Posted By: serpius
... Cincinnati seems to get more visits from touring providers or so it seems to me. No, I don't have the numbers to prove it, but that's my observation.

Think about it... most providers go where the money is... in the BIGGER cities such as NYC or Chicago. No, it doesn't seem fair, but that's their choice to make.

I wish it was different, but there are plenty of local ladies that I can choose from, so I don't have to worry about whether or not a touring provider will visit Columbus or not.

If you happen to visit Columbus, send me a PM and I'll give you a few recommendations.

Thank you.  Appreciate it.

I have never toured Ohio but plan on visiting Cincinnati soon! I hoe all goes well do that I can come back again. Since I am in Louisville now, I like that I can drive there. ;)

Posted By: Sidney Starr
I have never toured Ohio but plan on visiting Cincinnati soon! I hoe all goes well do that I can come back again. Since I am in Louisville now, I like that I can drive there. ;)
Yippee! :-)

I aslo will be passing through Cincinnati this month.

Let us know when you're coming! I for one would be totally down to work a few duos with you! :)

I am down as well! I am hopping in this Saturday actually. Trying too anyway. ;-) But I will be back again.. definitely we should do duos. Two sexy inked vixens! Um YES.

Posted By: Sidney Starr
Two sexy inked vixens! Um YES.

Sorry...got a little excited there....call it a literary emission...  ;)

-- Modified on 1/18/2013 7:05:21 AM

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