
Re: I have an idea for a little game...
ASinfulDream See my TER Reviews 1098 reads

Honey her ADD would kick in and she would never finish the book. I love my little blonde fairy or elve or whatever, but her attention span wanders...LOL

Let's see if we can guess accurately the physical descriptions of some of the frequent posters on the Ohio board!

I'll start with a few:

deeznumbnutz - I'm picturing an early-thirties former frat boy. White, average height, medium build.
Kinot - he has a pic up on P411 so I won't give it away, but he looks EXACTLY like I had pictured hahaha
Ridgetucky - good looking, preppie, probably goes to the gym a lot
redbeardxyz - middle aged, white collar soccer dad
roncee - for some reason I bet he's under 5'9", maybe sporting a beard, casual dresser?
2013stage2 - I'm thinking tall, skinny, and white. Probably also a soccer dad.


For the record, I gave her some details already.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Correct, it'd be cheating.
But am I right-handed or left-handed?  You don't know that about me, do you!?

Guess that!

Probably left, since people who are right-handed don't bother bringing up their dexterity because it's too common for anyone to give a shit.

You are wrong on redbeard...more like middle aged yes, but professional business man is more like it...and very good with his tongue :)

Why thank you, lovely lady. I have been called silver tongued.

Silver tongued orator that is. I'll let you judge anything else for yourself.

Posted By: ASinfulDream
You are wrong on redbeard...more like middle aged yes, but professional business man is more like it...and very good with his tongue :)

Aww. Well this is no fun for me then!  

I want to hear from the other guys though to see if you were close on your guesswork.

Wow, there goes all the visuals I have had in my brain of us having some great times together.  Now, I see she sees me as a TSWB.   Pass the depressants.

Not tall, not skinny but not built for speed either more like comfort.

Ok, just so it's on record of sorts
6'0 / 195 / baseball dad and yes white

Oh and since were at it.. my handle is the car I drive.. so there, that's all ya get here.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
6'0" is tall!

Then again, 5'6" is tall to me.
Im 5' 6". And its embarrassingly short for a guy. :/

Posted By: Kinot
Im 5' 6". And its embarrassingly short for a guy. :/
I can actually see where that might be an advantage.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Still almost half a foot taller than me.
Where do you shop for clothes?  The doll section of Toys R Us?


-- Modified on 2/28/2013 9:39:29 PM

Gnome??? Based on the pics I've seen that's hardly accurate.  

How about Elf?  And since Elves (Fae if you prefer) come in all sizes (really, they do), you and Ally can both be Elves.  If you've read any of Laurell Hamilton's Merry Gentry series, you know that you'd both fit right in.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
I'm a gnome. I can make my own clothes.

How about a fairy instead? I always wanted to be a fairy. I'm thinking this:

Elves are Fairies, so that works.  Actually, gnomes are Fairies, also,  but Elves are typically much more attractive.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
How about a fairy instead? I always wanted to be a fairy. I'm thinking this:

Well. I don't know about "shit", but anyone with any Irish (or Scott for that matter) in him (or her) ought to know at least a bit about the fair folk.  ;-)

If you haven't ready any of Laurell Hamilton's stuff, you ought to try it.  I get the feeling you would enjoy it based on the little bit that I know about you.

Honey her ADD would kick in and she would never finish the book. I love my little blonde fairy or elve or whatever, but her attention span wanders...LOL

She's right. That's why I stick to nonfiction.

Besides, I'm like the female Towelie.

So now we're doing SouthPark references, eh??

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
She's right. That's why I stick to nonfiction.

Besides, I'm like the female Towelie.

have we met before?

I go to the gym 4-5 times a week.  I have a strict breakfast routine.  1 day carb heavy the next protein heavy.

I came of age in the 80's so I tend towards that preppy look.  White button down shirts, khakis, etc.

Have been told I am very handsome (by Providers and non Providers alike)

That description was scary accurate.

I had a feeling you were good-looking, just based on your cockiness. :p

That or I stalk you. Dun dun DUNNNNNN

jpcatch - I'm thinking maybe in his thirties, on the shorter side, muscular
SecretMe11 - I'm going to guess that he's above-average in height, skinny, with curly hair and a baby face

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl

SecretMe11 - I'm going to guess that he's above-average in height, skinny, with curly hair and a baby face
Above-average in height:  eh...straight up average at 5'10"
Skinny: not quite; in my younger days...built a little bit more like a linebacker or a tight end.  These days..not so much :D  
Curly Hair: nope...straight with a very little bit of a wave if I let it grow out (which I haven't for about 10 years)..wearing it pretty short and straight these days...
Baby Face:  you got the important one right ;P

60's - bald - fat - reaks of Brut by Fabrege' - Hairy back - ZZ top beard - so you were close.
oh yeah - also a  habitual liar - maybe

Sorry beautiful, but I like my anonymity.  Maybe the stars will align when you come back to C-Town.

but i want more!(age,build,occupation,favorite porn star,hobbies-other-lol!or anything else)

i am 4 ft 11......bald......retired camel jockey.......blind in one eye.....missing teeth....however i have one good tooth....and i am hung like a hamster. and one leg shorter than the other..i am too poor to buy the bigger shoe....so i duct tape a 2x4 to the shoe so i dont walk in circles.


I  think my dick stinks also..........women always say....drrz.....thats a big stinking dick.

i lost my virginity to a maniquin at walmart during the first wednesday of the month.....

LOL you are so wrong my dear...so so wrong...other than it is a BIG stinking DICK...:)

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