
Re: Are You Black? The reason....
CincinnatiGuy 2 Reviews 1713 reads

Know your role!

Providers don't date clients.  They see clients.

Just shower, brush and floss, go easy on the cologne, and drop the envelope in a conspicuous place.

I'm on my way to the airport after a week in Ohio.  Third trip this year, third time I've left frustrated at the manners of Ohio providers.

I wrote two of them 10 days ago, asking their availability this week.  Gave them the info they requested, was polite, sent references, told them I was interested in a 2-3 hr session (not doubles, but looking for two evenings, one each night).  Both are active on here.  Contacted one through P411, one through Date Check.  Both checked my profile on the relative site, both have posted on here a number of times since.


I can understand if they're booked, I can understand if my profile doesn't fit what they want to see.  I can't understand ignoring the messages and not replying.

I'd chalk it up to "oh well", except this is now the same thing with all three trips, 2 providers each time, six in total.  And not a single reply.

I've never had a problem with any provider in Ohio, don't have this issue anywhere else, have 40+ OKs between here, P411, and Date Check, and have never been on a blacklist of any kind (that I know).

Is there some set of courtesy norms unique to Ohio?

OK, rant over.  Please resume you locally scheduled events.  Guess I'll have a few extra dollars to spend next week in some other state's economy.

AR, you didn't mention the secret code.  You did give them the secret code right? :)

I'm only kidding.  Sorry to hear things didn't go so well for you.  I know I'd be frustrated by that experience as well.  Not asking you to divulge any identities...but, I know the people (not just providers) I've interacted with here are pretty darn sweet people.  

So, first, I'll ask you not to judge all of us based on these 6 people.

Second, and I'm genuinely not trying to be a dick here...but, you are the common thread to all six situations.  I'm not saying you necessarily did anything to warrant your experience.  I'm just saying that there might be something that's being overlooked.  It's not clear from your note...but, did either of the ladies from this trip reply to any of your messages?  Or, did you reach out with all the info they requested on their site...and then never hear back from them?  If this is the case...it could just be that they were booked for the times you requested.  I'm not a fan of no response myself...but, that could be it.  The reality is...they run a biz and might have had options on the nights in question.  It sucks...but, maybe they went with a local in the hopes of culturing a new potential 'regular' or someone that already was a regular, etc.  Where...you might be seen more like a one-and-done with little chance for repeat business.

Otherwise, if they just went radio silent after some communication...I might do one of two things were I in your shoes right now:

1) chalk it up to ohio being a sucky state and move on

If you're the type of person that can let go..this might be your least stressful choice (even if you aren't the type to let go...this might still be best).

2) write a polite email to the ladies and just ask if there was any reason for the sudden radio silence.  If you make regular trips to Ohio (which it sounds like you might)...I'd maybe even mention that in your note.  "Sorry we weren't able to schedule this time...but, i'd like to see you next time I'm in Ohio...so, hit me up sometime when it's convenient for you".
You still might not get any reply and could just draw out the issue.

Again...sorry all this happened.  

Posted By: AlfredReader
I'm on my way to the airport after a week in Ohio.  Third trip this year, third time I've left frustrated at the manners of Ohio providers.

I wrote two of them 10 days ago, asking their availability this week.  Gave them the info they requested, was polite, sent references, told them I was interested in a 2-3 hr session (not doubles, but looking for two evenings, one each night).  Both are active on here.  Contacted one through P411, one through Date Check.  Both checked my profile on the relative site, both have posted on here a number of times since.


I can understand if they're booked, I can understand if my profile doesn't fit what they want to see.  I can't understand ignoring the messages and not replying.

I'd chalk it up to "oh well", except this is now the same thing with all three trips, 2 providers each time, six in total.  And not a single reply.

I've never had a problem with any provider in Ohio, don't have this issue anywhere else, have 40+ OKs between here, P411, and Date Check, and have never been on a blacklist of any kind (that I know).

Is there some set of courtesy norms unique to Ohio?

OK, rant over.  Please resume you locally scheduled events.  Guess I'll have a few extra dollars to spend next week in some other state's economy.
-- Modified on 3/1/2013 7:42:21 PM

Thank you, sir, for your thoughtful and sincere post.

No, I would never divulge names because the reality is I do not know what happened.  It was a vent to let off some steam, not a desire to besmirch any of the providers involved.

The first thought was there may be something about me, at least in the state of Ohio.  I’ve never had a comparable experience anywhere else, and it seems odd.  Somehow it might be a local Ohio providers backchannel I know nothing about.  Though I’ve no idea what it could be that’s on it.

Agree with the points you raise that they may be spoken for, or may only want regulars.  Had I given them a single day or time, that’s more plausible.  But I told each of them “any evening Monday through Thursday, incall or out”.  Even then, a simple “Sorry, I’m booked all week.” Would have been nice.

I’m not the type to let it ruin my weekend, and not my outlook on Ohio either.  Too many fond experiences over the years going back to Paige when she was in Dayton, Amy from Columbus, Amari in Cincinnati, and all the way back to the absolutely incredible Jamielee.  No, I can never hold a grudge against a state that introduced me to women like that.

I like your idea about a short e-mail to the two of them.  I think I’ll draft it on my flight tonight.

Thanks, friend, for pulling me up out of my funk.

But I still wish they would have written back!  LOL.

Is it possible they thought you were possibly trying to double-book? I've heard other situations where several ladies receive inquiries from the same gent, for the same time period, & assume he is trying to double book. The reason I ask, is you stated that you did not give them a specific time, & just "any evening Monday through Thursday"... ladies do network, & those on P411, are usually also on date-check. If this is the same type of message you sent the previous occasions as well, then I think this may be the problem.

Posted By: AlfredReader

Agree with the points you raise that they may be spoken for, or may only want regulars.  Had I given them a single day or time, that’s more plausible.  But I told each of them “any evening Monday through Thursday, incall or out”.  Even then, a simple “Sorry, I’m booked all week.” Would have been nice.

Thank you!

I had not thought about that possibility since it was not my intent, and since I wasn't asking for the identical date and time.  But it might have been how it was interpreted.  I didn't do a cut & paste, but it was essentially the same message.  I will make sure my requests are cleare in the future.

I am not sure who you contacted...and I won't apologize for THEM because I find that very unprofessional. If I am busy or booked I will at least send back a message stating so. Even if I am not interested for whatever reason(which I don't discriminate so I am not sure what reason I would have to say that) I would still send a message.

There are no courtesy norms that are in Ohio, you just didn't find the right Provider obviously. The next time you come to Ohio, and I am in that location, I will more than respond, and definitely show you a time that you will never forget!


I ask is that I have noticed that when Providers don't date Black guys some just go radio silent instead of providing a No via email.

I mean it doesn't bother me.  I would just rather get a reply of no than to seem like an annoying asshole and keep sending the message.

That's my two cents.

Know your role!

Providers don't date clients.  They see clients.

Just shower, brush and floss, go easy on the cologne, and drop the envelope in a conspicuous place.

I feel like if a lady has restrictions on race, that's something she should put on her website/in her ads. It'd save a lot of time for everyone involved.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
I feel like if a lady has restrictions on race, that's something she should put on her website/in her ads. It'd save a lot of time for everyone involved.
And on that I would agree.

Accurate photos--and guys actually looking at them

As much as is feasible, availability (days, hours), though I know this is fluid.

Any limits such as age, race, references, travel range, etc.  But then the guys should not try to circumvent them with lies.

It doesn't help either party to think there is a match when there isn't, or to have differing expectations than are reality.  Honesty and doing basic homework helps both sides enjoy the results a lot more.

that I also recently filled out an online reservation form for a new Ohio provider, offered compliments, and asked for a specific appointment and never got a reply.
So I did move on.

I understand your frustration. Maybe you contacted the wrong providers? Truth is there are flaky girls out there who don't handle themselves professionally. It is common courtesy to at least respond if we are busy, off, tired or not available. Sorry you had 0 luck in Ohio. Maybe next time it will go better!!!

Thanks.  I won't let it ruin my opinion of the state, and I'll be back to my usual optimistic self by this afternoon.  A temporary annoyance.

Posted By: AlfredReader
Thanks.  I won't let it ruin my opinion of the state, and I'll be back to my usual optimistic self by this afternoon.  A temporary annoyance.
I can PM you info on a few nice ladies I've seen who are total professionals.

Always willing to hear suggestions.  Thanks.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: AlfredReader
Thanks.  I won't let it ruin my opinion of the state, and I'll be back to my usual optimistic self by this afternoon.  A temporary annoyance.
I can PM you info on a few nice ladies I've seen who are total professionals.

Sure.  Thanks.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: AlfredReader
Thanks.  I won't let it ruin my opinion of the state, and I'll be back to my usual optimistic self by this afternoon.  A temporary annoyance.
I can PM you info on a few nice ladies I've seen who are total professionals.

I have been in the personal service business for the past 40 years and to the extent that I have had any success during that period it was because I treated both my clients and potential clients with respect. During the past two weeks, my invitation too was ignored by a provider which was the first time I had experienced such conduct in the 1.5 years I have enjoyed participating in this hobby (Color me lucky I guess). Problems like this can easily be solved by each party always keeping in mind that everyone would be better served if they would treat the other person the way that they would want to be treated. It seems to me that this hobby is like life, it's the follow through that counts.

I can honestly say that I ALWAYS reply back to my clients or even potential clients in some sort of way to let them know I received their message, if I am available, and what they are seeking. I think that is so unprofessional if a provider doesn't get back to you at all.

Again, sorry you went through with that. You need to start looking for better Providers :)


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