
Re: And to CG I will repeat.......
ASinfulDream See my TER Reviews 2659 reads

I don't and won't EVER use BP/CL...asking for a sting or LE right at your door. I am very educated and know how to run a business without getting attention drawn to me like most.

I said to myself I was going to stop hobbying for a little bit.
(Thinking about asking the wife to set up sex "dates" at hotels for the two of us to keep it hot ya know plus its kind of like being with a Provider except not paying for it :)

But I saw the bust on the E. side of Cleveland (with the johns pics) and I damn near choked on my Yuengling.

What kind of guy would see a BP girl advertising for $100 at a half hour?  I mean WTF

I have personally tried to get you guys to join me in getting some of the country's best Providers to this state. Women who CAN FUCKING ROCK YOUR WORLD for reasonable rates.  And then I see this  on TV.

i REFUSE  to feel sorry for any guy that is busted by LE using backpage (esp. looking for 30 minute session at $100)  Damn shell out the few dollars for TER and do your research.  For $25 a month they could have avoided having their lives ruined (your picture on TV for soliciting WILL ruin your life - try keeping your job after that, not to mention your marriage)

Question for everyone (including Providers).  Am I wasting my time by trying to get Providers to tour in Cleveland?  

-- Modified on 2/27/2013 10:25:07 AM

Posted By: Ridgetucky
But I saw the bust on the E. side of Cleveland (with the johns pics) and I damn near choked on my Yuengling.

What kind of guy would see a BP girl advertising for $100 at a half hour?  I mean WTF

i REFUSE  to feel sorry for any guy that is busted by LE using backpage (esp. looking for 30 minute session at $100)  Damn shell out the few dollars for TER and do your research.  For $25 a month they could have avoided having their lives ruined (your picture on TV for soliciting WILL ruin your life - try keeping your job after that, not to mention your marriage)

-- Modified on 2/27/2013 10:25:07 AM

You seem to be out of the loop on this whole thing. The lady used in this sting has 5 reviews here on TER and an average rating of 7.5 and a normal advertised rate of $280.00 an hour. My point is every one of those busted guys could have been members here and researched the reviews but they were still busted so you're arguement doesn't hold water.
In other words while TER is a valuable asset, nothing is guaranteed fool proof.

really?  Holy shit!!!!  Is it allowable by TER to out her.

Play safe.

Posted By: bobuckeye
Posted By: Ridgetucky
But I saw the bust on the E. side of Cleveland (with the johns pics) and I damn near choked on my Yuengling.

What kind of guy would see a BP girl advertising for $100 at a half hour?  I mean WTF

i REFUSE  to feel sorry for any guy that is busted by LE using backpage (esp. looking for 30 minute session at $100)  Damn shell out the few dollars for TER and do your research.  For $25 a month they could have avoided having their lives ruined (your picture on TV for soliciting WILL ruin your life - try keeping your job after that, not to mention your marriage)

-- Modified on 2/27/2013 10:25:07 AM

You seem to be out of the loop on this whole thing. The lady used in this sting has 5 reviews here on TER and an average rating of 7.5 and a normal advertised rate of $280.00 an hour. My point is every one of those busted guys could have been members here and researched the reviews but they were still busted so you're arguement doesn't hold water.
In other words while TER is a valuable asset, nothing is guaranteed fool proof.
Exactly. We really have no defense against girls that have turned and are now working for the law.

I would say our best bet is to outcall as much as we can. I cant see the whole LE sting crew driving around the state as their undercover girl goes to outcalls from city to city, you know? And not only that, but at this particular sting, the cops were waiting in the bathroom and could bust in there at any time to make the arrest. That wouldnt be the case at an outcall. They would have to wait outside and either bust the door down or wait for the girl to let them in. Just doesnt seem like a very efficient or effective way to catch the Johns. They sure wouldnt get 12 of them in one day that way.

Just before the bust of those 12 guys three providers were busted. Each of their arrests were published in the Lake County News-Herald which has a website and can be viewed online. The three arrests one after another over the course of a week. Anyone reading the online News-Herald would have known the Willoughby police were cracking down and not to try seeing a provider in Willoughby.  In the future it would be a good  idea to read the local online newspapers.

Furthermore, I don't think you're wasting your time trying to get more providers to tour Cleveland. I just know that when I was planning on spending a week up there I didn't get booked enough to even cover the trip so I just said fuck it. Maybe a lot of dudes up there are paranoid these days. Or maybe they're just taking their chances with the cheap half-hours.

Start a TER Cleveland petition or something. If you build it, they will come. Or however that fucking saying goes.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
.... If you build it, they will come. Or however that fucking saying goes.
I think it is,"If you pay her, you will cum."

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Furthermore, I don't think you're wasting your time trying to get more providers to tour Cleveland. I just know that when I was planning on spending a week up there I didn't get booked enough to even cover the trip so I just said fuck it. Maybe a lot of dudes up there are paranoid these days. Or maybe they're just taking their chances with the cheap half-hours.

Start a TER Cleveland petition or something. If you build it, they will come. Or however that fucking saying goes.
Times are tough for almost everyone and Cleveland is among the poorest metropolitan cities in the country. I'm not surprised it didnt work out for you.

It didn't work out for her because she is still new and getting regulars. I on the other hand already have regulars so I don't have a problem when I go to Cleveland. I am bringing her with me this time though, so she will have no problems.

Don't you dare take her anywhere away from Cincinnati!

Hello I live there too...we are just going for a couple of days...chill :P

Clearly, you don't understand what life is like here when TT is gone.

Yes I do love..she is my DUO partner...I was without her for a month....

Ok, so how about this? Next time she goes away and leaves us behind, you and me get together for ice cream and sappy movies. And other stuff. ;)

I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and again: if a guy gets busted answering a girl's BP or CL ad, he deserves it.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and again: if a guy gets busted answering a girl's BP or CL ad, he deserves it.
Well that's not very nice, CG.

Posted By: Kinot
Well that's not very nice, CG.
Cold, hard slap of reality.

Put it this way: if you put your hand on a hot burner, you're going to get burned, right?  And who's to blame?

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
Posted By: Kinot
Well that's not very nice, CG.
Cold, hard slap of reality.

Put it this way: if you put your hand on a hot burner, you're going to get burned, right?  And who's to blame?
In all fairness thats a poor analogy. Not every ad on BP is a hot burner. In fact Id say its more like one tenth of one percent of the ads are hot burners. Thats a one in one thousand chance of getting burned. All the other burners are turned off and are perfectly comfortable at room temperature, lol. Pretty good odds actually.


Posted By: Kinot
In all fairness thats a poor analogy. Not every ad on BP is a hot burner. In fact Id say its more like one tenth of one percent of the ads are hot burners. Thats a one in one thousand chance of getting burned. All the other burners are turned off and are perfectly comfortable at room temperature, lol. Pretty good odds actually.

I don't think you understand.

"Hobbying" (a term I despise, but nothing else fits) is risky enough.  Why go see a lady who advertises herself solely on (at best) questionable sites?  The risks to you can be high.  You could be arrested, beaten up by her pimp, robbed, or even killed.  Why not minimize the risk?

Maybe I'm paranoid, but a little paranoia is sometimes a good thing.  For instance, there was a beautiful girl I'd intermittently thought about calling for a long time.  Tineye didn't return any results, but I felt there was something just not right.

Turns out she was a fake.

By the way, Ally's been helpful about educating me about who's legit and who to avoid.

She's given me plenty of good advice -- and a good chewing out when I deserved it.  You might ask her for recommendations in your area.

Just don't be surprised if every other answer is "Tobi." ;-)

Kinot, you know I love you, but I'm with CG on this one. It's just a matter of time.

Personally, I only use BP for gas.  BP is kinda like New Years Eve -  amature night!  I started there due to what I knew starting out and now I hang only with the finer ladies in life.  Like all of you here and in my dreams.

....there are plenty of reviewed ladies who are not just "BP girls" that use BP amongst there sites AND that if this known/established provider (or hobbyist) has been flipped then you're SOL anyways.

Posted By: CincinnatiGuy
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and again: if a guy gets busted answering a girl's BP or CL ad, he deserves it.

I don't and won't EVER use BP/CL...asking for a sting or LE right at your door. I am very educated and know how to run a business without getting attention drawn to me like most.

MM, I didn't know you told me the first time.

And I guarantee if I'm arrested, my case will never go to trial.

Unless the trial's held in the county morgue that is.

Posted By: ASinfulDream
I don't and won't EVER use BP/CL...asking for a sting or LE right at your door. I am very educated and know how to run a business without getting attention drawn to me like most.

Right, like you maybe think the cops don't read boards like this or have never seen your ads.

Right, like you maybe think the cops don't read boards like this or have never seen your ads.

Posted By: bobuckeye
Posted By: ASinfulDream
I don't and won't EVER use BP/CL...asking for a sting or LE right at your door. I am very educated and know how to run a business without getting attention drawn to me like most.

Right, liket you maybe think the cops don't read boards like this or have never seen your ads.

Umm do not put words into my mouth sir...I simply said I am smarter than most out there....

....majority probably don't screen or screen well enough and that's what they're counting on.

No one is "smarter" for not using BP. You're "smarter" if you screen period and to the best of your ability REGARDLESS of where you advertise.
Usually when I hear of someone getting busted is because somewhere down the line in their business practices they got careless.

.....I know how to run a business just as well as you do.  LE knows about TER, P411, DATE-CHECK, EROS etc.  BP is just an easier target for them. How I see it is if you screen and stick to your guns you should do just fine in avoiding the police.
I don't regularly use BP like I used to because I don't really have to but I'm not against it either.

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha
.....I know how to run a business just as well as you do.  LE knows about TER, P411, DATE-CHECK, EROS etc.  BP is just an easier target for them. How I see it is if you screen and stick to your guns you should do just fine in avoiding the police.
I don't regularly use BP like I used to because I don't really have to but I'm not against it either.

Faced with the threat of jail time, large fines, public shame, possibly loss of child custody, possibly probation revocation, etc., almost any provider can be turned into an informant by the police. Not knowing this girl's circumstances, perhaps we shouldn't be too quick to condemn her.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. There is no sure way to play safe in this hobby. Research and screening are essential - but not foolproof.
I only see ladies with whom I've established a regular relationship and some level of trust and rapport. When seeing someone new, I will only book with someone who will agree to meet me first for dinner. I book a 2 hr date, preceded by dinner. Absolutely no discussion of sex or money at dinner. If things go well and we decide to finish the date in bed - well - that's no different than any other date. I don't think its illegal. If a police officer disagrees - it would be a very tough case to prosecute.
I pay a little more for these nights than the provider's 2 hr rates - and she accepts a little less than her normal hourly rate. Some girls won't do it. Occasionally, I get ripped off (one girl ordered two expensive entrees, took a few bites of each, asked for a doggy bag, and then told me our time was up!). Occasionally we don't click and end the date early (with some reasonable compensation for her time).
But the rip offs are rare. In my work, I can afford to be ripped off sometimes. I can't afford to be arrested.

I like this idea tremendously. I think it's better to go out to dinner first and get to know the person, than to just go right at it, which I never would anyhow. I guess I am not your typical provider, that is just in it for the money, and most if not all of the BP girls, are just that. I am in a more Elite Class, and my reviews and performance shows, as well as my attitude. I think that is tasteless that she ordered expensive entrees and then didn't even eat them, or make conversation with you. Yes sometimes I don't click with the guy, but I make every effort to get to know them, and find some common ground.

Posted By: ASinfulDream
I think that is tasteless that she ordered expensive entrees and then didn't even eat them, or make conversation with you.
Solution: White Castle or Golden Corral.


I already said my thoughts on this. You get what you pay for, and well they all got busted because they were trying to get a "deal". See how far that went?? I refuse to get on backpage ever, and I don't even do half hours. I damn sure know how to ROCK YOUR WORLD, so when you are ready, you know where to find me :)

Posted By: ASinfulDream
I already said my thoughts on this. You get what you pay for, and well they all got busted because they were trying to get a "deal". See how far that went?? I refuse to get on backpage ever, and I don't even do half hours. I damn sure know how to ROCK YOUR WORLD, so when you are ready, you know where to find me :)
I would say at least half of the photos on there are fakes.

I'd venture to say that it's more than that. If not fake, then very old or misleading.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
I'd venture to say that it's more than that. If not fake, then very old or misleading.
I would not be surprised in the least if that were true.

I don't go there and I don't even have them bookmarked.

I do not understand the allure of BP. I do not understand the allure of a half hour appointment. However, I do understand the allure of "I damn sure know how to ROCK YOUR WORLD."

Posted By: prawf
I do not understand the allure of BP. I do not understand the allure of a half hour appointment. However, I do understand the allure of "I damn sure know how to ROCK YOUR WORLD."
I love being with her.  If you haven't seen her, do so.  

I just hope I didn't screw it up. :-(  Long story.

And just think myself and Tobi together ROCKING YOUR WORLD....want the challenge?


Yes, I never thought it could happen either.

But I have seen a provider from Chicago and one from NYC (both with a couple hundred reviews)

Believe me when I tell you both experiences were wilder than any porn I have ever seen.

If you hobby you need to invest the proper amount of $$$ to have a good time.

Those guys on the East side spending a hundred bucks was just stupid.  This is not a lifestyle for cheap ass people.  Made in China prices work for the Dollar Store not for Hobbyists!

Posted By: Ridgetucky

Those guys on the East side spending a hundred bucks was just stupid.  This is not a lifestyle for cheap ass people.  Made in China prices work for the Dollar Store not for Hobbyists!
LOL whatever bro. Your loss dude.

Many guys that pay higher rates to see girls on TER will also go for the cheapy date on BP. I suppose if they are staring at a photo of a girl that is giving it away for 100.00 it is too enticing to pass up. To each their own. I personally do not advertise my provider services on BP because I would rather not deal with all that comes with that.

This bust, does it have to to do with a certain Latin provider? Or is that another similar story. A lot of scary things going around lately. I was planning on visiting Cleveland and pgh, but will hold off on that. I have always had awesome responses for both cities.

 Definitely stick to the women that know what they are doing and how to handle themselves and their clients properly. ;-)

Posted By: Sidney Starr
Definitely stick to the women that know what they are doing and how to handle themselves and their clients properly. ;-)
I see only independents who have a minimum of five reviews.

$900 a week?

Nope.  Too rich for my blood.

Willoughby is situated in between the rougher east side and the wealthier suburbs it makes sense LE would target there knowing the smaller county newspaper would insure the full effect of the sting. Its a decent size police force for a suburb with deeper pockets. Not surprised they did this. I stay away from providers in suburbs where cops have more time on their hands to notice the small things.

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