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Well your review is up. Good job.
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 287 reads

Not sure why you have her a 1 for looks though? Was she really that ugly?

Trusted a provider! I feel like and Idiot. I cannot find out how to post rip offs on the review board. I do not want this to happen to anyone else. People like this give all professionals a bad name. Any ideas ? Will help.

Give her time. Odds are she fked you over but give her a chance to contact you and possibly make it right with you.

I would give her 48 hours unless I saw her login to p411 or post or tweet or anything that suggests she is still breathing.

You can always go to her regional board and post there but again, give her a chance.

She is not on TER, P411. In my area we do not get to many professionals coming through.(she is not one) So I went to BP. I know I am an idiot. But not much choice. She does have a web site so I would like to at least show what a scam she is on TER. And warn people since she does travel.   Out $400 feel like a jerk.

Many good providers are on BP. Thy just need to be researched like any gal.

You are not an idiot either. You made a mistake by not doing your due diligence I am assuming.

Chalk it up in the lesson learned column but I would be pissed too.

Maybe she will still contact you.

As long as you had an actual physical meeting with her, you can write a review.  I think her BP ad is sufficient web presence to allow the review to go forward.

Wait a day, collect your thoughts and recollections, and let 'er rip.

Others should be protected from her.

Gals will benefit also by the elimination of bad competition.

If, on the other hand, there was no meeting, but she somehow got your money (You didn't advance it via some electronic transfer before the meeting I hope.) then TER will not accept the review.  You can still, however, post about it on your local board

Walked in and two guys were in the room !  Told me to put her donation down, needless to say I did and left. What are you going to do call the police? I submitted  the review in to TER. Since I did walk into the room I hope they post it so people are warned.  Feeling stupid because she did not have a TER review or P411 only a web site.

Not exactly sure if that is reviewable since you never met a real provider.

Let us know what TER says about that.

It's a 1/1 for sure, unless the guys were decent looking.


GaGambler429 reads

and it puts a whole new meaning to "I was really scared" Sorry, I couldn't resist.

And personally, I think I might have gone to the cops. Armed robbery is a lot more serious offense than solicitation and these people need to be put out of business. There is nothing the police can charge the OP with other than bad judgment, but they can make sure they are the next customers and that should be the end of their strongarm careers, well at least for the next 5-10 minus how ever long it is before they are eligible for parole.  

Seriously, I highly recommend this gets reported to LE before somebody with more balls than brains resists and these guys hurt or kill someone.

I know the general rule is you have to actually meet (not necessarily have a session) to write a review, but I have seen some ripoff reviews where there was no meeting, but somehow she got his money (the gift card scam etc. ) I can't locate any right now but I know they exist in the database and I have seen them. Maybe it's one of those case by case things that TER sometimes allows, or maybe different admins interpreting the rules differently.

Anyway, that doeasn't apply in this case. The OP went to the room and saw the provider. Definitely reviewable.  
I also agree on reporting to LE. I would have called 911 immediately upon leaving the room, and waited for them outside. However I understand the fear of someone with an SO or a lot to lose (career , or family wise) worrying about reporting a crime like this, and outing themselves as to why they were there.

It was actually a lot easier to find than I expected. There are a lot like this, so the whole "you have to meet to write a review" rule obviously does not pertain to ripoffs.

"The provider had 3 heads, 6 hands, & 2 penises. Not like the photos at all".

Posted By: mrfisher
Not exactly sure if that is reviewable since you never met a real provider.  
 Let us know what TER says about that.  
 It's a 1/1 for sure, unless the guys were decent looking.  

Just playing devil's advocate here... so there were two guys in the room when you walked in. Was she anywhere to be found?  

How soon before they opened the door had you actually heard her voice (if at all)? If so, did she sound scared or "off"?

Are you sure those guys didn't harm her and they are the ones who are to blame? From what I've gathered I'd be quite concerned for her safety and well-being.

Yes she was standing there. She opened the door, they were in on it with her as far as I could tell.  

Posted By: JennaEvans
Just playing devil's advocate here... so there were two guys in the room when you walked in. Was she anywhere to be found?  
 How soon before they opened the door had you actually heard her voice (if at all)? If so, did she sound scared or "off"?  
 Are you sure those guys didn't harm her and they are the ones who are to blame? From what I've gathered I'd be quite concerned for her safety and well-being.

Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. I'm sorry this happened to you but glad you're not hurt.  

Posted By: Greenbacks2
Yes she was standing there. She opened the door, they were in on it with her as far as I could tell.    
Posted By: JennaEvans
Just playing devil's advocate here... so there were two guys in the room when you walked in. Was she anywhere to be found?    
  How soon before they opened the door had you actually heard her voice (if at all)? If so, did she sound scared or "off"?  
  Are you sure those guys didn't harm her and they are the ones who are to blame? From what I've gathered I'd be quite concerned for her safety and well-being.

...and let the other people in your area know what happened...I've seen it done several times in my area...of course there can be repercussions from this from the other providers in your area as well, so you must weigh the risks...

-- Modified on 3/23/2016 5:39:06 PM

+1 I've seen those ads ....WARNING! RIP OFF and then her info/phone #/etc. good luck... Shit like this is why I stick with TER girls. The worst you have on TER is a provider going BSC on you.  

Posted By: jelloman42
...and let the other people in your area know what happened...I've seen it done several times in my area...of course there can be repercussions from this from the other providers in your area as well, so you must weigh the risks...

-- Modified on 3/23/2016 5:39:06 PM

She travels so it  maybe hard to keep up with her. But it is worth a try. I also contactecP411 so they will not let her join the site either. Any more ideas would be helpful thanks.

Yes I screwed up. Lessoned learned the hard way. But I do not have the Luxury of picking through providers. Only one is in town and another one two hours away and she is $1k an hour. So BP WAS it. Not anymore though.

So I'm not sure where you are, you might find something. Also there are a number of small regional boards. I can't say them hear, its against TER policy.  

Posted By: Greenbacks2
Yes I screwed up. Lessoned learned the hard way. But I do not have the Luxury of picking through providers. Only one is in town and another one two hours away and she is $1k an hour. So BP WAS it. Not anymore though.  

TheApe204 reads

One tip that I have learned.  It makes sense to try and do outcall with women you do not know.  Let them come to you.  In such cases, the worst that happens is a no show.  
I will do the incalls with those ladies I know well but even sometimes I just feel like it is smarter if I am in control of the environment.  
The extra money for a hotel can save you.  Sometimes with an incall you end up going someplace that you really are not comfortable with.

Sounds more like you got robbed! There is a difference IMO. That may be reason to call the Popo. But I'm not sure

-- Modified on 3/24/2016 5:02:22 PM

I don't see why you can't write a review of this robbery SCAM.

Ed Zakary!!! By everything I've read about the rules, if you saw her in the room, you can review!

Also agree that this was not a scam, but an outright robbery.

Posted By: harborview
I don't see why you can't write a review of this robbery SCAM.  

She had an ad, room rented, and a way to be found.     Those men might have come and made her see a client.      All she had to do was give her service to get the money .   Why rob somebody?

Posted By: noname75
She had an ad, room rented, and a way to be found.     Those men might have come and made her see a client.      All she had to do was give her service to get the money .   Why rob somebody?
Are you for real?  (Not what I wanted to say)  I'm NOT buying it.  She was in the room with a couple of goons.  WHY?  Because they can rob you without her actually doing any work.   If you only gave up the donation, you were actually lucky.  You could have lost all your cash, your credit cards, your ID, your car...  even your life.   Glad you got out in one piece.  

Now go write that review.  

I have noted a provider profile where a provider admitted her BF/pimp robbed the reviewer.  Later reviewers called her on it & got assurances in advance that the BF was gone.  They still took a risk...  which is their right to do...

Not sure why you have her a 1 for looks though? Was she really that ugly?

She had 3 heads & 2 penises. Ugly enough for you?

Posted By: perfectstorm
Not sure why you have her a 1 for looks though? Was she really that ugly?

DAYUM! That hottie for $200/hr?! This was a case of TGTBT. Please stick with ONLY reviewed ladies, especially since you are a newbie!

At least you were not hurt and I see you did post a review for others as a warning.

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