Newbie - FAQ

Welcome to the site.
AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 245 reads

Lots of interesting people and interesting commentary.

This is a great board to learn what you don't know or ask questions to get other perspectives from both sides of the equation.

Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself my name is Harper Claire. I am not new to the hobby ( I have been UTR )but this is my first TER experience. Hope to meet some of you soon!

Lots of interesting people and interesting commentary.

This is a great board to learn what you don't know or ask questions to get other perspectives from both sides of the equation.

life preserver) and you will find info on posting ads on your regional board (1 allowed per week), responding to other posts (allows you to list your website), etc.

Visit your local regional board and post from time to time. Let guys know you are there and what your interests are.

Good luck.

jjllrrkk222 reads

Hi Haper. Welcome to the site. I am a newbie still at this point, though us hobbyist at least a good portion of us rely on reviews to book a date with a provider. My name is Jason. Have fun Harper.

Kk gave you some good advice. I would recommend reading the entire self help center. Also read back on this newbie board as many pages as you can stand. A lot of info gets repeated here. You can also use the search function to search specific topics. Take a look around the site. Browse the various boards and cone back here to ask any questions. We're here to help. :)

bonordonor207 reads

Do you have a website you would like to share with us?

introduce yourself on your local regional board and start posting there.  That way, people will get a feel for your personality.


Posted By: harperclaire
Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself my name is Harper Claire. I am not new to the hobby ( I have been UTR )but this is my first TER experience. Hope to meet some of you soon!

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