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Trying to bring uniform standards...
trex44 9 Reviews 177 reads
posted a subjective experience is quite difficult, as we're seeing in the ongoing angst about the review system and recent changes.

I love Monet but HE thinks Chagall is the shit; Italian food is my go to but she wants Korean BBQ; and everybody thinks they are the ultimate arbiter of good taste and the ultimate experience.

You see the inherent impossibility in trying to achieve this?  

So use the numbers as a rough indicator but DO YOUR RESEARCH in reading reviews, her personal website, her presence on the boards, back channel communications with reviewers -- and make your own decision.

Buena suerte!

CPSando1409 reads

So I notice when posting a review, you are not allowed to rate a provider higher than 7 (I think) unless your session review includes certain acts like bbbj. I get the reasoning behind that, but couldn't someone subjectively have a 10 experience even if those specific activities don't occur? Like, personally, I enjoy a particular type of experience with a provider that doesn't necessarily involve actual intercourse, but it seems unfair to rate someone a 7 when they do a great job giving me exactly the kind of session I want. Conceivably someone could "forget it was a service" even just going out to dinner with a provider (thought I'm sure that happens rarely, if ever, but you get my point). Anyway, it seems unfair to both hobbyists and providers to either have to give a lower rating than you'd like just because your session didn't tick certain boxes, or else have to make up details for your review so you can give a higher rating meaning other users are getting an inaccurate description of your experience.

Welcome to the wacky world of TER Reviews!  Much of what you say is so, except that BBBJ is not worth an extra point in the maximum available score.  Of course many of us enjoy 10-like experiences but cannot score higher than the allowed max.  
What we've got is what TER gives us, despite numerous requests for changes and excellent :-) suggestions for improvements.  I have repeatedly suggested the X-out-of-Y scoring system as I think it would be very easy to implement w/o the need for a lot of reprogramming of the GUI or the database.  
Basically, services offered and accepted determine the objective MAXIMUM = Y score.  The reviewer's opinion of the experience determines the subjective X score. I have had many FANTASTIC 7-out-of-7 experiences that can be much better than a 7-out-of-10 experience.  
You can't search the boards (Newbie, General, Suggestion and Policy) for "X-out-of-Y". You can search "scoring system" [all these words], mostly on S&P, and you will get MANY threads discussing the review and scoring system.  (Below, I added author = impposter to reduce the list, but read entire threads for other opinions.)
Hay! TER! Why not conduct a poll on "X-out-of-Y" or just switch to "X-out-of-Y" (as it would be easy to go back to plain X by just editing what numbers to display)?  THANK YOU.

Posted By: CPSando

So I notice when posting a review, you are not allowed to rate a provider higher than 7 (I think) unless your session review includes certain acts like bbbj. I get the reasoning behind that, but couldn't someone subjectively have a 10 experience even if those specific activities don't occur? Like, personally, I enjoy a particular type of experience with a provider that doesn't necessarily involve actual intercourse, but it seems unfair to rate someone a 7 when they do a great job giving me exactly the kind of session I want. Conceivably someone could "forget it was a service" even just going out to dinner with a provider (thought I'm sure that happens rarely, if ever, but you get my point). Anyway, it seems unfair to both hobbyists and providers to either have to give a lower rating than you'd like just because your session didn't tick certain boxes, or else have to make up details for your review so you can give a higher rating meaning other users are getting an inaccurate description of your experience.

-- Modified on 3/13/2018 7:25:52 PM

Posted By: xyz23
Re: One correction impposter...
bbbj is worth an extra point.
Damn! Thanks for the correction. I was close. I'd give an extra point for CIM and +2 for NQNS!
(TOR is taking a long time to load pages so I don't bother checking other pages. Anyone else noticing that TOR is really slow and timing out?)

CPSando182 reads

Yeah the X-out-of-Y system makes sense, though even that seems overly complicated. Users can easily tell from other reviews or the provider's profile whether they offer certain services. The nature of reviews is that they are subjective - that's to be expected. My 10 may not be your 10, but overall the aggregate number will tell you whether a provider has an excellent reputation or a less-than-stellar one.  

I'm sure this has all been debated before but it does seem odd that one person's opinion of a provider would be somehow docked points just because they didn't do X, Y and Z.

Depending on how long you've been on the boards, you might have missed a lot of the history and drama of this issue. Providers want all 10s, so "10" lost its meaning (grade inflation). Clients wanted meaningful rating scores. Etc..  
TER referees (and maybe the review submission software) already determine the Max score (Y) (an occasional mistake slips through). The reviewer gives the subjective X score. Both X and Y are in the database. Currently, TER only displays X. If it's a 7 ("Hot time"), is it a 7/7 or a 7/10? One is a 100% satisfaction score and a great Hot Time, the other is an OK score and a tepid Hot Time.  
X/Y allows Providers to score a 100% rating (when X = Y) even if they do not provide all the services that TER seems to think are important. Seeing BOTH x AND y tells the reader to expect X-quality services at the Y-level which is often all that many of us want anyway.  
The system could even allow for reviewers to CLAIM a 10-out-of-7 experience (I've had some of those!) by auto-correcting it to 7/7. (Allowing 10-out-of-7, etc. would just lead to more grade inflation.)

Posted By: CPSando
Re: x-out-of-y
Yeah the X-out-of-Y system makes sense, though even that seems overly complicated. Users can easily tell from other reviews or the provider's profile whether they offer certain services. The nature of reviews is that they are subjective - that's to be expected. My 10 may not be your 10, but overall the aggregate number will tell you whether a provider has an excellent reputation or a less-than-stellar one.  
 I'm sure this has all been debated before but it does seem odd that one person's opinion of a provider would be somehow docked points just because they didn't do X, Y and Z.
And that's how X-out-of-Y normalizes performance to services performed, not some other TER standard.

Really bi?   How am I supposed to know?

I think TER should just let people use their best judgement about the performance score, same as the looks score.

We have their menu, and the reviews for the rest.

...opens the door, takes one look at you and says: "Really?  Bye" and then slams the door in your face...that's how you know. a subjective experience is quite difficult, as we're seeing in the ongoing angst about the review system and recent changes.

I love Monet but HE thinks Chagall is the shit; Italian food is my go to but she wants Korean BBQ; and everybody thinks they are the ultimate arbiter of good taste and the ultimate experience.

You see the inherent impossibility in trying to achieve this?  

So use the numbers as a rough indicator but DO YOUR RESEARCH in reading reviews, her personal website, her presence on the boards, back channel communications with reviewers -- and make your own decision.

Buena suerte!

just go with the scores. Same thing applies to the provider's profile. If all or most of the reviews say BBBJ and the profile says CBJ, I will PM several reviewers to get clarification.

of a potential date.  I always read the full reviews back a page or 2 (depending on what I find).  The number scores aren't close to showing the full picture... and don't necessarily align with a client's interests either.    

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