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They Key
justsauce16 4 Reviews 213 reads

They key here is, to name who flaked on you so the rest of us sods can avoid her.

This does happen from time to time, it's unprofessional at best, and there's no reason she should get away with it.
You can bet your ass if you stood up a lady she's blacklist you forever, and she might even get her friends to blacklist you too.

OlafBerserker1025 reads

I've had a session planned for a week now, communication has been great, friendly, no issues. But 15 minutes until game time, I get nothing but radio silence. No more emails or texts, not answering the phone.  It's now 40 minutes past the appointment. What gives?

on more than one occasion..Several times. It happens just like life happens.
The key thing for you to do is make another appointment..Don't get frustrated and find another gal.
The fun times are going to out number the bad..

They key here is, to name who flaked on you so the rest of us sods can avoid her.

This does happen from time to time, it's unprofessional at best, and there's no reason she should get away with it.
You can bet your ass if you stood up a lady she's blacklist you forever, and she might even get her friends to blacklist you too. in no call, no show.  It happens to most everyone, mongers and providers, if they've been in this "hobby" long enough. The tough part for me is wondering if something bad happened to her... always possible, and sometimes it really is due to an emergency or some accident like dropping her phone, which she uses for both calls and emails.  And it's often just someone blowing off the other party.

You didn't say how long ago this happened--did you really post this just 40 minutes after your appointment was to start?  If I were you I'd give her a day or two to get back to you.  She might have a good excuse and apologize, and offer to make it right somehow.  Then you can decide whether to give her another chance.

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 9:29:37 PM has only happened to me once, and my only regret is that I didn't out her on my local board when she proved to be an "I-don't-give-a-shit" flake.

I'd give her a few days to see if she'll offer up an explanation and an apology. if she doesn't, then out her on your local board to warn others of her bad behaviour.

Posted By: OlafBerserker
I've had a session planned for a week now, communication has been great, friendly, no issues. But 15 minutes until game time, I get nothing but radio silence. No more emails or texts, not answering the phone.  It's now 40 minutes past the appointment. What gives?

If you monger long enough it's bound to happen. Here are some tips  1) have a time limit on how long you'll wait. Max for me is a half hour without any contact by the provider. If the provider keeps in contact I have gone longer.

 2) wait 24 hrs. before you post on TER. That gives her ample time to get in touch with you.

3) if you want to try and contact the provider after the NCNS only attempt one time.  

4) to name or not. Either way comes with risks. As you can see if you don't name her you get called out. If you do name her, since your new, be prepared for WKs to comment, especially if the provider is well known. Some  mongers will mention in the post to PM them for her name.  

 5)Move on. I don't believe in second chances when it comes to this little world.

Posted By: OlafBerserker
I've had a session planned for a week now, communication has been great, friendly, no issues. But 15 minutes until game time, I get nothing but radio silence. No more emails or texts, not answering the phone.  It's now 40 minutes past the appointment. What gives?

-- Modified on 4/13/2017 11:08:19 PM

Posted By: OlafBerserker

I've had a session planned for a week now, communication has been great, friendly, no issues. But 15 minutes until game time, I get nothing but radio silence. No more emails or texts, not answering the phone.  It's now 40 minutes past the appointment. What gives?
Escort lose money.


I read a lot of reports of it happening, so it must be a fairly common fact of the p4p life.

Research, communication and seeing only reputable providers who present themselves as professionals -- that's the formula I've been using for years and, so far, so good (hope Murphy isn't reading this :)

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