Newbie - FAQ

That makes sense I suppose, one more questions?
SolaLove See my TER Reviews 8652 reads

Is moderation on a board by board basis, or just a set option per user?  

It doesn't make as much sense to have moderation for the ladies on the general/newbie/political boards as these are chatter and there are no advertisements anyways.

Thanks for your insite!

I have sent this to the support staff, and tried to post it on the general board and have not even seen the posts appear.  I have also posted the same question on the Las Vegas board but have not gotten a reply.

Apparently I was a bad girl and misunderstood the posting guidelines.  I'd thought that I could post my tour info (four cities) once per week on the applicable boards.  I've been told that it is once per week on ANY board.

I apologize for my misunderstanding and sure won't make that mistake again!

However now I'm being moderated and can only participate in conversations reeeeeally slowly.  How long am I on the "bad girl" list?  How can I get this fixed?



It is surprising that you were taken off the moderations list to tell you the truth. When TER changed its ad posting guidelines about a year ago, most of the moderators have left the providers on moderation so that we can make sure that they stay within the guidelines. It is unlikely that your moderation will be removed. It does tend to slow down responses to threads. However we try to review new posts as soon as we can and get them approved. We usually do it two or three times per day.

Is moderation on a board by board basis, or just a set option per user?  

It doesn't make as much sense to have moderation for the ladies on the general/newbie/political boards as these are chatter and there are no advertisements anyways.

Thanks for your insite!

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