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should i b looking 4 a GFE or PSE
jcm313 5278 reads


skisandboots2799 reads

yu shood b loking for a dickshunary on how 2 spel & rite.     LOL

Seriously, how do you expect us to answer this?  Only you know what you really want.  Try both (they're both fun to me), and see which you prefer.

-- Modified on 8/13/2006 8:22:23 AM


good response.
This newbie has to be doing too much texting.

yes, you can ask 100 of us that are the so called vets but you'll get 100 answers.

Try to get 10 kids to agree on one flavor of ice cream? impossible.

search the newbie board for the newbie primer if you don't.

No one else can tell you what YOU want.  I know I look for GFE for the companionship because I'm so lonely it's pathetic.  PSE is a bit more hardcore.

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