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Re:yanking your dingelchain!
chrisb_111 1 Reviews 6965 reads

Dude, unless you are still into that 70's bushy thing...and you know that she is, I guess its cool.
But for me there is nothing better than a shaved (or at least well groomed) girl.
Remember that rule from preschool?? Starts with "Do unto others...!
Ya I fukn shave my balls as a rule once every 2 weeks, and my ass too!!! Yea that's right!!!
1. There is just nothing like the feeling of a freshly shorn scrotum!
2. keeping the dump shaved is 2 pronged:
     Groin hair breads bacteria (and stink)by trapping moisture from sweat, and feces; which I'm sure women really like while they are down there-minding the step children!
and you go through about half the amount of toilet paper!
seems like a no brainer to me.
These women go to lengths to be as clean, good smelling, and sexy for us, is really expecting too much for us to meet them half way??
I think however that we could just ask our atf's what they like.
Ladies any thoughts??

tactician7104 reads

There is a focus on the pussy trimming of the providers. Do the providers have a preference for their partners, ie shaved, trimmed or natural?

I posted this a a couple of weeks ago on the general board.  Do  a search.  The consensus seemed that the women prefered some shaving a trimming, in order to provide a better experience for us guys.

I guess that there are providers that have a preference, but I have not met any that enforced it. Any goo provider would rather that you be well showered, well groomed and have fresh breath. The shower and breath is important, I had a provider, who I did not review, allow me to DFK her and DATY her only because she smelled my breath and saw that it was fresh. She had not done that with anyone else and explained that I was the only guy out all the ones that she had met in the business that had fresh breath. Her revelation was incredible because I was under the impression that basic dental care was a given for the majority of the middle class to wealthy men that see providers.

ProviderPOV7736 reads

You would be surprised of the number of smelly, dirty men that we put up with. Example: I had a week long session with a man who came from another state to be with me. His appearance was nice and he looked handsome but his breath smelled of fish and ass. It was bad like that every day for the whole week. Something else gross he did was peed on the toilet and didn't wipe it off. Every day I would go in and see more and more dried piss on the seat from him not cleaning up after himself. Back to what we were talking about, I don't know if he had a stomach problem or teeth problems that caused his breath to smell the way it did but he singed my eyebrows everytime he talked to me and he always wanted to kiss me. I wouldn't allow him to and he wanted DATY. That was out of the question. I didn't want down there smelling like his breath. After it was over he emailed me that he felt I was being distant and not into it. I was being nice in saying your breathe smelled like you ate rotten meat so I told him it was because he was new. He wanted to see me again but I told him it wasn't a good idea. I really wanted to tell him about his breath because it was really bad to the point that I wanted to vomit. I just cannot get into anything with anybody who has rotten breath. He had a beautiful convertible, several houses, a Harley, a well paying job but seems he couldn't buy some paste and a brush. Before I started providing I didn't have much money but I was still able to get the extractions that I needed, roots canal and three fillings. After getting into this I was able to get braces that I needed for my bottom teeth and get them whitened. If he was able to pay me for spending a week with him he could afford a dental visit or two and Lord above knows he needed it.

skisandboots8783 reads

You would've done EVERYBODY a favor by insisting that this guy brush his teeth & use some mouthwash.  In order to not insult him, all you'd have to had said was, "I'm sorry, but I'm really sensitive in this way, and I require this from ALL my clients, so please don't take it personally".  I really do have a sensitivity to people's breath to the point that I can usually tell what was the last thing they ate or drank (or if/what they smoke) just by standing near them.  Once people realize that it's just something that I'm very sensitive to, they usually take it upon themselves to "freshen up" (obviously this is the case with my wife).  By spending as much time with him as you did, you had a golden opportunity to get him "started" on the road to good dental hygiene, which would've done him a world of good & spared those with whom he comes into contact.  Oh well...

P.S.--I'm not a dentist.  In fact I HATE going to the dentist, which is a BIG reason that I take such care of my mouth.

Goesbothways6614 reads

I always appreciate a provider that is sqeaky clean and try to offer the same in return. I have been disappointed at times and this is a MAJOR turn-off. In my mind more important than looks or personality.

1) when you go to see someone on appt. day you shave your ball's, your ass, trim your armpit, chest,nosehair,ear's,and any other hairy object.
2)your completly showered, shaved and clean.
3)In my car I alway's carry, mouthwash, a toothbrush,hugo boss spray and extra mint's.
4)you are wearing clean clothing.
anything else guy's

don't eat bunch of garlic or onion's before seeing her and if you see her pulling a pubic hair out her mouth while she's BBBJ, that's a real bad sign.

Shave your balls and ass??  Are you serious?  Do all the men out there do that?  I have a hard time believing that.

Stern Fan7525 reads

I think he was just yanking everybody's chain.

Dude, unless you are still into that 70's bushy thing...and you know that she is, I guess its cool.
But for me there is nothing better than a shaved (or at least well groomed) girl.
Remember that rule from preschool?? Starts with "Do unto others...!
Ya I fukn shave my balls as a rule once every 2 weeks, and my ass too!!! Yea that's right!!!
1. There is just nothing like the feeling of a freshly shorn scrotum!
2. keeping the dump shaved is 2 pronged:
     Groin hair breads bacteria (and stink)by trapping moisture from sweat, and feces; which I'm sure women really like while they are down there-minding the step children!
and you go through about half the amount of toilet paper!
seems like a no brainer to me.
These women go to lengths to be as clean, good smelling, and sexy for us, is really expecting too much for us to meet them half way??
I think however that we could just ask our atf's what they like.
Ladies any thoughts??

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