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Re:Why I will NEVER post another review again.
spike999 4 Reviews 2158 reads

wow that sucks.  Yes- get a pre-paid cell phone.  Hide it somewhere for only those times you are looking for a provider.  Also- I no longer hobby- but from my short experience, the young girls act like that.  From what you tell me- it sounds like she was young. They are hot, firm and pretty to look at, but many of them don't know how to use them.  Think about it- some of them are just starting to figure out men and their bodies. They are just learning on how to act and probably haven’t had many boyfriends. So to them a 10 second ride is all they need to do to keep you happy. I had to laugh because for a moment I thought we saw the same girl.   I am sure there are the exceptions- but I had a similar experience with a young provider.  I then went with the 24 and up range and had much better experience. In my civi life- the 30's and up range were far better sexually.  

As far as the provider- shame on you.  Your actions are deplorable.  

I had a session with a provider that has 7+ pages of reviews.  Personnaly, my experience was not that good.  I posted my review from MY VIEWPOINT.  I tried to balance why I didn't like it against what others may have wanted.  I felt it was a fair representation of my experience.  5 days later the "woman" called my house, yelling and cussing, and THREATENING to make my real name public.  Scared me to death.  I contacted the TER admin and explained what had happened.  Their best advice was to remove the review.  The worst they could do would be to de-list her.  I have her on my voicemail stating she was going to put my real name up on some website.  Even if I were to send TER a copy, the nice person with TER did suggest that if I tried to have her de-listed, she might be enraged more and make the problem worse.  I caved in.

Her last call to me was almost answered by my daughter.  I will DO WHATEVER I HAVE TO PROTECT MY FAMILY!  I asked the TER admin to remove the review.  If this can happen once, it may happen again.  So, if my review cannot be MY review, there is no point in doing any more of them.  I now question the validity of her other reviews.  If she is able to go PSYCHO this time, she has probably done it before.

But I wouldn't give up on the system altogether. A good idea the next time you have a poor review for someone - wait a few weeks before posting it and she probably will not know for sure who it is. And use a cellphone, giving out your homephone is definitely a risk for alot of reasons.

The first calls came on the cell I use.  Now, here is the scary part.  I dont give out my home phone number and it isn't listed in my name.  How she got, I do not know. That is the one my daughter almost answered...

I have request the phone company to change...

AS Far as the system.  I am no longer a believer.  Truthfully, it probably works  99% of the time.  But when you get burned this bad, you stay away from the flame.

If she knew your name, age, and town or even state, it is pretty easy nowadays to find where someone lives right off the internet. Some cellphones can only be traced to the provider, but many will show your name and address. Then it is easy to get any phones going to that address.
Again I would not give up on the system altogether, no system is perfect, even the country we live in is not perfect but we don't just leave. I didn't see the review but if she had that many OK ones then maybe she had a bad day, who knows, maybe she feels your viewpoint is not fair. In the end she gets hurts financially and you are happy you could express yourself.
 Please do not misunderstand, you are totally justified in the right to express your viewpoint, but with some people it is just better to walk away if you are not in a position to deal with a psycho's backlashes.

wow that sucks.  Yes- get a pre-paid cell phone.  Hide it somewhere for only those times you are looking for a provider.  Also- I no longer hobby- but from my short experience, the young girls act like that.  From what you tell me- it sounds like she was young. They are hot, firm and pretty to look at, but many of them don't know how to use them.  Think about it- some of them are just starting to figure out men and their bodies. They are just learning on how to act and probably haven’t had many boyfriends. So to them a 10 second ride is all they need to do to keep you happy. I had to laugh because for a moment I thought we saw the same girl.   I am sure there are the exceptions- but I had a similar experience with a young provider.  I then went with the 24 and up range and had much better experience. In my civi life- the 30's and up range were far better sexually.  

As far as the provider- shame on you.  Your actions are deplorable.  

I feel for your situation.  I feel that you should still post reviews either good or bad.  One way to keep annemity is to post a review a week after the visit, that way she can't remember who she saw.

it should of been handled differently.

-- Modified on 7/7/2006 11:34:57 AM

-- Modified on 7/7/2006 11:36:53 AM

Hey so you had a bad time with this girl.. From reading your review it seems like she tries to remove herself mentally from the sexual service. So she watches tv and talks about her life.. Remeber some times these girls have a lot of things on their minds and lives.. Or maybe you caught her on a bad day. From your review you seem very angry at her for her distracted service. Take it as a bad date and leave it at that. I think we've all had bad dates whether it be an escort or anybody else. I've just started in the hobby and the first thing I've learned here is that you take chances and nothing is 100%. You say that she could be a top provider well maybe you could have mentioned her good points along with the bad ones. Did you try to talk to her about what was bothering you? Or if it was so bad maybe you could have just walked away.. If I was with a woman that really wasn't paying attention to me I would get up and politely say good bye. So you lost your money...Big deal.. Let it go... There will be other days and other girls.. And remember when you write a review the clients aren't the only ones reading... How did you think she would react when she read it?? In the future just be a little more carful when things just don't look or feel right.. Take care and be more carful.. Use better judgement next time when you are with the provider and when you review her..

atl_mgr2720 reads

He's not talking about Lita; the review was removed.

thanks,  I would actually see Lita again compared to the one that this fuss is about.  Lita is young and doesnt focus on the client. that is in line with other reivews of her.  Sorry Prince,

L00king4Fun1814 reads

Yikes, that's scary. I've noticed that some providers ask for your TER handle (if you have one) as part of the screening process. I even volunteered mine, thinking that it was one of the safer bits of information to share. I wasn't thinking about having to write a negative review (But I doubt I'll have to. The provider is well reviewed and seems to have her head on straight.)

The "lady" I am talking about has 6+ pages of reviews. I thoough that was a good sign. I gave my cell # but do not know how she got home #...

Let the buyer beware!

completely lost2916 reads

You'll find this kinda of behaviour with the gals who've grown up in the ghetto both black and white.

I had one lady threaten to accuse me of rape If I wrote a review of her no show session. I had scheduled an appointment and she asked me to call when I reached a gas station. I called and she did not pick up her phone. I had just driven about 45mins so I was really livid. Anyway I left a message on her Voicemail stating that I wanted an explanation for her no show or I would be placing a review of her no show experience on one of the boards. She quickly called back and I did not answer the phone but she left a nasty message on my phone stating she was going to accuse me of rape and really gave me a good cussing out. I was so pissed that I wrote a review of my experience.

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