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Re:Play LE's own game...
bikebryan 18 Reviews 7933 reads

That's an even sillier, and ludicrous, statement.  

There's a big difference between your SO and a provider.  Your girlfriend/wife isn't technically in a "business" where you are paying her for the sole purpose of having sexual relations.  

There is a word in LE and the courts you may be familiar with.  The word is intent.  If you aren't familiar with it you need to be.

I am fairly new to this, but, in reading some of the reviews I have seen that the providers do a "LE check."  I know that is to prove that I am not a cop, but what is the best thing for me to do to prove to her that I am not LE?  Is it something that I could ask her as well (if she's LE)?  Thanks all!

frankie2003a9424 reads

A provider with solid reviews from reviewers with solid reviews
is your only sure way to tell if a provider is legit.

-- Modified on 12/19/2004 11:31:50 AM

Once you are in the room, a check is useless.  Do as Frankie suggested and check not only the provider's reviews but the reviews of hobbyists that have reviewed her.
    If you try a newbie that has no reviews there are advertisement features that you can look for and safeguards that you can take but be prepared to bail out of the situation if anything looks or sounds wrong to you.

Here's what I've always done - may work or may not, but certainly won't HURT.  Before you do anything  (prostitution statutes require "an act" in addition to intent), sit down with her and say something like "I want us both to agree that I'm paying for your time, and nothing else, and that we're both consenting adults... blah blah blah", and then shake hands.  OK, kind of obnoxious.  But it will make it that much harder for LE to show intent.  They could still arrest you, and I have no doubt that they would.  But i doubt they could make a charge stick.

What's the name of the world you live in?  You know, the private one where you think this works?

This little charade you go through means absolutely nothing in the eyes of LE and the courts.  You are still guilty of solicitation of prostitution if money is exchanged for sex.  Regardless of what you "say" about it, you aren't going to fool a cop, judge or single jury member.

Oh, that's just a silly comment.  If it were true, my wife would be guilty of prostitution.  Every girlfriend I ever had would be guilty of prostitution.   So, basically what you're saying is -- once you have sex with someone, you're no longer allowed to give them any money?

That's an even sillier, and ludicrous, statement.  

There's a big difference between your SO and a provider.  Your girlfriend/wife isn't technically in a "business" where you are paying her for the sole purpose of having sexual relations.  

There is a word in LE and the courts you may be familiar with.  The word is intent.  If you aren't familiar with it you need to be.

DamnPats7856 reads

I put some thought into this, and came up with an idea.  Tell me what y'all think:

Not everyone is keen to every law-- after all, there's a ton of them.  If you ASK an officer of the law whether or not the act is legal, they cannot willingly lie to you.  Now, you might totally foil your chances if the provider is legit... or you might not.  But if you're feeling something isn't right, you'd be taking a small risk to cover your own ass.  I'm sure there's gotta be a "cool" way to ask this question.


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