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Re:Minor details.. the details are everything
bikebryan 18 Reviews 7187 reads

1.  I usually have bottled water, some wine, some beer and ice tea sitting in my refigerator.  It's her choice which to choose, as it is yours if you visit her!

2.  I don't keep any "supplies" on hand.  I have some condoms at home, but that's not because of an outcall.

3.  Just ask.  You won't be the first or last to ask.

After spending a significant amount of time reading everything I could get my hands on, I find myself unable to satisfactorily answer the following questions..

If experienced hobbyists (and providers!) could give me their input on the following questions, I'd be much obliged!

Without further ado....

1.  (Outcalls)When your date shows up, do you offer her a drink (alcoholic or otherwise; if alcoholic, what kind?).  I'd love to offer her a nice glass of wine.. seems it would be easiest if I just ask her what she likes before we meet, wouldn't it?

2.  What sorts of... supplies.. should I have?  I found one site that suggested I should keep feminine products 'just in case' but there are varying opinions on that.

3. How does one broach the subject of using the provider as a reference with other providers?  I wouldn't want to offend the woman I'm with, but it seems the very nature of the question would be so.

Thanks!  I have to say - everyone on this board has been so helpful.  I love it!

1.  I usually have bottled water, some wine, some beer and ice tea sitting in my refigerator.  It's her choice which to choose, as it is yours if you visit her!

2.  I don't keep any "supplies" on hand.  I have some condoms at home, but that's not because of an outcall.

3.  Just ask.  You won't be the first or last to ask.

1. having drinks or a snack is a nice gesture, shows a touch of class, but not entirely necessary
... and if offering wine, you might just want to ask for preferences beforehand

2. I always have condoms and lube available, though she will most likely bring her own; and have a clean washcloth and handtowel set out for her. Additionally antibacterial soap, mouthwash, etc. are good items which you probably already have anyway; but feminine hygiene products I figure she would provide her own.

3. if all went well, just ask politely,
she is hopefully a professional and will understand, especially if she requires this as part of her own screening. Another option might be to wait until you need your next reference; then call/email asking her since she is your most recent date and would be the "best" reference to use.

just my opinions, and based on my own experiences

This man is going to be a pillar of greatness in the hobbying community! (starts thinking of moving into whichever town he is in ) LOL

You'll get many different replies to this. Im telling you what "I" would like.. So don't listen to me ok? haha

I always love when one asks.. ( a fine Port is amazing) A grape farmer turned me on to it..Mmmm... He said he was going to be the best GFE I ever had.. (grape farmer experience) LOL- (If this wasnt a good thing to put staff, please delete this part)

Any professional will be more than willing to give a reference to another girl for you. Its all about staying safe in that aspect. If she is caring and good hearted she will do so. I think you will know what move to make once you meet with the girl. More than often ones first provider turns out being a mans ATF after 2 or 3 others to be quite honest. Most girls are more than willing to help out.

Supplies- hmmm..I never have seen a man that has any sort of supplies on hand. Can't help you out with that one :(... A cork screw is good thing to have. I always carry one in my purse ! (lol)

Ah Ciara, such a sweetheart I rarely did meet!

Incidentally, I do make periodic trips up to Rochester, perhaps I will find one coinciding with your travel schedule sometime soon ;)

You are a very thoughtful man to be so concerned.  

1. Wine or champagne is a wonderful way to start off and helps set a romantic mood, which I happen to love, others may disagree. I love a man who is a BFE!

2.  I always bring my own condoms, music or anything else I think is needed.  Personally, I would never see a man during that time of the month, so no need for you to supply femine products.

3. We are quite used to requests for references so please don't be shy about asking. We all need to be safe and it helps to know another lady had a nice time with you.

And if I might add something else, gentlemen please be sure to shower and brush your teeth! A well groomed man makes for a very responsive Mary Catherine!

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