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Re:I disagree
LaurenFairfield See my TER Reviews 7520 reads


You are correct sometimes the body does reject the implant and forms scar tissue against this foreign object. It's called capsular contracture.

And you are also correct that some cosmetic surgeons do overfill to avoid rippling. Although there is a maximum limit or the implant manufacturer voids the warranty. (I believe somewhere around 10% over)  

But if an implant is over filled too much it will be hard. Think of a balloon filled with water. If it's overfilled it will be harder/firmer then one that is half full.

I didn't bother to mention capsular contracture because it's rarer then overfill. There are also cases of silicone hardening. The feel of the breasts can also be different with under or over the muscle placement, but I didn't bother to get into all that because the vast majority of harder or firmer then average enhanced breasts are because they were over filled.


PlayingDoctor7857 reads

I recently saw a provider who had all 8 and 9 ratings,
on 8 reviews. Only one mentioned her "rather hard breasts".

Well, they were like implanted croquet balls. I mean, she
was beautiful, sweet, skilled and everything else, but
the breasts were a real turnoff.

Is this so normal with implants that it doesn't bother
anyone else? or is it just that guys who are bothered
by it don't write reviews.


It's not normal with implants ... either she decided to go bigger than her body could handle or she got what she paid for and/or wanted them that way ... and to answer the other part of your question many guys just don't care about it when they post a review, it's a preference question ... scan my review of Megan some of us do post. hobby safe hobby well hobby all you can be ...

The hardness or softness of implants has to do with what is called "overfill".  During the surgery, when the cosmetic surgeon puts the implants in they are empty bags and then he fills them with the saline solution. Some women like a more rounded, firmer look (more saline) while others want a softer, more natural look (less saline). You can get 2 completely different looks with the exact size implants depending on how much saline is in them. It has to do with individual preference.

Of course there are silicone implants, overs and under the muscle,  but more then likely this woman has overfilled implants, thus they appeared harder then what you are used to. That must be what she likes best.


SweetTina6608 reads

My surgeon said when implants get like that it has to do with the body rejecting implants and the tissue around it hardening. Implants must be overfilled or else they will have horrible ripples in them. I have 700cc implants overfilled to 1000cc and the people I see don't know I have them. I don't make it a point of telling them. They figure I have them because my breasts are large. They are very soft, jiggle, bounce, move when I walk, etc.


You are correct sometimes the body does reject the implant and forms scar tissue against this foreign object. It's called capsular contracture.

And you are also correct that some cosmetic surgeons do overfill to avoid rippling. Although there is a maximum limit or the implant manufacturer voids the warranty. (I believe somewhere around 10% over)  

But if an implant is over filled too much it will be hard. Think of a balloon filled with water. If it's overfilled it will be harder/firmer then one that is half full.

I didn't bother to mention capsular contracture because it's rarer then overfill. There are also cases of silicone hardening. The feel of the breasts can also be different with under or over the muscle placement, but I didn't bother to get into all that because the vast majority of harder or firmer then average enhanced breasts are because they were over filled.


GooeyFacial7645 reads

and would love to suck them and fuck them!!  On the topic of implants, you are both right to a degree. Bags that are grossly overfilled can sometimes be hard. But, it is breast calcification that can cause that hard look and feel. (That is what you mean when you use the term "rejection").Personally, I like breasts that are DD or bigger and love implants.  Semihard doesn't bother me, but the term above "hard as croquet balls" is not what I want to find on someone's chest!!

SweetTina9386 reads

Thank you. That's the word I was thinking of but wasn't sure of the spelling. BTW I love your screen name speaking of which I had a double one today. :)

GooeyFacial8644 reads

one of the participants!!!!  BTW, where can we see pics of you??   EROS??? Your own website????

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