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Re:Any significance in "half-hour, 1 hour, etc." besides just the time?regular_smile
solargarlic19 5356 reads

Thanks, all for the great responses

PatsSuck7771 reads

Sometimes, it almost seems like ads are trying to say something like "well, if you buy the half-hour, you get THIS... but trust me, you want the hour."

How often is it the case where a full hour would imply FS, and a half might imply something else (HJ, BJ)?

BobbitTheHobbit8658 reads

Depends. Some half hour ladies are bang, get off and see ya types. Some are upsellers that will try to lure you into paying more to get the satisfaction that you want. The best bet is to stay away from ladies that do half hours and go with reviewed ones that do one hour minimum appointments.

skisandboots8979 reads

Don't shy away from a lady that offers "half hours" just b/c of that.  If she has decent or better reviews and you want to see her, then go for it.  I do tend to go at least one hour with a lady the first time I'm with her, just to get a better sense of what she's like.  However, b/c I'm older & I can't get out a second cup within an hour, I will book half hours with providers that I've seen before.  In these situations I've not felt rushed at all, and have had great times.

Being that I am an incall girl in Buffalo during the morning/ lunch hour. Some gents may only have 1/2 hour to spare during their lunch hour.. they more than appreciate that I would give them a 1/2 hour session..

Because I would most certainly visit you for some lunchtime fun whenever I could.

As to 1/2 hour appts.  I would seriously disagree with someone who says stay away from women who have them.  As mentioned by Ciara, sometimes we do not have an hour or more to spend on our "lunch hour"  A half hour is a great lunchtime break to make the rest of the day sooo much better, and everybody will wonder why you have such a grin on your face for the rest of the day.

Also one women who I have seen who used to be in Boston offers a half hour appt that is even less than half her hourly rate, but it does not offer FS.  Most of the time, a quick half hour with hugging, kissing, rubbing, and a real nice release (however provided), is much better than trying to get every acronym in in the half hour.  

So as long as the person who is offering half hours is giving you what you want, then it works out well.

But what do I know...

LOL.. Just saw you responded.

Just as any provider portions out an  appt or  2 hour appt, I portion out a 1/2 hour appt.. Of course it is more than 30 minutes at times... 5 for huggy huggy at the door door and getting a refreshment.. ...up to Ciara's haven we go... some nice fondling and little licky licky sucky sucky for another 5 or 10.. ( hahahaha).. and then... go for the kill... which leaves about  15 minutes for that..If you last more than 15... then I guess the 30 isnt most advantageous for that person.. But to me, it alot of fun.. and for my lunchtime friends.. its like sneaking away to the girlfriends/or mistresses for a quickie...Like they just did something really sinful ;) In which they did ;)

Keep in mind.. My 1/2 hour appts are 98% of the time my regular friends that come to visit. This is not really for a first timer.

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