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Re: Welcome Hoss...
hungry1951 29 Reviews 883 reads

I also started ate 54 years old, and have found some of the best people that I could hope for, both men and women. (obviously for different reasons) What I thought I was looking for, and what I found are not even close. Stick around, this is one hell of a community.

I am new to the hobby. I am more of a “Probie” (on probation until I have some references) than a “Newbie.” At 54 years old, I am not a youngster, but like the song says “I'm not as good as I once was. But I'm as good once as I ever was.”
  First of all, I want to say thank you to this community for welcoming me with open arms. The people I have met in chat are GREAT people. Special thanks to the ladies - especially Lina, LadyJay, Juls, Rebecca, Dani, and Victoria. Maximus, Seacow, and Longitude, special thanks to you also for your help and ideas.
I recently made a trip to Vegas for a meeting. I contacted 4 providers by email to ask some questions as well as availability. All 4 were gracious enough to email me back. The one thing that surprised me was 2 providers told me 2 weeks notice was too far in advance for them to see if they would be available. I emailed all 4 my personal info. (I have not yet joined a verification service) 2 answered that email. (you guessed it, it wasn't the 2 with no idea of their schedule) One of the providers time schedule did not work out. The other was gracious enough to agree to meet with me and our schedules worked out. How was I to know that this would be the most amazing woman I have had the pleasure to meet. After the experience with E******** L**** I am looking forward to meeting a few other special ladies. (Hoss---making notes frantically)Especially the ones mentined above. (swoon) Again, I want to say thank you to all the others I have met i chat and thank you for the advice and help in getting started on my path of a hobbiest.


(edited by moderator, see below)

-- Modified on 11/7/2008 12:37:29 PM

We're gentlemen here on the newbie board, so we don't mention the ladies we've seen by name.  But wow, your first time out was with a gal with 14 pages of reviews!!!  You proved that it can be done.

Now before you get too judgmental on gals who schedule two weeks out - look at it from their perspective.  For many, the bread-and-butter of their business is visits from her regulars, some weekly, others less frequently.  If her first booked appointment for the week is with an unknown, out-of-town newbie, will often conflict with the last minute wishes of a "sure thing".  Some gals will make the appointment with a newbie, only to cancel when something better comes up.  Others will be more cautious, and wait to see where the newbie will fit into her schedule.  

I know it is frustrating, but it is true.



I meant no disrespect. Was just an observation. The providers I contacted were all gracious enuff to return email me and I am in their debt for taking their time to do that. If I came off in a bad way, PLEASE accept my apologies. It was not meant to be that.


Still learnin obviously (sigh)

I also started ate 54 years old, and have found some of the best people that I could hope for, both men and women. (obviously for different reasons) What I thought I was looking for, and what I found are not even close. Stick around, this is one hell of a community.


Thank you for the welcome. I have been so nervous, but a good nervous. I had some of those same feelings when I joined in here about the people I would meet. I plan on "sticking around." If nothing else but to be able to exchange barbs with LadyJay, Lina, and the rest of my favs in chat. :)


Hoss, let's just say that I am looking forward to March *wink*

And congrats on discarding your Newbie status .. Probie sounds sooooo adorable :))


Hoss, that will get you one great BBBJ from me at least! LOL
Thanks so much for your sweet words, and i'm looking forward to meeting you as well!..
Your a pleasure to talk to in Chat, and i have this brand new NOTE pad for you!
Lets see each other soon!

Its great you had an awesome first experience. And you bring much to the chat as well.

Your doing so good!   Now be a good probie and spank me!  :P

congrats Hoss


OMG! See what did I tell you. These people are amazing. Thank you. Especially my 4 favs. (swoon)


(make notes: Spank VV, get note pad among others things from LadyJay,book flight in March-DDD, go watch shopping for florida-Rebecca) :)

And make sure you Life Insurance Policy is intact! LOL

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