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Re: This is an interesting one. Just out of curiosity, what was the city ordinance...
GFE.inspector 1426 reads

The ordinance was "Being in a house of ill repute".
I got a ticket for it. The people who got tickets were processed and dismissed at the scene. I saw some people being shackled and hauled away in a LE van as I made my exit. Since I was not arrested there was no arrest record created according to my attorney. All of this took place in Chicago Illinois.

maxum2203092 reads

this is a question mainly for the hobbyists, how often do u guys who see a girl, ssaayy around once a month, gotten busted? and u hobbyists who see girls alot less or more than that i have the same question. also, is it a common thing for hobbyists to occasionally run into LE? and if so wats normally the punishment(like how long in jail do u spend, wats the fine, etc)

GaGambler3084 reads

I've been an active member of TER for five years. I have probably seen over a thousand different providers in this country and at least as many in other countries. I have never been arrested.

I was present during a bust of an incall ran by a friend of mind a couple of years ago. I was not caught with my pants down. I denied everything, never waived my rights and with no evidence they were forced to let me go after about 45 minutes of harrassment. That is the closest I have ever come to being arrested.

I take that back, one other time about twenty five years ago, well before TER or even the internet. I was getting a BJ in my car when approached by LE. I quickly pulled my pants up and again denied everything. The lady with me also stuck to our story of "just talking" and the police reluctantly let us go on that occasion as well.

If you stick to well reviewed providers here on TER and you use just a little bit of common sense you should be able to hobby your entire life without any real fear of arrest or jail.

and never had a clue of any LE activity.

Some of it may be luck, especially in the early years when I was young, horny and clueless, and had no resources like TER to fall back upon.

Now I owe it to hobbying smart, thanks to the great advice found on here.

have never come close to a meeting with John Law. I'll admit that blind luck played a big role in the first 20 or so, but since then, I've been using the big head a lot more and being more cautious.

I've been popped ONCE. It was many years prior to internet polyamory and consisted of the "police decoy" strutting her stuff on the local 'stroll".

I tempt fate sometimes too, going to openly advertised asian places, so it's not like I play it as safe as I could.

maxum2201415 reads

alright thx haha...i thought getting busted was a much more common thing...this puts my mind at ease alot more lol

It is ALWAYS a possibility.  We use TER, reviews, and backchannel to reduce the possibility to as near zero as possible.  
If you do your homework and use the tools available to you here you will likely never even get close.  Go fishing on CL though, and all bets are off.

My favorite MP closed and needed to find a new one. Called a new number and got the location, but once there, no such address, after a couple of more times and ready to give up I arrived at a house. Thought that was weird, but knocked on the door. Was escorted in, and more was on the menu than a mere massage. Then LE broke in. I stuck by my story that I only got a massage, and after about an hour they let me go. Some inadvertant and weird intro to the hobby world. Since then I stick with TER and highly reviewed independents. No problems.

Never but I was a client of Pam Martin and Associates better kmown as the DC Madam. I lost a lot of sleep fearing my name would be published.  Having been to an agenct since.

Closest calls I've had were ancillary: Twice when returning home from hobbying,  I had to pass through DUI checkpoints, w/ LE stopping me to ask if I'd had anything to drink.  Both times, no alcohol had been consumed, and they allowed me to leave without incident.

There was also an odd incident at an M&G recently where two uniformed officers entered the room where the party was being held.  No much for them to see; just a group of men and women hanging out at a club, watching the big game on TV.

Getting busted is not a normal occurrence, and the risk can be minimized by seeing ladies that have good reviews and reps.   Use your head, be wary of seeing anyone without reviews,  get out fast if anything doesn’t seem right, and you should avoid most situations with LE.  Nothing is guaranteed, though.  Best of luck...          

GFE.inspector1437 reads

I got busted at a sex show once. I responded to a CL ad that said for a fee I could photograph a sex show and some nude models. I went there , paid the fee and everything went fine. Two weeks later
the ad was posted again saying that there were new models and more shows. I went back. Things were going well until in the middle second show LE got up out of the audience displaying badges and ID cards and placed everyone present under arrest. After verifying everyones identity and legal status everyone was charged with a crime or a city ordinance violation. People charged with crimes got locked up and got their cars confiscated. People charged with ordinance violations got ticketed. I got a ticket for being in a house of ill repute which was later dropped in court.
I still have the pictures of the event.

BTW I have never been busted with an escort in and I have been hobbying fo 38 years. I have had many close calls though.

that you were allegedly violating.

I'm curious as to whether it was specific such as photographing a nude person within 500 yards of a church, school or daycare center; or more general such as lewdness, etc.

Also, what distinction was made between the ones who got arrested for crimes and the ones arrested for the ordinances?

I'd be curious to know the city and state too if that's not too much nosing around.

GFE.inspector1427 reads

The ordinance was "Being in a house of ill repute".
I got a ticket for it. The people who got tickets were processed and dismissed at the scene. I saw some people being shackled and hauled away in a LE van as I made my exit. Since I was not arrested there was no arrest record created according to my attorney. All of this took place in Chicago Illinois.

Good post!  I read about these lap dance parties and GB all the time and I been to several before I officially entered into the hobbby. But he crowds and the clientel it brought always brought LE.  In most cases the parties were  broken up and they conducted "on the spot" interviews to see who had drugs, warrants and they were arrested.  One thing about the hobby is that mostly everyone has a vested interest in being discreet.  These parties bring in the worse of the biz

GFE.inspector835 reads

The party was quite nice. There was food and drink. The per hour fee was was low and the atmosphere was congenial. The space was equipped with photo lights and a few props. Physical contact with the models/performers was not allowed. The show was well executed and lasted about an hour. Closeup photography was allowed.

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