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Re: Screening/verification
mrrandom 14 Reviews 1182 reads

For you to say that is not different than me telling someone, "if you don't know the difference between RAM and ROM then you don't need to talk to me." In other words if someone is new to something the answer that is obvious to you, wont be obvious to them if you have been in the field for a while.

Sometimes when I am on other forums someone will make a grammatical error, another poster will take the time to come by, and tell the OP about every misplaced comma, misspelled word, and so on, but won't even try to answer the question.

If you(anyone who feels the need to answer a question without really trying to answer it) are going to take the time to post then say something useful, or preface it with I(the person who posted the question) have nothing useful to say, so that I don't waste my time reading it.

What does it do? If I am going to be answering questions about myself I would like to know why.

What does it do?  Going through my screening can help to assure me that your profession is not at direct odds with mine.  Also, heaven forbid that you hurt me, gives me a name to report to the proper authorities.

The heat gets really hot in this kitchen.  I'm allergic to metal bracelets and like to exercise my personal freedoms.  Also, on a regular basis ladies are robbed, beaten, raped, and sometimes they are even murdered.  For many reasons that I won't even get into here, far too often us ladies are specific targets.

My mama' taught me not to talk to strange men... and you wanna' WHAT?
; )

The absolute best response possible, I'm going to remember that one for when I need to use it. LOL>

you know that screening is very important for the provider and for the hobbyist. You don't want to use a provider who doesn't screen. Her lack of caution could result in an unplanned run-in with the law. Screening gives you assurance that the lady is careful and cautious. You want that. So although it seems annoying, careful screening is in your interest.

When you are hobbying, one thing you want to avoid is getting arrested. Screening is among other things a way for the provider to avoid encounters with the law. You need that since getting arrested can be very disruptive to your professional and personal life.

Mutualgoal1725 reads

I understand screening is important and have now used a screening service.  But, I worry about using an agency.  It sounds like they keep records.  If they have problems with LE (which this one did last fall), wouldn't I be exposed?

It is common practice.  I would worry about ladies that don't.

The process can take many forms:  do you have other ladies as references, a background check service (they have been mentioned in previous discussions), verifying employment, address etc.

It is a little unnerving (sic?) in the beginning about giving your information to someone.  It is for her safety and makes good sense.

With all that said (and I always say this), do not give out information that you are not comfortable with.  I NEVER give out employment information (bad experience).  There are other ways, that I mentioned.

If I am going to be answering questions about myself I would like to know why.

Why??  You really have to ask WHY?

Maybe you need to rethink this hobby if you have to ask.....why.

For you to say that is not different than me telling someone, "if you don't know the difference between RAM and ROM then you don't need to talk to me." In other words if someone is new to something the answer that is obvious to you, wont be obvious to them if you have been in the field for a while.

Sometimes when I am on other forums someone will make a grammatical error, another poster will take the time to come by, and tell the OP about every misplaced comma, misspelled word, and so on, but won't even try to answer the question.

If you(anyone who feels the need to answer a question without really trying to answer it) are going to take the time to post then say something useful, or preface it with I(the person who posted the question) have nothing useful to say, so that I don't waste my time reading it.

screening procedures make the ladies comfortable is fine with me.  If I think the lady is too intrusive, I will move on; although that hasn't happened in over 6 years of hobbying.

I can absolutely see the need for screening from the ladies perspective. Most want real names, addresses, place of business.  Things that most ladies would not give out in exchange.  Several say that they "destroy" the information once verified.  Not really in their best interest in the long run.  KSK, how would it change your life if you were outed for hobbying.

Im a first timer so thats what worries me. That they will keep my information and if something happens they will report me down the road. I wish i knew someone who was a good hobbyist and just recommended me to someone. But i understand the need for screening.

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