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Re: no response from provider-what is wrong with this picture
kokopuff 961 reads

Well, it could be any reason that has nothing to do with you. Some ladies get too busy and stop taking new clients altogether for a little while and have not time to respond. Some lose their schedulers.

Happened to me with the lady who is now my ATF. Turns out her scheduler was off for a little while and she got overwhelmed.

I'd say move on, at least for now, and if you still feel you want to see her after a couple of months try again then.

Happy hunting ;)

contacted independent lady via her website and email several times last few months; provided 2 solid refs (1 I've seen regularly now for 18 months and promised good review and 1 I've only seen once recently), all the requested personal info, i.e. work number, name, tel number; although she is known to respond quickly to emails tod schedule appts I have not heard from her; what am I doing wrong; why won't she respond; suggestions?

...A provider who routinely doesn't respond to your mail isn't interested in securing the appointment.

Anything can set off a providers' inner alert system; maybe she doesn't like persistence  or maybe she doesn't like how you phrased something.

At any rate you should move on to another; writing or calling over and over is futile.

HWHG, a lot can be said for "inner alert system".   For me personally, the way person writes has huge importance.



Your wasting your time and energy on someone not interested. There are many others out there that could show u an excellant time

Move on, there are too many providers to be fixated on this one lady, that is unresponsive.
Here's a hint, one you start looking, always have another provider or two as back to the lady you want to see. And remember think with the big head not the little head.

tmtlr271371 reads

I've had the same thing happen to me and yes it's very frustrating as it's usually the younger provider or the better looking one.

A couple of reasons for the non response.

She might be traveling and will not be in your area for quite a while. She will not respond for you are not current business.

She might be getting booked by multi hour appointments and you only want one hour. You don't have to be a math major to figure out why you don't get a response for this reason.

A lot of ladies don't check their email often and use more of their bookings by phone.

No matter the reason it hurts thinking you are being ignored. I have that feeling still although I see providers every week. I have one local hottie that I know is into datecheck verification which I'm am certified. I can see she has checked me out on datecheck but still hasn't responded to two emails and one phone call. I hate to forget her as she is all 9's and 10's on TER but it hasn't stopped me from seeing others.

I would suggest to forget her for now and move on or else your right hand might have to fill in for

If one considers the legions of persistent hobbyists with their redundant attempts and indignant cries promulgated on these boards over the years.

 There is well over 100,000 providers listed on this website; MOVE ON!

If an e-mail goes unreturned I might send another on the thought it might be lost. Or I might call and leave a message. But after that I definitely move on.

One additional comment – I generally don't send my references until I've heard from a provider. That's a lot of personal information to simply send into the ether without knowing anything about the person at the end of the line (or even if there is a person at the end of the line). I've seen some of the e-mails providers have sent checking me out. They often contain a great deal of personal information. Once I even mistakenly was sent a reference request for someone else even though I am a hobbyist not a provider. The reference request included the person's real name and occupation. I'm not comfortable with that much info bouncing around the Internet unless I have had contact with the person first. References are an unfortunate but necessary part of the hobby. I'm a little more careful about sending them out.

Somewhere along the line, you may have done something wrong, or she may be busy with regular clients, and not be taking on new ones.  No way to know from the info you laid out.  If you haven't heard from her after several e-mails, best to move on.  What else can we say?

It's comforting to know there are smart people out there with sound advice. I will be in the library doing my research.

shudaknownbetter1006 reads

She couple be unavailable, out of town, family issues, what ever...  
I'd not cross her off "forever" but for the time being, move on.  (You can opt to circle back later if desired.)  
Do not obcess over any one provider.

kokopuff962 reads

Well, it could be any reason that has nothing to do with you. Some ladies get too busy and stop taking new clients altogether for a little while and have not time to respond. Some lose their schedulers.

Happened to me with the lady who is now my ATF. Turns out her scheduler was off for a little while and she got overwhelmed.

I'd say move on, at least for now, and if you still feel you want to see her after a couple of months try again then.

Happy hunting ;)

If your a legit client, and there is nothing to suggest your not, then just view it as her loss. If you know your a gentleman and a good client then that is all it is, her loss. Maybe her business is just that good that she can blow off legit prospective clients.

It would be nice if she would respond to you as a courtesy, even if only to decline the offer, but that kind of customer service is hard to get in the commerical sector these days and I wouldn't sweat it if you don't get it in this industry. Look elsewhere and have fun with it, this hobby is alot of things but one thing it shouldn't be is frustrating.

Timbow925 reads

What if you see a provider and she says she wants to see you again and you email back a short note and do not get a response ?
Would that make you mad enough  to not call back  ?
Some girls are moody   too .I have a ATF that sometimes pulls  back and seems to not answer the phone and I leave her alone for a time.
If the girl has a kid that can matter .

What if you see a provider and she says she wants to see you again and you email back a short note and do not get a response ?
Sorry if this is not as related but I would like to hear a response and it might happen to you later :)

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 4:06:35 PM


Happy Holidays to you.  Why not call her?  I can never understand why someone writes to my e-mail (when they are looking for company right away).  Us providers do have a life and do not always check our e-mail.  Maybe this lady is having a tough time at the moment.  Do not give up on her.

(link removed for lack of TER signage)

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 5:50:59 PM

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