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Re: If you want to use a dental dam, use a dental dam! ;) ...
maddie4fun See my TER Reviews 1081 reads

Definitely agree. If I were you and wanted to use one, I would definitely carry one with me since that is not something that every provider may carry with her and something that you would not talk about on the phone.

I can't see any provider objecting to safety and your piece of mind. There's a lot of info on the safety or lack thereof of it... so it sounds like you just need to do what you need to do and to me it sounds like your own personal choice is to use one... so carry one or two along and use it.  I'm sure they now come flavored.

Enjoy your dining experience.(smile)

I want to DATY, but would like to be safe about it.  Is it weird to ask for a dental dam? How do providers feel about it?  Thanks.

Are you going to ask for a copy of the providers last bood scan also?

...I probably would ask for that scan : ).  But I'm pleasantly surprised with the apathy clients approach  my health with.  Less drama for me daily but it does make me curious...

Thankfully I take care of myself (to protect my interest and the quality of my life) as do many others, however, there is nothing wrong with a client proceeding with caution.

Personally, I find it refreshing when clients ask about my health practices from time to time and express reservation at certain acts and behaviors, particularly if they are new to me and married.

To the initial poster:  don't be discouraged.  If you would like to play with a dental dam request that your provider have them on hand- you can ask for whatever you'd like and most good providers will accommodate you.

You will become less squeamish as you continue and realize the preventative measures that good providers consistently take.  Any provider who is dismissive of your concern (within reason, don't badger) isn't one you would like to continue with.

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 4:37:32 PM

RRO--Not really what I think is proper for a newbie board there dude, sarcasm doesn't exactly indear the hobby to the new hobbyists. We are not the thoroughbred horse racing industry here, surly and abrasive as can be, we can be nice to people who are new, after all we were all new once.

123456a - What I would suggest is this. You need to make a decision based on the realization that you are putting yourself at some risk when getting into the hobby. You will never be 100% safe from anything, dieseses or otherwise. You can rest assured that most girls who provide (the non-street variety of course) are as conscious of health concerns and other concerns (LE,etc) as we are.

I would not advise you to use a special device, not exactly sure what a dental dam exactly is but I doubt it is something that many gents pull out upon meeting. If you don't feel comfortable with it that is perfectly reasonable, just don't partake in it. The measures taken by responsible providers and gents that are customary in this hobby, protection the number one concern at all times, will give you as much assurance as you can possibly can have(not %100) that all will be well.

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 4:41:25 PM

It's just a square or rectangle-shaped piece of sheer latex which is placed over the vagina.
Motion sensation can be felt through them.

Not unlike female condoms, they are seldom applied but most providers will have or know how to procure a selection of them.

anon76588492037 reads

I went to a conference once where they gave these things away, and curious, I opened one  up, and put it on my tongue.  I quickly RAN to the bar, tossed  the  fucking thing, and ordered another double tequila! YUCK!

That's what you called it, right?
Betcha wish you had a dental dam then!


Clearly you missed Cherry flavor @ the convention.

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 5:05:04 PM

anon76588491015 reads

I've also referred to a rancid snatch as smelling like a "a Korean fish market that lost its electricity in July".  

But to answer your question HWAHOG,  LOL,  a Cherry flavored Good Year Tire is  NOT very palatable either!  ;-)


I don't know what product you had, but they come in flavors: Strawbery, cherry, bannana..and some green one, what is that? Uh, perhaps green apple. Well anyhoo, the clients who have requested them from me, have enjoyed the flavors and my squirming, moaning and shaking may I add : ). And after all isn't that the point? As long as it feels good to me.....

Have fun!


Great question 123456a!

I think that it's a legitimate request to ask a provider to use a dental dam when performing oral sex on her (you never know, she may secretly want to use one as well). Similarly, it's the same as a woman asking a man to use protection when she goes down on him. He may say “yes” or “no”. However, there is no harm in asking and any professional provider would satisfy your request as you are satisfying her with DATY. ;)

The worst thing you can do is not ask and then provide unsatisfactory DATY as you worry about fluid transfer, etc.

Good luck.


-- Modified on 12/28/2008 6:22:48 PM

Definitely agree. If I were you and wanted to use one, I would definitely carry one with me since that is not something that every provider may carry with her and something that you would not talk about on the phone.

I can't see any provider objecting to safety and your piece of mind. There's a lot of info on the safety or lack thereof of it... so it sounds like you just need to do what you need to do and to me it sounds like your own personal choice is to use one... so carry one or two along and use it.  I'm sure they now come flavored.

Enjoy your dining experience.(smile)

According to the CDC website, The AIDS virus and HIV, and of course herpes and genital warts can be transmitted through oral sex.

It's unfortunate, because it takes away from the spontaneous pleasure of it all, but, the facts are in black and white. The dental dams are for your safety. It all comes down to risk. Are you a high risk personality or a careful person?

Have fun!


On the other hand, sex with a condom you can get herpes from simply skin to skin contact. Sex isx is a risky tranaction anyway, so rather have dental dams, do not offer DATY at all.

Its sufficient : ).

If your tongue is exceptionally wet or you've placed lubrication on either side of it she will experience similar sensations as uncovered oral sex BUT for obvious reasons its not "the same".

I don't really care because I prefer penetration to DATY with most clients but another provider who really enjoys oral sex may not be able to attain orgasm as easily.

-- Modified on 12/29/2008 7:17:44 AM

A dental dam is just a sheet of latex -- cut the tip off a condom and cut the tube lengthwise.

Ta daa!

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