Newbie - FAQ

Re: I see that also....
mkrik 3348 reads

So I just got a response back, to my question of how to delete my account, since they are asking for a subscription number. Here's the canned reply:


You currently do not have a subscription number with TER.

You are issued a subscription number if you elect to purchase a subscription for one our VIP memberships.

Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff


mkrik27791 reads

I've decided to get out of the hobby, for various reasons I won't bore anyone with.  I'd like to delete my TER account, and if possible, my reviews as well. How do I do this?

I saw something about canceling membership, but it asks for my subscription # which I can't find.  Also, I'm wondering if that will simply cancel my VIP, but leave intact my non-VIP account. I want both deleted. Help?


and a box to explain why.

I see no request ofr any subscription number, just the pro-forma numbers and letters to fill in so that bots can not perform the task.

mkrik4476 reads

I don't see what you are talking about. When I click account manager, it brings up tabs of "My TER", "Reviews", "Mail", "Discussion Boards", "Site Reviews" and "Chat".

The screen looks like this:

Account Manager
username *****
first name
last name
change password
confirm password
time zone
email favorites updates?
email notification of
new personal message?
show whitelist?
exclude from top 100
membership type VIP - Non Recurring
remaining vip days **

mkrik4194 reads

I logged in again under the "classic" format of the website, and see what you're saying. But when you click on that, it still asks you for a subscription #. I just put in a bunch of zeros....we'll see if that works.

I guess that if we don't hear from you, we'll know it worked.

mkrik3349 reads

So I just got a response back, to my question of how to delete my account, since they are asking for a subscription number. Here's the canned reply:


You currently do not have a subscription number with TER.

You are issued a subscription number if you elect to purchase a subscription for one our VIP memberships.

Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff


CrackPipe3121 reads

Since you're communicating with them, why don't you ask them?

mkrik3402 reads

I did. That's the canned response I got. I followed up, but it takes 2-3 days for them to ever respond.  It seems like there should be an ability to just cancel and remove your account.

xandria77772211 reads

EXACTLY,  and why are your posts still here if you asked to be removed two years ago??  Hopefully they deleted you,  Im sitting here butting heads with them right now trying to get them to delete my account!  so aggravating!   how is it legal to force someone to have an account here if we want it deleted???

karmadavis2037 reads

Posted By: xandria7777
EXACTLY,  and why are your posts still here if you asked to be removed two years ago??  Hopefully they deleted you,  Im sitting here butting heads with them right now trying to get them to delete my account!  so aggravating!   how is it legal to force someone to have an account here if we want it deleted????  
I want my phone number removed. I left the biz and never gave the clients permission to post all those intimate details including my phone number! I don't put my number in my ads and this is utter nonsense. I asked how to have reviews deleted or altered to remove my phone number and personal details (I only have good reviews so it is obviously not me trying to fiddle the system) and they sent me a reply telling me I can view my reviews at this link blah blah like really? NO I WANT TO DELETE! Considering a lawsuit.

mkrik4749 reads

They gave me a choice of paying them back for all the VIP days I earned and wiping my reviews, or changing the name on all my reviews to something new, to help me cover my tracks. Very kind choice...I'll let y'all guess which one I chose. ;)


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