Newbie - FAQ

Re: Hi SweetD.
SweetDecember 468 reads

Thanks Swim! I def will be asking questions. As a matter of fact I will be using the Self help in order to learn how to gain quick access to VIP. Not sure I want to wait a month...but hey patience is a virtue. Thanks again Swim.

I am new on the provider side. I mean like 2days old. I am Independent. Just wanted to say hello to my new! My old ones wouldnt understand why I do what I do. Because I love my job. Please say hi if you have time

Hi Sweet December. I'm new too.

Do you have a link to your website?

Yes, I do have a page. I posted the link below. and Welcome to TER Stinavalentine. Hopefully I can PM you soon. Working on my reviews. Im sure the hobbyist would love to help me out with that. lolHopefully we can stay in touch. Let me know if you have any problems viewing my site.  Also do you have a link to your website

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 7:35:51 PM

TalkToTrees467 reads


I saw your website, it's a start. Of course, when you become more established, you'll have a cleaner and more organized website to show off.

I've send you an email through your website.

The Forest Waits

Thanks for viewing my link! Im actually excited.  Indeed you can see Im certainly a newbie and ok at being a photographer (lol). But please stay tuned to watch me grow. Im supa hyped about my new profession. Perhaps I can be at your front door one day :) Thanks TalktoTrees

Oh wow, your tits are amazing. Is that pussy juice all over that banana, lovely lady?

Posted By: SweetDecember
Yes, I do have a page. I posted the link below. and Welcome to TER Stinavalentine. Hopefully I can PM you soon. Working on my reviews. Im sure the hobbyist would love to help me out with that. lolHopefully we can stay in touch. Let me know if you have any problems viewing my site.  Also do you have a link to your website

-- Modified on 3/23/2014 7:35:51 PM

Love Love Love your page. I recently edited my page and added another one. Take a look when you have a moment. Can I text you?

Yes, please feel free to text me before 10pm.

I'm up now because I'm all wound up from my incalls today and can't sleep yet even though I hafta be at my regular job in like 6 hours. Good thing I booked the room right down the street from the job. Lol

Posted By: SweetDecember
Love Love Love your page. I recently edited my page and added another one. Take a look when you have a moment. Can I text you?

StinaValentine, do you have a link to your website?

Welcome to the site.  First order of business for you is to read the self help center if you haven't done so already.  Right now you are moderated, so your posts have to be approved before they appear in the thread.  Give it a month or so with frequent posts to demonstrate to admin that you can follow the posting guidelines.  Then you can ask to be un-moderated and your posts will show up as soon as you submit them.

Once you get a review, you can ask for limited VIP so you can read the juicy details of your own reviews.  You can also ask to have your reviews linked to your handle.  That way, the link will appear under your name every time you post something.  BTW, you will not have a profile page until someone reviews you.  That person will establish your profile.


PS, if you have questions to ask, this is the forum to ask them

Thanks Swim! I def will be asking questions. As a matter of fact I will be using the Self help in order to learn how to gain quick access to VIP. Not sure I want to wait a month...but hey patience is a virtue. Thanks again Swim.

You don't have to wait a month for VIP. When swim mentioned a month, he was talking about your posts being moderated. Moderation has nothing to do with VIP. You can get unmoderated after posting for a while and not breaking any rules.

As for VIP, you can get that immediately by paying for it with a credit card. Or you can pay by money order and wait a while for it to process. Or you can wait until you get your first review, and then get the Limited Free Provider VIP. This is not the same as full VIP, but it does allow you to use the PM system and to read the juicy details of your own reviews (but not those of other providers)

Besides the self help center, you should also read back on this board 10 or more pages. You will find many of the same questions get asked over and over, so it's a good way to quickly see answers to the most common questions. You should also post on your regional board and post ads on your regional ad board. The best way to get TER reviews is to let TER hobbyists know who you are.:)

Welcome and Good Luck!

Stina Some of this you have already seen but there is more here and it will be useful to you both.

Let TER members know you are a provider by posting ads on your TER regional ad board, posting comments on your regional discussion board (Be sure these posts don't come across as ads. They will be disallowed.), and participating on the Photo Only board.   Check out the Self-Help Center for the guidelines for posting ads and how to post photos. The Self-Help Center link is on the upper right of most of the discussion boards under the red and white life preserver. Read everything there even the stuff for the guys. It's good to know all you can.  
You can pay for a VIP membership now. It will give you full access to all TER has to offer but it won't distinguish you from any other member. The things I mentioned above and the link spoken about in the next paragraph will do that.  
Once a guy has seen you, written a review of you, submitted it to TER, and it's been approved and posted you will have a provider profile page. Your first reviewer will create your profile when he fills out your information. You will then have a TER provider ID number. (You can contact TER and correct anything the guy got wrong or didn’t know.) Next step for you then is to contact TER and request they connect your profile with your TER handle (SweetDecember). Contact them using the e-mail you signed up with. Their address is [email protected]. This will give you the free limited provider VIP membership. It will also give you access to the TER PM (private mail) system and allow you to read your reviews in there entirety. It will also place a link which says "See my TER reviews" under your handle whenever you post on a TER board. Guys can click the link and be taken to your profile page and check you out. The provider VIP will also give you access to the provider functions on TER such as being able to white list clients.  There is a Provider's only discussion board. You have to have 3 reviews and establish yourself on the boards then request that TER give you access to it.  

perfectstorm and swimtrekr have already told you about your posts being moderated at first.
I hope you find this helpful.  
Welcome to TER. Have fun.

Not many old friends would understand this but surprisingly there are some open minded people.  

Having looked at your slixa site, might I suggest some different photos shot from different angles. You seem attractive but a potential client may want to see a few more photos before going forward.  If you're concerned about your identity, you can always get those identifying marks brushed out.  There are many people that can help you here.  

Either way, hello and welcome. Hope that you make many new friends and bring many orgasms in the business.   :

Hello Keystonekid: are a sweet december baby. Yes, we should get to know each other. If you are able to view my website feel free to take a look around and contact me. I look forward to speaking with you and thanks for responding to my post.



I'm glad to see you here!
I wish you all the luck. Be sure to poke around on TER and spread that positive energy. The Carolinas are lucky to have you. There are a lot of great ladies between the two states who you'd be smart to check out. you can learn so much from them.

I can't wait to see your trajectory. Someone beautiful and smart, like you, can definitely go far with hard work and persistance and of course a great attitude! you have all four!

Thank you Colettecurves for your help and continued support. I truly appreciate and admire you for all the help you have provided me with over the past 3days. Im sure I will be in touch with you today and for a! You are my jewel.  


its so weird to see girls with out reviews getting on the site!
 i had tons of reviews before i figured out how to get on here,  
i knew reviews were good,,,and wanted them, i just didnt have a web site so i couldnt get on it for a while.
 now not only do i have a web site but its quite possibly one the best web sites in town...if i may be so bold.
 my web designer kicks major butt. i came up with the ideas and words, he took all my emails and thwenorganized my ideas. too bad he isnt takn new clients.
well soon enough youl hear of aldo antonio too!

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