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Re: Forget the bed. Do it on the floor.
sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1442 reads

thought about that too but then there are rugburns...hmmm  what about the shower always a sweet slippery surprize.
in on under what ever and if you are having lots of fun you may not even notice the covers.

wysiwyg1003023 reads

OK, I'm really embarrassed to ask this.  For an outcall in my hotel room, should I leave the bedspread on or should I dramatically fling off the bedspread and sheets and hopefully not knock over a lamp?

is that dramatically flinging your bedspread away from the bed is a bit.. dramatic.

Of course, it depends on every scenario but sessions generally begin with a bit of a chit chat and kissing on the bed with the covers on and when things get hot and heavy, one can always snuggle and play under the sheets if desired. There is no right way to do such things. Trust me, it'll just come naturally.

If you want to make a bit of a flourish, it can be sexy when a man picks up a woman while things are getting steamy, flings the sheets back, and have his way with her. (;

But as I said, whatever feels natural. Happy hunting!

I like to curl up under the covers afterward, so that bedspread's moving one way or the other. ;)

Unless you are going cuddle under the blankets afterward.  Always love it when the lady wants to do that... :)

If you want to be under the covers (my preference) simply turn the bed down before the lady arrives.

What ever floats your boat babe, on or in..doesn't make a difference!

On the Jayla sounds good to me!,,,LOL!

thought about that too but then there are rugburns...hmmm  what about the shower always a sweet slippery surprize.
in on under what ever and if you are having lots of fun you may not even notice the covers.

throw down a couple towels first, but I'm a big fan of the floor, and the bed... and the sofa...

so if it is my room, off go the covers and we do it right on the (hopefully) clean sheets.

Pulling the blanket up afterwards is a nice touch too.

shudaknownbetter1156 reads

I think it would be really nice to have the covers turned down slightly for a GFE session.  If we start between the sheets the top ussually ends up on the floor.  While the lady is in the bathroom after, I get the covers back up on the bed so we can cuddle.

The issue with this is one may end up with a puddle in the bed...  if someone is going to sleep in it after.

I don't trust that even the better hotels wash and change the bedspreads often enough for my liking. You can be reasonably sure that the linens are fresh, but you don't know how many days (and guests) the bedspreads have seen.

I really don't like hotels
not discreet /not personable
But if is your only choice
take the "bedspreads" OFF the way !!!
Even in 5 star Hotel they don't wash them very often ...


Doesn't that break some kind of sanitary regulation? I thought they washed them after every guest.

Having read and participted in a similar thread, it got my curiosity up. I decided to do a little James Bond work, and spied on the housekeeping ladies in a couple of hotels. Maybe they thought I was a little creepy, lurking in the hallways, but I got my answer. In the rooms where I knew the guests had checked out, the bedspreads were not changed. Then I asked a friend's wife, who has worked in hospitality, and she confirmed that, at best, they will get changed out about twice per week.

Get extra sheets from the housekeeper (even if she's not looking). :) Then there won't be a puddle in the bed afterward. Or, book a room with two beds (generally not more expensive).


Niki, said it best, "just do it!"

Do it on the bed, in the bed, on the sofa or chair anywhere but on the floor of the bathroom. JMO

Timbow1891 reads

I get the girl to take off bedspread since you could get scabies if you do not .IF she will not comply no money and I'm gone .

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