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Re: don't be
Redschane 509 reads

Thanks for the advice. Your right, you are everywhere when I searched. I have searched my potential providers info as well. All seems good. I am scheduled to meet her today.  
Approx when do you give out an address for an incall meet?

Redschane2123 reads

If a user is verified on several sites (TER, Eros, pure VIP, rate that provider) would one be safe to conclude that she is safe to see without walking into a LE situation?  This is my first time.  I have read all the etiquette rules and ready but nervous as hell as worried about getting picked up.  
She has asked me for my DRivers license and my linked in profile to ensure her safety to see me. I abliged and we scheduled.  
Based on all this would one think it's safe?  She is a verified member on here for over 2 years as well. Thank you.  

Even if she weren't, the odds of her being LE are probably small, but care should always be exercised in these matters.  

More to the point, if something strikes you as off, don't hesitate to scrub the mission.  It's important that you feel right about this.  After all, this is supposed to be fun, not like going to the dentist.

Redschane695 reads

Agree.  Se has given me no reason to be scared.  I think It's just the first time aspect that has me paranoid.  Once I meet her I am sure I won't ever feel this way again especially if I am seeing her.  

Was just looking for some input and advice.

take a shot of bourbon about a half hour before you meet her, and that should settle your nerves pretty well without dulling the senses you'll be wanting to use.

Posted By: mrfisher
After all, this is supposed to be fun, not like going to the dentist.
Maybe you just need to find a new dentist?

paranoid, if she's verified, has ok's , reviews, enough web presence, (Twitter) google her name, google her email, and see what comes up!  
try with me... you will see me everywhere hahahaha... and tell me if Im ok? :)

Relax and have fun!!!!

Redschane510 reads

Thanks for the advice. Your right, you are everywhere when I searched. I have searched my potential providers info as well. All seems good. I am scheduled to meet her today.  
Approx when do you give out an address for an incall meet?

I usually give a close by location (mall, building, certain area, metro stop) 30-45 min prior (I am in DC/VA/MD and traffic here is just awful!)... the 15/20 min exact address and then I text directions about to go up once they arrived and I can see the area is safe and you came ALONE lol....

P.S. don't follow fancy advise... pls, do yourself that favor  

(no offense Fancy).

Posted By: Redschane
Thanks for the advice. Your right, you are everywhere when I searched. I have searched my potential providers info as well. All seems good. I am scheduled to meet her today.    
 Approx when do you give out an address for an incall meet?

"Don't listen to fancy " lol
That should be in the newbie guide

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
paranoid, if she's verified, has ok's , reviews, enough web presence, (Twitter) google her name, google her email, and see what comes up!  
 try with me... you will see me everywhere hahahaha... and tell me if Im ok? :)  
 Relax and have fun!!!!
Verified pro giving advice to first timer researching pros and Marketing pro business,. A lot pros don't have reviews because clients don't want to write reviews  in illegal business.Paranoid in participate illegal business .Pay to play. It's not free sessions.

-- Modified on 2/9/2017 7:44:06 AM

And you were talking about a very small minority! Most ladies realize that they must have reviews in order to see the clients who are most desirable, meaning the guys who are educated, who do this frequently, and who are also verifiable so we can be safe ourselves.   Very few (if any) of the most desirable clients are going to take a chance on a lady with no reviews and a newbie definitely should not.

triage432 reads

this business is a series of calculated risks, but if you do your homework you should be fine

Dfusethesituation570 reads

I just dealt with a situation like that.  Local provider who mainly advertised on the page.  Her screening required a recent selfie.  She got a P411 account and I contacted her and she still required a selfie.  We set a date and when I got there she asked for a selfie, then work ID.  When I balked she sent me a very cryptic message pretty much saying that she knew my identity as well as the SO.  Sorry, but if you can't verify that I am not LE by my "Okays" or TER reviews or references, then I guess it wasn't meant for us to meet.  Contrary to popular belief, or just thinking with the little head, most providers/agencies do not discard your info upon verification.  Evident by the re-occuring emails that you may get when certain providers are in town.  

Posted By: Redschane
If a user is verified on several sites (TER, Eros, pure VIP, rate that provider) would one be safe to conclude that she is safe to see without walking into a LE situation?  This is my first time.  I have read all the etiquette rules and ready but nervous as hell as worried about getting picked up.    
 She has asked me for my DRivers license and my linked in profile to ensure her safety to see me. I abliged and we scheduled.  
 Based on all this would one think it's safe?  She is a verified member on here for over 2 years as well. Thank you.    

Many write fake reviews... so how do i know yours aren't fake!?  
Mmmmm bad advice you guys giving to a new / decent client!  

If you stick with we'll reviewed ladies,  you have no problems.  
What could I do with your address!? Lol!!! So silly!
My reputation, my history isn't worth it drama in your real life!
I work too hard on my reputation to do something stupid and screw up all the money I spend in websites, pictures, advertising and more... to create Veronica for some stupid drama with a client. Lol

Posted By: Dfusethesituation
I just dealt with a situation like that.  Local provider who mainly advertised on the page.  Her screening required a recent selfie.  She got a P411 account and I contacted her and she still required a selfie.  We set a date and when I got there she asked for a selfie, then work ID.  When I balked she sent me a very cryptic message pretty much saying that she knew my identity as well as the SO.  Sorry, but if you can't verify that I am not LE by my "Okays" or TER reviews or references, then I guess it wasn't meant for us to meet.  Contrary to popular belief, or just thinking with the little head, most providers/agencies do not discard your info upon verification.  Evident by the re-occuring emails that you may get when certain providers are in town.    

Posted By: Redschane
If a user is verified on several sites (TER, Eros, pure VIP, rate that provider) would one be safe to conclude that she is safe to see without walking into a LE situation?  This is my first time.  I have read all the etiquette rules and ready but nervous as hell as worried about getting picked up.    
  She has asked me for my DRivers license and my linked in profile to ensure her safety to see me. I abliged and we scheduled.    
  Based on all this would one think it's safe?  She is a verified member on here for over 2 years as well. Thank you.    

-- Modified on 2/10/2017 1:39:20 PM

GaGambler594 reads

There are a LOT of things you could do to a client with his real name, address, etc. and it is a FACT that some otherwise "well reviewed" providers have gone off the rails and black mailed and/or outed clients for such transgressions as minor as an 8-8 review that broke up her string of perfect tens, or tried to ruin a guys life for a simply NCNS, which is annoying I will concede, but not worth ruining a person's life over.

For anyone who wants to debate this, I will simply offer this recent post on GD as evidence. This woman is posting from behind an alias, but I know for a fact she is indeed, a "well reviewed TER provider"  Whether the guy "had it coming" or not, can you really condone that type of behavior? Or can you REALLY stand there and tell the guys that there is NO RISK in revealing your personal information to even a well reviewed provider?

BTW another highly reviewed provider posted the real name and phone number of a client on the GD board not long ago, The guys name and number was up for all to see for the entire day before admin finally saw fit to remove it. I must have sent in a half dozen reports into Admin that day imploring them to take the post down to no avail

it depends Gaga, ruining a guys life over a NCNS is just stupid. I would put that person on a DNS list if I don't have my cancellation fee taken care of.. but blast them all over doesn't make sense to me.
Now, what about those guys that have robbed girls, hit them, rape them, shorts pay on donation and many more things... I want to know who I meet with.  
But.. everyone has a different point of view, I love my clients, they love me too for my discretion and privacy towards them and the respect we mutually have.  


Posted By: GaGambler
There are a LOT of things you could do to a client with his real name, address, etc. and it is a FACT that some otherwise "well reviewed" providers have gone off the rails and black mailed and/or outed clients for such transgressions as minor as an 8-8 review that broke up her string of perfect tens, or tried to ruin a guys life for a simply NCNS, which is annoying I will concede, but not worth ruining a person's life over.  
 For anyone who wants to debate this, I will simply offer this recent post on GD as evidence. This woman is posting from behind an alias, but I know for a fact she is indeed, a "well reviewed TER provider"  Whether the guy "had it coming" or not, can you really condone that type of behavior? Or can you REALLY stand there and tell the guys that there is NO RISK in revealing your personal information to even a well reviewed provider?  
 BTW another highly reviewed provider posted the real name and phone number of a client on the GD board not long ago, The guys name and number was up for all to see for the entire day before admin finally saw fit to remove it. I must have sent in a half dozen reports into Admin that day imploring them to take the post down to no avail

GaGambler376 reads

BUT, many women here try to discount the very real concerns from the guys afraid of what is going to happen to their personal information if they give it out to someone they don't know, someone with whom they are going to commit an illegal act and someone with whom they may or not remain on "friendly" terms in the future.

You tried to act as if there is no risk for a trick to give out his personal information to a hooker. I simply gave you some examples of not only what "could" go wrong, but some specific instances of "good hookers gone bad"

BOTH sides have legitimate concerns, I try to point out both. You were being much less evenhanded. Hey, it's your living and I understand your POV, but you OTOH have to understand that the guys have legitimate concerns as well.

I undertand Gaga.. there's bad guys and bad ladies all over unfortunately. And for those bad apples both sides need to take certain measurements to ensure we both are safe. I know many guys real information, been in their homes and actually know little bit too much about them... at the same time... I have many regulars that do know me, The Veronica and the girl behind that name... I know they trust me with their info and I know they know I would NEVER put in jeopardy the trust they put on me.  

Thats why they are my regulars :)  



Posted By: GaGambler
BUT, many women here try to discount the very real concerns from the guys afraid of what is going to happen to their personal information if they give it out to someone they don't know, someone with whom they are going to commit an illegal act and someone with whom they may or not remain on "friendly" terms in the future.  
 You tried to act as if there is no risk for a trick to give out his personal information to a hooker. I simply gave you some examples of not only what "could" go wrong, but some specific instances of "good hookers gone bad"  
 BOTH sides have legitimate concerns, I try to point out both. You were being much less evenhanded. Hey, it's your living and I understand your POV, but you OTOH have to understand that the guys have legitimate concerns as well.

-- Modified on 2/11/2017 7:03:41 PM

Dfusethesituation393 reads

Refer to the main Discussion board when asking what someone could do with a person's address.  And please do not confuse specific instances with advice.  Yes you may not want to mess with your money, but there are instances where blackmail has come into play and hobbyists lives have been ruined.  

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
Many write fake reviews... so how do i know yours aren't fake!?  
 Mmmmm bad advice you guys giving to a new / decent client!  
 If you stick with we'll reviewed ladies,  you have no problems.  
 What could I do with your address!? Lol!!! So silly!  
 My reputation, my history isn't worth it drama in your real life!  
 I work too hard on my reputation to do something stupid and screw up all the money I spend in websites, pictures, advertising and more... to create Veronica for some stupid drama with a client. Lol
Posted By: Dfusethesituation
I just dealt with a situation like that.  Local provider who mainly advertised on the page.  Her screening required a recent selfie.  She got a P411 account and I contacted her and she still required a selfie.  We set a date and when I got there she asked for a selfie, then work ID.  When I balked she sent me a very cryptic message pretty much saying that she knew my identity as well as the SO.  Sorry, but if you can't verify that I am not LE by my "Okays" or TER reviews or references, then I guess it wasn't meant for us to meet.  Contrary to popular belief, or just thinking with the little head, most providers/agencies do not discard your info upon verification.  Evident by the re-occuring emails that you may get when certain providers are in town.    
Posted By: Redschane
If a user is verified on several sites (TER, Eros, pure VIP, rate that provider) would one be safe to conclude that she is safe to see without walking into a LE situation?  This is my first time.  I have read all the etiquette rules and ready but nervous as hell as worried about getting picked up.      
   She has asked me for my DRivers license and my linked in profile to ensure her safety to see me. I abliged and we scheduled.    
   Based on all this would one think it's safe?  She is a verified member on here for over 2 years as well. Thank you.      

-- Modified on 2/10/2017 1:39:20 PM

address? Much better to keep hobby and RL separate.

Have you considered a verification service like P411 or Date Check?

68firebird496 reads

Get yourself a membership in P411, then only see ladies who will accept that.  IMHO, you should never give out your real identity to any provider. Too much downside risk.  

if you choose a lady that cares more about money than her safety... don't complain when something bad happens to you.

Posted By: 68firebird
Get yourself a membership in P411, then only see ladies who will accept that.  IMHO, you should never give out your real identity to any provider. Too much downside risk.  

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