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Re: check your pm miss etta! i can walk you through a lot of your questions about agencies.
MissEtta 1094 reads

Since I registered at TER just prior to my post, I dont have PM privledges yet.  I guess I'd better go ahead and pay for the VIP status so I can communicate privately where necessary.  Thank you so much for your offer to provide me with information.  This is very kind of you.

MissEtta2759 reads

Greetings all.  I am a first time poster.  A few friends of mine and I are trying to decide on which direction to or independent.  We would LOVE to know a client's feelings on both.  Please be as specific as you can.  Your honesty and time will be so appreciated.  We are grateful for any advice about agency vs independent you can give because we each want to be highly rated providers here someday soon.  xoxoxo

-- Modified on 2/17/2009 11:12:23 PM

I am not a hobbyist but I can tell you my own thoughts on working with an agency. Prior to working with the agency that I do now, I knew nothing about the buisness, therefore I decided that I wanted to start out at an agency that would do most of the work for me (putting up ads, screening, transportation, booking, ect). I work part time, go to school full time, and generally just have the busiest schedule imaginable so I knew that I could not make it as an independant for the time being because of the hard start I would have. I did tons of research on TER and other sources and chose what I felt was the most reputable agency in the LA area.

I don't regret it at all as my only job is to show up and look pretty (:
And I have been doing very well for myself.

The decision to go with either an agency or independent is based on the type of person you are and how your schedule allows. Most clients honestly prefer going with an independant but many will also book with an honest agency. But make sure that if you go with an agency, do your research and find a good one. There are many ripoff agencies out there. Do your research and good luck in your endeavors!

MissEtta1030 reads

Thank you so very much for your kindness.  Is there any chance you'd be able to squeeze a few girl to girl questions in your busy schedule?  I wouldnt be a burdon, I promise.  You seem to be a very thoughtful person and I would love to pick your brain just a small bit.

If you can find a mentor, that would be the best route. Someone to show you how to escort safely, how to treat a guy well, etc.

Otherwise, start with an agency, and learn the "meeting" part of the business. Gain some insight in to the "marketing" and "booking" sides. When you are ready, you can then strike off on your own, safely.

MissEtta928 reads

Thank you for taking time to reply to my question.  It was throughtful and I value your suggestion of a mentor.  I would suspect that finding one may be hard to do.  Any suggestions on the best approach?  Like, should I call the agency I weed out as a better one in Philadelphia then ask the person on the phone to suggest a mentor once I 'sign up' for work?  Or is that just rude?  I feel silly asking you.

I didn't think about asking for a mentor from the agency. Once you have selected an agency, it might be worthwhile to ask which other lady would be good to get helpful information from.

Some of the ladies I know got into the business when introduced to it by another lady. That is one way to find a mentor.

Maybe find a lady on the boards in your area that seems nice, and ask her if she could help you get yourself started.

Best wishes.

Only have a moment. I am a new hobbyist and I would only see an independant but you need to learn the business. Either get a mentor or sign with a really good agency. Any mistakes you make right at the beginning could affect not only your reputation with hobbyists but the law.  Good luck.

The main reason is that I like to develope a one on one relationship with a gal, and that's not always so easy to do in the agency scheme of things.

I am also leary of the fact that LE often busts agencies more often than they do independents (better media attention), and the fact that my personal information might turn up in their records and become public doesn't endear me to use an agency.

MissEtta820 reads

Thank you so very much for posting a reply.  I'm shocked that over 200 viewed my post but only a few kind folks were thoughtful enough to help a new girl out.   Anyway, since everyone suggests a reputable agency, have you heard of good ones in Philadelphia?  Or NJ, north or south, or even Delaware?  I am best with Philly, but close to the others.  Also, any key things that make an agency reputable or 'good' that I should look out for as I 'interview' them as they interview me?  Again, thanks for your time.  Know it is well appreciated.

I find that the Indy's screen a lot more throughly than the Agency bookers.  The better the screening, the more at ease I am.

In addition to Mr Fisher's great points let me add one more...

It's difficult for an indy to pull a B&S on you.  We hear about agencies doing this all the time.

you will have some credibility right from the start, probably find it easier to get your first reviews if you work for an angency that advertises on the TER regional board. You can take your time to learn the biz and see if its really for you. But the goal would be to eventually go indie. Many of the best and most highly respected providers have followed this course.

MissEtta910 reads

Greetings.  First, thank you for your time.  I saw your name a lot and hoped that you would reply to me as I find your feedback rock solid, informative and thougful.  I am in Philadelphia.  Have you heard of a reputable agency here?  Or in the vicinity, NJ, north or south, or even Delaware.  Philly is best for me but the others are close as I'm a suburbs gal.  Also, what makes a good agency?  I'd love to have some points to look for as I'm 'interviewing' them as they interview me.  Thank you again for posting.  I'm so happy you replied.

MissEtta1203 reads

I saw your reply on the thread and assumed that PM likely meant Private message or the like.  So, I tried checking MY mail on TER and as a newbie I dont seem to have those priveledges yet.  Then, I checked the email I believe I attached to this account, empty.  So, I tried all that before asking you for your help...where in the world do I get your PM to me????  LOL  Etta

its not as simple as throwing up an ad...and hanging your shingle. It may be best to get your feet wet as an agency gal. At any time feel free to go indy.  I started as an indy but also older and have been in business in other ways for many yrs. It can be easier for some to let the agency do the heavy lifting for a while, get your feet wet, be safe and play the game as it unfolds. Once you are in it a while venture out on your own. You can always go indy once you know the ropes and gain some regular clients.
This is a very toughh economy right now and a new indy with no reviews I would think would do better starting out with an agency.  Well thats just my 2 cents is all.
Good luck what ever you choose...and stay safe.


Some of it depends on the market.  For example, I'm in Las Vegas, where 99.9% of agencies are bad.  In a place like that, the decision is pretty much made for you.  In other cities, there are multiple agencies that have good reputations.

Please read the link.  I feel that it's important.

MissEtta1661 reads

Greetings Nicole.  Thank you so very much for replying.  I was thrilled to hear from some women as well.  I see that the men tend to want indie girls.  What is your opinion for this?  Do they get away with more with an indie girl?  What are the agencies doing to piss these guys off?  Because as I researched after my post late last night it seemed that clients really have a distaste for agencies.  Also, I live in Philadelphia, have you happened to hear through the grapevine any reputable agencies here?  Or in NJ, northern or south?  Or Delaware?  I'm not asking for a referral, just grapevine info.  Often, that can prove to be reliable.  Also, what would you suggest that I look for from the agency as I speak to them.  My biggest concern is physycal safety.  I dont want to walk into violence or worse.  I sure hope you have some time to answer all that I threw your way.  It's such a relief to have women answer my post.

I have never worked for an agency but being as I am in Boston, there are several agencies here I would concider working for if i was to start out now.
I entered this biz in a very different way myself, I started as a Private Companion for a sweet Gentleman who I still see on a regular basis. So I gradually dipped my feet in and took my time to do a great deal of research b4 jumping in head first.
I also entered this aspect of the business 3 plus yrs ago in a very much different economy, when an indy could just pretty much post an ad and be in business. Now its a bit tougher to get started. Slower economy, more LE worries on both sides, more publicity into this world...its a hot bed in many communities and complicates things greatly for a Lady just starting out.
I would suggest you ask on your local board who is a good and reliable agency to deal with. Research their reviews. Each agency has reviews...look at their site their track the agency ask questions.  
What ever you decide to do be careful, and be safe.
Screen screen screen


MissEtta1485 reads

Thanks again for a ton of great info.  I didnt realize there was a regional section here.  I went directly from registering to the newbie board.  There seems to be a whole world out there on this site for me to explore.  Thank you so very much for your help.  You have been tremendous.  You be safe as well.  It's a sick world out there.

MissEtta1095 reads

Since I registered at TER just prior to my post, I dont have PM privledges yet.  I guess I'd better go ahead and pay for the VIP status so I can communicate privately where necessary.  Thank you so much for your offer to provide me with information.  This is very kind of you.

The points above are all valid and relevant to your decision.
In my opinion what it comes down to is providing a service that makes your customers comeback, whether that be indy or agency. Once you get a base of customers more will follow either from word of mouth or reviews here or elsewhere.
When I am researching a "new" friend one bad or two bad reviews is enough for me to move on.

I would agree with the posters above about going with an agency in the beginning.

Provide excellent service and the rest will follow..

MissEtta884 reads

thank you steelhead for your time to post here.  I value your input and have found this place quite welcoming.

I sent you a PM as well.  If you don't have access, either you're not a VIP or don't have reviews linked to your profile.  If you did not get it, email me at [email protected] - and I will respond with some info on a philly agency you might want to look at.

Hi MissEtta, I prefer independents, actually I've never used an agency, other than booking strippers for bachelor parties.

I have a few reasons for this. One is that I do a lot of research on the woman prior to contacting her. I like her to have a web site, a screening process, what she does and doesn't do, etc. Especially I like women who post their rates on their site with clear instructions on how to make the donation. I like the situation where the donation is never mentioned at all. This is a somewhat risky game for the hobbyists and doing all this plus checking TER reviews stacks the odds in my favor. This seems like it would be much harder to do through an agency.

The second major reason I like independents is that I want to make sure I'm not seeing anyone who is being exploited. I've heard some pretty bad agency stories about how the women are treated and I don't want to support that in any way. Just because someone is providing doesn't mean they actually like it. I like to make sure the women I see are there purely by choice, because they can make twice my income and maybe actually enjoy the sex as well.

I guess a third reason is that if a woman is independent, has a website and some reviews then she is most likely smart, careful and professional. Indies or agency women who just throw up a CL post and don't screen at all are too risky for me.

Good luck,


MissEtta745 reads

Thank you for your post and thoughts.  I am grateful for your time.  I have learned through reading here on TER that CL is a major red flag, for provider and client.  Thank goodness for sites like this were folks can come educate themselves and stay safe.  My biggest concern is physical safety, then LE.  My aunt was a provider 20 years ago for an agency and I've heard all sorts of safety breaches because verification was so much more limited then.  Your post was full of great info for me.  Again, thank you so very much.  If you have any further thoughts, feel free to PM me.  I am going to get that set up right away.

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