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Re: Cash management?
psavant 899 reads

Thanks for all the tips. I like the funny one about not having a hard-on when asking the teller for $100 notes.

HostileWitness, I totally hear you about the value of $100 and it being the largest note these days. I did not realize this is the case until I started researching the hobby.  

Are there some special ATMs that do dole out $100 or $50 bills for a fee?

psavant3141 reads

For the experienced hobbyists out there, how do you manage your cash? It seems most ATMs don't give out more than $300-$400/day in $20 bills. Some providers ask for large ($100) bills. That usually means a face-face contact with a teller. When this is done on a regular basis is there a chance that the teller reports this to LE (given that cash is normally used with other more sinister activities than the hobby). Or do you guys switch to credit cards/paypal with your ATFs or with agencies after the first encounter? Thanks for any advice.

Many top gals are now asking for more than the daily ATM limit.  It does take planning!!!!  There is nothing wrong with going to a local branch of your bank to withdraw enough for the visit, which is well below the threshold for Federal reporting.  Honestly, $500, or even a $1000 cash wouldn't register as a blip on LE's radar.  So if you get a naughty smile, or a smirk from the young, attractive teller, take your cash, and have fun, and let your wander, I wonder if she...


-- Modified on 12/28/2008 4:48:23 AM

Unless you are doing your banking in a VERY small town the teller does not remember your transaction 30 seconds ofter you walk away from the window.  Reporting a cash withdrawal to LE would be just plain ridiculous! On what grounds? "Yes officer, he took the three hundred dollars in large bills and walked right out the door with it!"  Though it may not always seem that way, LE, and bank tellers, have better things to do with their time.

For the record, I withdraw $600 in one hundred dollar bills about twice a month to see my ATF.  I've been doing it for almost two years and LE has not knocked on my door yet.

Credit cards? Paypal? OK, so you are worried about creating suspicion but not about creating a paper trail of your activities?  Using a CC is MUCH more risky than withdrawing YOUR money from YOUR bank account.


There are many things to worry about in the hobby and in this definitely not one of them.

-- Modified on 12/28/2008 6:00:25 AM

checlov201370 reads

Withdrawals of several hundred dollars in large bills do not raise a flag if the withdrawals are not frequent. Banks report unusual activity like large, frequent cash deposits followed by large witdrawals. If you are the typical hobbyists who deposits payroll, bonus or incentive checks into your bank account then make reasonable cash withdrawals, you have nothing to worry about.

But I wasn't worried...

want2play21242 reads

You ended your note with "many things to worry about. . ." which as a newbie gives me concern.  What should I be worried about?

Well, to name a few...

Getting ripped off.
Getting busted.
Getting caught by a spouse.
Getting an STD.
Getting beaten up by a pimp.
Getting hooked,spending money that you can't afford.
Getting hit by a bus as you leave her in call.

As you can see the list is long. Worrying about cash denominations is inconsequential.  

shudaknownbetter1123 reads

I'm on more of a budget than many of you guys (apparently)...  but I refill my pocket working cash every week or 2.  I don't carry it all, just refill my wallet from my dresser drawer as needed.  I also have a rainy day fund there...  I divert some there immediately.

When I began the hobby, I increased my withdrawals.  When it's time to top up my pocket working cash again, any remainder goes into the rainy day pocket.

And the withdrawal is split as soon as I come home.  I reshuffle sizes of bills if I think that's better.  

I don't always use the same bank branch...  I use a grocery store bank...  they have no idea who I am.  

I never do a W/D just for a date...

tmtlr272283 reads

A couple of things. I betcha bought duck tape to tape your windows right after the Sept. 911 tragedy!! I still can't believe Americans believed our wonderful government that it would keep something out of our homes. That's how over the top your post is!!

Common, since when does a provider get so demanding that they will only accept 100 dollar bills???

I've seen over 20 providers over the last 4 months and not one has made that demand. And even if they did, I would tell them I would try but wouldn't go  out of my way. I own my business and would take cash from my customers any day, no matter what

I live in a small town and bank at a branch where every teller knows me by name. I can walk in every day and ask for $600 cash in 100s and they don't care nor would they ask. Even if they did I would tease them that I had a hot date and they would just laugh.

You are being way to paranoid.....chill and worry more about if it's gonna

checlov201414 reads

I use a similar method. I stash cash in large bills and draw off the amount that I plan to spend with a lady, including possible tips and taxi fare. I am single and do not hobby much, drawing $300 from my bank and stashing it gives me the option of seeing big ticket ladies if I prefer without setting off flags. Married hobbyists have where to stash cash to workout since the stash can be found by a spouse or kids.

HostileWitness1278 reads

that in an era where it can take the better part of a $100.00 bill to fuel your car the $100.00 bill is the largest denomination in circulation.

 Back when $1.00 bought A-LOT there were $500.00 & $1,000.00 "Certificates" (Bills).

Now the Dollar is worth a dime and they have made it impractical to keep it or move it anywhere but IN and with THEIR banking system.

 "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."
--Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1777-1836)

Yeah I know it's more for the P&R board; but I had'a say it.

Just saying. All the other guys are right. There's nothing to worry about. The easiest way for me is to get a wad of $20s from an ATM. Though I wouldn't balk at walking into a branch and getting a pile of $100s. Just make sure you don't have a hard-on when you walk up to the teller. That is a dead giveaway and she'll call the cops for sure.

Done both in regards to hitting ATM's and going into the bank and requesting c-notes.  Never has any lady ever had a problem with $20's or $50's vs. c-notes.  Unless you are booking an overnight or longer appointment that incurs fees in the thousands, I would think getting $20's at the ATM is fine.  Of course, if you have access to ATM's that dispense larger bills w/o those pesky fess, the ladies would probably appreciate that!

As for reporting to authorities, unless you are taking out $10K or more, there is no need for the bank to report.  Taking out a grand or two is not going to trigger this.  

As for using credit cards, these leave a permanent paper trail.  Most smart hobbyists will avoid doing that, especially if you are married, or are dealing with agencies.

Any further questions?

psavant900 reads

Thanks for all the tips. I like the funny one about not having a hard-on when asking the teller for $100 notes.

HostileWitness, I totally hear you about the value of $100 and it being the largest note these days. I did not realize this is the case until I started researching the hobby.  

Are there some special ATMs that do dole out $100 or $50 bills for a fee?

the only atms ive seen that give out 100's are usally in casino's or stripclubs. my .02

Except for casinos, they are a rarity.  I remember a few years ago an ATM at an upscale mall in NJ dispensed $50's (now $20's like everywhere else), and I've heard there are a few in NYC as well.  Not sure where those are, but I wish I did!

I have been told that the safe cash withdraw limit today is anything under $2000.00.  I know at my bank, a withdraw of over $2000 requires a authorized teller and additional paperwork.  I just keep it under that $2000, if I need more, I make multiple trips to the bank.  As for as C notes, hell its only $100.00, don't worry about the denomination.

checlov202033 reads

Good observations. I have withdrawn over $1,000 on a setting for general shopping needs and had no problem at ATMs in my bank's network. I do not make big withdrawals for hobbying because I plan ahead.

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