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Re: About those 'screening sites' are they safer than...
BstyBlndEscort See my TER Reviews 1095 reads

I like P411.

I have always found them to be trustworthy and there is a survey on there so I can tell if they are someone I might be compatible with prior to our meeting.

Date-Check is very good also.

Everyone has their own method of screening but I know those two sites have been a valuable, trustworthy source to many.


giving all your personal info to an agency?

Preferred 411 and Date-Check are what I'm questioning. P411 does a lot of checking, charge a reasonable fee and are not located in the US - is this safe? And Date-Check only wants provider references, I think?

and why isn't TER White List enough? At first one of the above said, 'they didn't know what TER Whitel List is...' so  is that their excuse to get their fees?

Lots of questions and these may be newbie type questions - I'm definitely not that -I see 99% indies who have their own way of doing things - but now i am curious as to there being a 'safe' place out there - which may be a contradiction in terms.

any thoughts appreciated...

-- Modified on 2/27/2009 12:07:30 PM

with both Date-Check and P411 for a couple of years. The upside with Date-Check is that you get a lifetime membership for $124.95, while P411 has an annual fee of $69, which is still cheap. I have had very good luck with both, and yes, they both do check you out pretty thoroughly. As to whether they are safer than agencies, who knows? The plus, I suppose, would be that it's only one place that has your information, rather than a dozen agencies. There is also the simple fact that agencies are typically the ones more apt to get busted, and your name is on the list.

you do not need to be a VIP member to be Whitelisted.  So, no it is not an excuse to get fees.

Every provider is different on their screening methods and this topic has been discussed extensively just over the past few weeks.  Please look back a few pages or search for screening as a topic.

date check
roomservice 2000

less risk than giving out personal information to every provider you contact, not to say that some of if not most mid level and above providers are not trustworthy......

some ladies will still require personal information and / or direct provider references in addition to or in lieu of these services

TER White list is not really very secure. One can hack a TER account and claim to be a particular member. PM a provider from the account to "prove" he/she is the TER user. Especially if he's been pinched by LE.....  I doubt that the white list referral system will every adequately replace the third party verification systems.

a large number of active and respected providers (especially from TER). BUT there are times when you are trying to set something up on shorter than average notice or in cities that are new to you. It depends on the lady's preferences but being a member of Preferred-411 and Room Service 2000 has been very useful to me. I am not a Date Check memeber but they are respected as well.

I also have Date-Check but tend to use P411 more.  I view P411 as much safer than an agency since they are based in Canada.  They asked pointed questions and I only had to provide that info one time.  Gina has a good reputation and I found her easy to work with.  Depending on where you are in the country, you might run across ladies who either aren't on TER or don't have VIP access to check you out.

tmtlr271062 reads

And sometimes that is all the provider needs from me if she is a member also. I've actually used it a lot of late to verify who I am as well. So far no problems and it's gotten me 3 quick dates in the last month or so. I would recommend based on my experience with using it.

I've just joined date-check because none of the providers I've seen are on P411, and my work situation is such that I can't be verified by employment info.  (Self-employed, work from home, no listed number...)

So far, I'm not quite sure how useful it'll be.  Not a whole lot of providers of interest close to me on either of the services, but I may be traveling more than in the past, so maybe I'll find some use for it there.  It's a free trial, so I won't continue if it turns out to be unnecessary.

I like P411.

I have always found them to be trustworthy and there is a survey on there so I can tell if they are someone I might be compatible with prior to our meeting.

Date-Check is very good also.

Everyone has their own method of screening but I know those two sites have been a valuable, trustworthy source to many.


for those of us whose playtime is mostly limited to when we travel. Nice to have something set up in advance.

I love both preferred411 and date-check.  A gent verified by that site along with a few good provider member "okays" on the site is wonderful.  A provider still might want a little more info and a peek at your ID at the first meet.  We have to make sure that it's really you that shows up at the door.  I highly recommend these two and room service 2000.  

The white list isn't enough because TER isn't verifying WHO you are.  It means you joiined a website, perhaps anonymously and somehow managed to get another anonymous person (provider) to vouch for you.  It's a great indication that you're typically a good guy in the room but leaves no room to do anything to someone who acts like a maniac other than advocated to get you banned or some other "board" remedy.  I'm not an agency, whitelisted is GREAT, but doesn't get you past the "who are you?" question when it comes to me.  I will still want a full name and a few other details.

-- Modified on 2/27/2009 4:08:47 PM

But i rather use for my screening

Combination  of  provider referral
white list
and preferred 411
better be safe then sorry !

screening is important and protect BOTH parts

but i am really not terribly experienced....

i think that giving info to an agency is less safe becaused LE targets agencies.

date-check is Canadian, i hear, so it would be very difficult to extract info from them. however it seems that the screening sites have regional followings. i think i am lucky that date-check covers the areas i travel to fairly well.

the reason TER white list is not enough is that every lady has her own standards. some want to hear directly from a recent lady that you are OK for instance.

the main thing is that the screening sites can cut down on the time overhead in booking.

If a provider does not have VIP status on TER she has no way of checking the "reviewer" to see if he is white listed let alone check the "reviwer" out, period.  Thus, the provider has to pay to have VIP status on TER and Date Check where she doesnt need any $$ to have P411.

And just because you have a provider white list you on TER, that doesnt always mean the provider that white list's you is "up to par" as the provider wanting to check you out, is.  

If a provider does not have VIP status on TER, she has no way of contacting the other providers to verify the "reviewer".  It's just basically your word "your a good guy" and you say "you are who you are telling her" you are.  The only way to verify the reviewer is to have access to "the girls forum" and if she doesnt have that, as stated before, its just "your" word.  If she does, she has to make a post and wait to see if, and when someone comes back to reply to her request, unless she knows the providers information and if she doesnt, she has to hunt and peck to find it. Without VIP she has no way of knowing which providers the "reviewer" has reviewed.

Most providers like to see the type of reviews the hobbyist will write to see if they really want that type of review put on them because sometimes the review they feel may be too graphic, is derogatory toward women in general or the hobbyist has an expectation no provider can live up to, even if it is a good review and would rather not have their name out there in such a way. Without VIP status on TER the provider cannot see any other reviews except her own, thus, the provider must pay TER to do so.

Believe me, providers will check with other providers and ask about a hobbyist whether or not you are white listed, P411 verified, Date Check verified, or have a referrel by the President of the United States, etc to ask certain things even though you may have a mile long list of reviews.  What someone puts in a review doesnt always reflect the person writing the review, as a "person".

Wow.  Not sure what got into me when I posted that but dayum...Im calling ME a B***H myself!!  lol

Sorry for the rant!

LOL... I had to read the post 3 times to understand what you were saying.  And it totally makes sense.  You brought up alot of good points.

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