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Re: ';-) LMAO! the dude's probably gotta work a day to pay four your *hour* !!! eom
JustAGal See my TER Reviews 1521 reads

They do say "all in a day's work" for a reason :)



I like to meet gentlemen who are meeting a provider for the first time. I feel very flattered to be the first SP they meet. However, recently I've been asked by newbies questions like:
'How many people have you had sex with?'
'How many people do you see in a week?'
This is far from being a cool subject of conversation during a session. It isn't going to enhance the mood and quite frankly if that's what's on a gentleman's mind he should pass on the experience altogether until he's able to overcome the mental blockage.

question comes up periodically when some hobbyist wants to define "low volume".  Give me a break!  Ladies don't ask about our sexual frequency; hobbyists have no business asking about a ladies.

Happy New Year.

I agree  in all reality it's none of your business, and knowing how many Gentlemen I see will Not enhance your experience.  It's one of those things about this business you have to be able to get past to Enjoy the moments at hand.

JohnG.Roberts.Jr1774 reads

Associate Justices

All that being said, I now order you to answer the questions, and don't try pleading the 5th... it won't work with me, after all...

I am the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States!

(and I'm naked under the robe)

P.S.  Clarence wrote the dissenting opinion.  He REALLY does want to know.

-- Modified on 1/3/2009 9:34:27 AM

Why, when presented with a beautiful woman who is ready willing and able to cater to his sexual desires a guy is even thinking about who or how many came before or after he did.  Talk about killing the mood!

I agree. You are quite stunning. Love your web site.

anon76588491903 reads

"Hey Baby how many  other cocks did ya suck today"???   LMAO  "How much cum did ya chug"???

Sometimes the Newbie board is TOO funny for words!  ;-)

-- Modified on 1/2/2009 5:33:24 PM

how many guys did she fuck / suck today
how many guys did she fuck / suck *ever*
how many guys *better than me* did she fuck / suck ever...
am I too (fat, skinny, old, young, etc etc)
will I catch an STD

etc etc

goes with the territory I suspect.

That's why I often say that this sport is not for the squeamish or the faint of heart.....

but it is just plain simple at the end of the day

you choose your lady
you pay the freight
you take what you can get before the time's up

and you start all over again

my personal "favorite" is :

"this work must be very ucrative ... do you do well?"

To that i usually answer:  "No, i live in a box and hang out near Port Authority asking for nickels when i don't escort"



I agree, asking a provider how many people they've had sex with isn't a good idea.

shudaknownbetter1179 reads

and that's a couple of them...  Sure would kill the mood...  

For the time we're together, I'm the only one...

Timbow1290 reads

Yea do it afterwrds if you did not really have that great of a time and really do not care and are interested :)

This isn't reality. You pay your money, get your time with the escort and that's all. What an escort does the rest of the day, week, month, year, or life, is none of your freakin business.

I do not understand why a guy would ask those questions. You might get a response yu do not want to hear. One reason why I stop going to strip clubs and buying drink for the ladies is because many would tell you their lifestories to suck on the drink time.  I would ask do I look like a Dr. Phil?

smartassplayin1411 reads

if your can in someway justfy this question to a provider in your mind, quit hobbbying and get a girlfriend, if your married your a pig for even thinking to ask.

kokopuff1210 reads

Holy smokes you're sizzling hot!
I'm sorry you were put in an awkward position. Out of so many FUN questions a guy could ask a lady of your caliber... oh well!
Take care!

The things you describe can't be discussed even if I am a regular that has seen the lady ten or more times.  No reasonably smart hobbyist would ever ask things like that!  I'll bet there will not be another meeting with the dudes who asked these out of line questions...

BTW, nice pic.  What is it about ladies from Montreal...are any not scorching hot?  LOL...

Timbow1835 reads

Depends on the conversation .
I was talking about taxes and it came up .

Ambler071321 reads

I am a professional who has appointments with clients as well, and it is considered poor manners to ask me how many hours I work and whom I see, etc. As with escorts, it's also detrimental to my relationships to tell my clients that they're one of several I'm seeing that day, since they want to believe (correctly) that during our time together they have my full attention.

That being said, I'm sure Cleo and most providers would agree that curiosity is natural and not necessarily intrusive, if handled properly. We are usually curious about professionals out of genuine interest and respect. I ask tour guides about their experience in a country I'm visiting, and I recently got to know a flight attendant whose stories of the airline world were amazing. Of course, escorts and their work lives are endlessly fascinating, as well as titillating.

There are some questions that are reasonable although it would be inappropriate to ask during a session. That's where I find message boards like these are so very valuable. I hope providers can share some of what their lives are like to satisfy that curiosity.

Thanks very much for sharing those thoughts, Cleo. I hope that we can learn about you and others in ways that respect your privacy, are well-mannered and don't disrupt the chemistry and energy that is so valuable in an encounter.

It sure would kill the mood for me.

Besides, other than Mr. Fisher, let's see a show of hands how many guys have seen more than one provider in a day.

That would kill the mood but think about it those are guys question.  I was at a Poker game the other night and the question was how many diferent women you slept with?  It was like we were trying to outbid one another  LOL

But that's between the guys.

A chick asks you those questions, and you collapse like a souffle.

Especially since the chick in this case will most like win the bet of who has had the most partners.

Most likely...

GaGambler1222 reads

I have been asked that question many, many times at the Del rey in Costa Rica. More often than not I had seen two or three other girls the same day, so I guess it was a valid question.

OTOH I would never ask the same question of a lady. I know it's a double standard, but when a guy sees four or five women in a day he's a stud, when a woman does it, not such flattering terms are used.

To answer your other question, I have seen multiple providers on many occasions.  About two years ago I saw forty different women during a single ten day stretch.

"How would you rate the sex, on a scale of 1 to 10?"

"What would you charge if I just wanted x, y, and z?"

"You're really beautiful... but you're probably sick of hearing that, huh?"

"I realize I never set an end-time, and I asked you to stay, but you were just staying that extra hour because you like me, right?"

"Why are you asking me if I'd like a shower if I already told you I took one this morning?"

"Would you like to see me 'off the clock'?"

"How could someone as beautiful as you want to be with an old fat guy like me?"

You'd really be surprised (or maybe not...) at some of the idiotic questions we get!

aren't pictures and links only placed when you put your weekly ad up??

Most people who've been around these boards for awhile know I love to help people or at least be upfront with them. However, it's getting too scarey for TER guys to be emailing me, using my personal email address, asking me about something that was said on the TER board. Just state it on the board. I love hearing from you guys, but my private emails are for scheduling an appointment ONLY! I also don't want jokes, cards or attachments, although it's a nice gesture. They mess with my system, and I am very busy.

The reason I have come to this decision about private emailing is because what is sometimes said in an email can be used against me in a court of law. I didn't give it much consideration when giving advice before through emails, but now I have to be more firm.

If you have a question about a relationship and have asked me if you could email me about it, then great, but please don't mention anything about escorting, hobbiests, porn, etc.  LE activity is very high in Phoenix, and I'm pretty darn sure they could be watching us and possibly tapping into our conversations. So please, just talk to me on the boards or don't get too verbal about the business when emailing me. I'm not mad, just being extra careful right now. Besides, if you email me about donations, etc., then I'd direct to you my website and the conversation would end there. So, conversations about other things can be just as dangerous.

Thank you! :)


-- Modified on 1/3/2009 1:51:53 PM

a provider say how many clients she has had and how often she has had them. In that case what would a provider do? In fact , I find the thought of such a discussion with a provider quite erotic.

You let the provider know that it is your fantasy but at the same time let her the room to decline your offer of talking about it since she might not be comfortable in doing so.

PS: I appologize if I make spelling or grammar mistakes as English isn't my first language.

LadiLuver1548 reads

Like she can weave a sexy tale about doing an entire football team earlier in the afternoon.

That's not my type of thing, but I'm sure if a guy told a lady about his fantasy, many would be willing to play along.

akthanatos1477 reads

Thank you for posting that you like to meet men for their first experience in the hobby.  I've been crawling through reviews and sites and it is wonderful to know that a newbie like me is welcome - especially if he doesn't think about that or can keep his curiosity about such things under control.

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