Newbie - FAQ

New provider
DianeNeedsDick 134 reads

I'm a provider new to the industry (5 months in) and about two months ago I texted a very well known and high class escort to ask for some advice on.. well... how to be a good escort. I was really surprised when I got a message back from her assistant. I didn't know that was even a thing. Mind you I knew nothing about the industry before I started. But I thought the same thing. I figured guys would be offput if I were a guy wanting to book

For the total Newbies and also those who are still getting their feet wet.....

If you email a provider, and receive a reply which reads,  "Hello Newbie, This is So-And-So's assistant...... " blah blah blah.  
Would a response from an assistant be off-putting or suspicious to you?  
How do you think you'd react?  

Most newbies don't realize that some providers have assistants so I can see how this might feel a little strange.  And possibly cause even more nervousness or anxiety.  

Thank you in advance to any & all new to the game (or those who still vividly remember those days lol) who respond!  xoxoxo

I'm a provider new to the industry (5 months in) and about two months ago I texted a very well known and high class escort to ask for some advice on.. well... how to be a good escort. I was really surprised when I got a message back from her assistant. I didn't know that was even a thing. Mind you I knew nothing about the industry before I started. But I thought the same thing. I figured guys would be offput if I were a guy wanting to book

Most don't mind, but others do want that personal touch of communicating directly with the lady they wish to meet.    

When I hired an assistant, I accepted the fact that this would be an issue for a few.  

However, I don't want to intimidate newbies!  ;-)

Most assistants are fine to deal with and cut down on response time so that is a good thing.  

Some guys that may want that "connection" may not like it and I actually can see why it would be disconcerting to a newb to have someone other then the girl he thinks he is contacting to respond back to his initial email.

Is it possible you directly handle the newbs and let your asst handle the more seasoned guys? Or maybe you initially reply to the newb and tell him your asst will be in touch shortly for the details? Just a thought.

Posted By: JackDunphy

 Is it possible you directly handle the newbs and let your asst handle the more seasoned guys? Or maybe you initially reply to the newb and tell him your asst will be in touch shortly for the details? Just a thought.
I'm considering doing the latter, when time allows, which is why I asked my question here.  ;-)

It's always about finding balance; I'd love to give everyone a personal reply but that would mean I either go without sleep or constantly fall behind.  

I'd settle for an email back! I'm very new (account opened less than 10 days ago), have an out of town deal coming up and have tried contacting 3-4 providers. So if an assistant were to contact me I'd be Ok with it, and pre-screen etc with them. I'd rather not do a 411 screen, and do a verbal type thing.   I know this narrows my choices down.  I couldn't even post to this discussion board until they fixed it this morning, so I'm very frustrated.   I did receive one response that they're out of town on those dates. Is there a better way to search for who's available and in what areas for said dates?  All the calendars I see are not that far out (second week of August I'm looking for). Thanks in advance for the help.

ahead more than a few weeks. The reason most often given is hobbyists who schedule that far ahead tend to cancel, have other scheduling issues [change time, change day, etc.] or be a NCNS.

If I have limited availability, then I will sometimes schedule 3 or 4 weeks out but only with ladies I have previously seen.

Ok, I shall remain patient! It's just that, it's my first meet up and I want it to be out of town at least for my first meeting. Small window (5 days) I'm trying to hit. Thanks for heads up.

No problemo here. This way the provider can concentrate on providing and the assistant concentrates on screening and scheduling.
I`m still a semi Newbie (1 year, 12 trysts) who just recently encountered a booking agent and the whole gig was totally seamless.
A couple of my regular girls have told me that doing it themselves gets very time consuming at times and eats into their down time.

I am so new to all this that the paint is still wet, only joined TER and P411 in preparation for a trip to Vegas at the end of September. I wouldn't have any problems dealing with a booking assistant as long as they made it clear that it wasn't the provider I was talking to, anything that makes communication quick and easy is a good thing. At some point before the actual meet communicating with the actual provider if possible would help newbies like myself to feel more at ease, The personal touch before the personal touch lol

I will just be honest, Not dealing with an assistant or agency period. Too many beautiful truly independent ladies for that craziness.

And have an assistant.  She isn't an agency, she doesn't get a cut: I pay her a flat salary and she works for me.

I am my own boss.

souls_harbor99 reads

I am getting frustrated by attempts at appointments where I don't get a reply for days -- sometimes never.  That's a crappy way to run a business.  Though I suspect these ladies probably are the ones who couldn't afford a scheduler.

All but one of the ladies I've booked with acted as their own scheduler.  With mixed results, timeliness-wise.  The one with a scheduler was higher buck, but the reply and date setting was very fast.

bigmac88129 reads

I wouldn't care for it. I'm speaking from less-than-a-month's experience here, so take it for what it's worth. We're already nervous and unsure about the whole experience--how to initiate contact, what the screening process is like (every provider has her own way of doing it), whether we'll get a reply, what to wear, what to bring, etc. Now you're bringing a second stranger into the chaos and expecting me to work with him/her. That makes me even more nervous, and raises questions like: Is this person trustworthy? What does the assistant know about me? What work are they actually doing?
Why do I have to deal with yet another unknown factor?

It also raises a question of call volume. Are you seeing that many guys on a daily basis that you need an assistant to do your scheduling? Some guys might not care, but I'm guessing that most newbies haven't gotten past the illusion that "she's mine." We don't yet know enough about the business to understand what kind of preparation and work goes into a date. We only know that we took the time to find you, read your profile, and contact you, and in our mind, the polite and proper thing for you to do is to take the time to respond. I like Jack's suggestion that you either deal with the newbies yourself, or at the very least, send them a note stating that your assistant will contact them. I think that's a much more personal touch.

Mommascomin121 reads

Its the best way to have a booker, is to have her answer emails and texts as you, and avoid all the issues. A good booker will give you all the info you need ot know about a client before the appointment, do you don't have to read through emails. And you simply keep up the charade during the appt.

I don't mind at all working with a booker, or assistant, or an agency, but I want to know that I am working with a third party. I think an assistant pretending to be the provider is totally dishonest and these situations have caused problems in the past.

GaGambler123 reads

and it certainly is NOT sound advice here.

I have no issues with bookers or assistants, but with the caveat that they are upfront about it. I might not catch the fact that I am talking to a booker if I don't have any more conversation than "when and where", but if the exchange is anything much more than that, the chances are VERY good that I am going to know that the woman I see is not the woman I was having the email/text conversation with and it will put at least a small damper on the session.

Mommascomin126 reads

meh, its unfortunate, but screening advertising email monitoring can be a full time job, for ladies who are students or mothers or have a full time or just don't like it, its stressful. but because of stigmas about bookers or because guys "have to talk to the lady to form a "connection" (hah!)" many ladies turn to bookers and can work in peace. What I'm saying is already happening, you can discourage it all you like but it won't stop the tide.

GaGambler128 reads

quite the contrary, you just went on the record plain as day, "encouraging" these women to lie and to instruct their "assistants" to lie as well.  Review manipulation is also a fact of life, but that doesn't mean we are supposed to encourage it.

Mommascomin112 reads

I have no intentions of discouraging it. I was talking about you. I have every intention of making sure ladies in this business can make the amount of money they want

I have never (knowingly) dealt with a booker/assistant. I wouldn't say that I'd be unwilling to, but I'd like to know. I suppose theoretically, if someone said "hey you didn't tell me I was talking to an assistant", you could say "well you didn't ask", and get away with it. But it seems dishonest. Especially if you say on your site that all info is for your eyes only and you handle everything yourself. Obviously I don't know if you say that on your site or not, but a lot of women do.

It also might blow up in your face. Yes, the booker can pass on the info to you like age, appointment time, special requests, etc. but if the guy had included little things about himself like hobbies, or personality traits, or just something clever he said, and the assistant didn't think it was important enough to pass on, that could lead to an awkward moment in the session.

But mostly it's just dishonest.

Sex work is a super busy life juggling tours, scheduling, screening, placing ads and managing them...etc. An assistant is hired to keep the provider afloat, organized and helps to avoid burnout. It gets tiring and overbearing sometimes to handle everything as one person. Also sometimes when a provider is tired, you can imagine the mistakes she can make such as overbooking or not scheduling at all. An assistant takes care of all of this. The assistant represents the provider, so if the right one is hired...she's beyond professional and you should have no problems. This provides a hassle and stress free process for the provider. You will/should have contact with the provider once the booking is made. There's not much chemistry to be made during the booking process lol that usually occurs after booking, leading up to the date. SO you're not missing anything by booking a provider through a professional assistant.

Also, most assistants I know have been providers or still are. SO they know how to interact professionally with gents (for the most part). They are all about business and keep the TWs away from the provider. (best part)

Posted By: Debra_Hollander

For the total Newbies and also those who are still getting their feet wet.....  
 If you email a provider, and receive a reply which reads,  "Hello Newbie, This is So-And-So's assistant...... " blah blah blah.    
 Would a response from an assistant be off-putting or suspicious to you?  
 How do you think you'd react?  
 Most newbies don't realize that some providers have assistants so I can see how this might feel a little strange.  And possibly cause even more nervousness or anxiety.  
 Thank you in advance to any & all new to the game (or those who still vividly remember those days lol) who respond!  xoxoxo

I don't know why but they make me nervous... I have only ran into one once so far and haven't booked with her yet... The fact that she has a booker throws me... granted I am a newb and paranoid a bit .. not sure why xactly it unnerves me... Maybe because it's one step close to an agency and those are LE targets?  
I may have to get over it because I am dying to book this particular lady

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