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Just Happened to Me! Yesterday!!teeth_smile
CJ44Gift 282 reads

This happened yesterday afternoon... I'm new to escorting, about a month into it.  I rushed home to accomodate a last minute appointment. He was standing on my front step as I came up the walk way - and our eyes locked - and I'm pretty sure our collective eyebrows shot straight into the sky!  It was a boyfriend from 10 years ago, and one that felt heartbroken when I ended it.

Poor guy, he was so uncomfortable and tried to leave. I calmly and gently refused to let him slink away. I'm happy being an escort and unashamed. Also I was happy to see him after so many years. I made a few gentle jokes about the awkwardness of the situation - just to break the tension, and it worked well enough.  He stayed, we shared news and got caught up, we hugged... and then had a lovely and caring "session", which he also paid for in full.

We embraced warmly as he left. I followed up with a nice "thank you" text.  And I think we both felt good as we parted.

I'm the kind that "faces things head on", so that's how I pushed through the weirdness, and it worked. Hope that helps!

juggles991224 reads

Hi, so this might sound crazy but after considering making an appointment for a little while with a certain provider it just hit me that I think I may know who it is. I know the odds are against that big time and it could be my head messing with me. I don't think it would be a problem at all if this turned out to be the case but I am wondering what anyone would do in this case? Should I mention that I think we may have known each other in the past? I don't want to seem creepy though. Honestly, I'd hope to confirm it's not her... I mean... not that I'm against it. It'd just be maybe awkward a bit.. for me not her. (and it would still be my first time as a total nebwie)

And I've often just wondered if it has ever happened where someone showed up to meet a provider and they knew each other... so when I started to think I knew this girl it was weird...

Thoughts appreciated.

easy, don't book with her. Unless you're into playing weird psychological games with yourself. Or you're secretly hoping it's her, which I suspect may be the case.

-- Modified on 8/31/2016 5:50:44 PM

I replied to OP before reading this. "Playing psychological games with yourself", that's what I was trying to say. Good post.

I think it would be weird to meet someone you know, but you never know if it's the person until they show up on at your door. I know this is of no help to your question, but I find this subject interesting

juggles99256 reads

Yeah, I have thought just in general about if anyone has actually had this happen to them. It would be quite a story I guess. I re-read a bunch of this girl's reviews and I think some details I have found made me sure it is not who I was thinking. Which is good. Like I said, not opposed to it being her, she is a great person, but I would rather it not be due to potential awkwardness. Well if I do end up booking and it IS her I guess I'll have that story. Good luck with everything starting out!

so here goes. It sounds like you're hoping this provider is in fact the woman from your past whom you think it may be, because you're carrying a torch for said woman. Why did you not mention what it is that makes you suspect you know who the provider is?

When we're smitten with someone, we think we see them everywhere.

I think it would be a mistake to book your very first session with this particular provider. If you show up and it's not her, you may be disappointed and be distracted by that. If it is her.... Well, let's just say you may be surprised by your own reaction to either scenario, especially with sex on the table. Plus, you don't know how she will react if she is your old friend.

Taking steps to try to determine whether it is her before booking will look very stalker-ish and may land you on the group W bench with the other creeps.

If you do have a crush on this old friend, call her

juggles99286 reads

I understand I didn't include reasons why I thought it was her. I just sort of rushed to ask this once it dawned on me that I thought it could be her. Honestly, I'm thinking I was wrong now but also, I am totally glad about that... I mentioned in my OP that I would hope to confirm it was not her. I totally understand what you all are saying about someone hoping for it to be a girl from their past... while I do play psychological games with myself from time to time this is not one of them. Or If it was, I let myself think it was her as an excuse for me not to book because I am still new and nervous about finally booking a first provider. But I'm getting over that.

Still all good advice. Thank you all.

(I did really like this girl so I am not denying that at all. It is a chapter for the past.)

CJ44Gift283 reads

This happened yesterday afternoon... I'm new to escorting, about a month into it.  I rushed home to accomodate a last minute appointment. He was standing on my front step as I came up the walk way - and our eyes locked - and I'm pretty sure our collective eyebrows shot straight into the sky!  It was a boyfriend from 10 years ago, and one that felt heartbroken when I ended it.

Poor guy, he was so uncomfortable and tried to leave. I calmly and gently refused to let him slink away. I'm happy being an escort and unashamed. Also I was happy to see him after so many years. I made a few gentle jokes about the awkwardness of the situation - just to break the tension, and it worked well enough.  He stayed, we shared news and got caught up, we hugged... and then had a lovely and caring "session", which he also paid for in full.

We embraced warmly as he left. I followed up with a nice "thank you" text.  And I think we both felt good as we parted.

I'm the kind that "faces things head on", so that's how I pushed through the weirdness, and it worked. Hope that helps!

Apparently you're a very mature lady and have a strong sense of self...and especially impressive considering you're a new provider.  Many kudos!!

Posted By: juggles99

 And I've often just wondered if it has ever happened where someone showed up to meet a provider and they knew each other... so when I started to think I knew this girl it was weird...  
 Thoughts appreciated.
It was usually awkward for both of us.  

This is just one reason why I now require real names, as it cuts down on that.  

But if it does happen, hopefully she can laugh it off and not freak out over it.  I'm pretty much at a point where I can just shake my head at what a small world this is and move on.  (After making sure he understands that I'm not "out" about my providing and he needs to keep this tidbit to himself, of course.)

Once in a blue moon, someone will tell me in advance that I remind him of a neighbor or someone else; when that happens I take it as HE is trying to avoid a potentially uncomfortable situation, not nosiness.  :-)

Posted By: juggles99
Hi, so this might sound crazy but after considering making an appointment for a little while with a certain provider it just hit me that I think I may know who it is. I know the odds are against that big time and it could be my head messing with me. I don't think it would be a problem at all if this turned out to be the case but I am wondering what anyone would do in this case? Should I mention that I think we may have known each other in the past? I don't want to seem creepy though. Honestly, I'd hope to confirm it's not her... I mean... not that I'm against it. It'd just be maybe awkward a bit.. for me not her. (and it would still be my first time as a total nebwie)  
 And I've often just wondered if it has ever happened where someone showed up to meet a provider and they knew each other... so when I started to think I knew this girl it was weird...  
 Thoughts appreciated.

but do not, under any circumstances, let on that you think you know who she was.  That could turn out really messy

was maybe some interest in RL, she will most likely decline the appointment because she is "busy". There is no need to let him know she knows him from RL.

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