Newbie - FAQ

I generally reply to all my emails.
Carrie Hillcrest See my TER Reviews 1472 reads

But for messages similar to this, the responses are very brief, pointing him to the appropriate pages of my website (rates page and reservations form, and I'd ignore the phone number question). After that, ball's in his court if he still wants to see me. :)

Now, if he persisted in the "let's hang out" suggestions, implying off-the-clock time, I'd thank him for his interest, let him know we weren't compatible, wish him the best of luck in his search, and then not reply to any future emails. Until someone demonstrates that he's a time waster/clueless/danger/not my type, I assume he's a good potential client and treat him accordingly.

That normally go into the trash. However, I thought I would send a reply and then paste the email here for all of you to learn from.

Just wanted to see what your schedule looks like for this week in Columbia.  How late can you hang out?  How much for your time?  Will
you come over to hang out?  I'm on mobile so sorry for the choppy email.  Do you have a contact number? I'm a 33 year old professional
white male living in Columbia.  I look forward to hearing from you
soon.  XXXX

(Rae Monroe)
Please read the attached email as I have answered all of your questions. Have a great day.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 9:55 PM, XXXX XXXX [email protected] wrote:

Just wanted to see what your schedule looks like for this week in

My schedule can be found on the Carolina's TER discussion board. I will be in Columbia Tuesday of next week and will be leaving Wednesday.

How late can you hang out?  

I am not available for dates off the clock. I am available for scheduled pre-booked appointments until 10pm.

How much for your time?  

Please visit my website there is a link attached under my signature at the end of this email.

Will you come over to hang out?

No. I only provide incall appointments and I don't "hang out". If you are looking for an appointment with me please provide the screening information listed on my website. It can be found on the rendezvous page. If you are, however, looking for an off the clock date please move on as I am not looking for any new "friends with benefits".

Do you have a contact number?  

Yes I do but you can not have it. Please read the ettiquette page on my website and it will detail how I like to be contacted and why I do not give out my number.

~Rae Monroe

anon76588491386 reads

LMAO  Reminds me of the line in Caddyshack.......

"Do you have a pool"???

"Yes,  & I Also have a POND, and the POND would be good for YOU! "   ;-)

-- Modified on 1/13/2009 11:57:48 AM

Way too many questions, and he sounds like he's looking for a date, not an appointment. Its a nearly 100% guarantee that any response will be a waste of time.

As Rae said though, it just might be helpful to air this issue on a board dedicated to newbies. I get at least one or two e-mails like this every week, and I'm sure other ladies get the same or more. It would appear there are alot of guys out there with a lot to learn.

Hopefully some just might see this and take note:

*Don't ask us about "hanging out" with us.
*Don't ask about rates. In fact don't ask ANY question that can be answered from information provided on our websites.
*Don't ask us open ended "are you going to be available" questions about when we will be available in some far off time in the future. Be specific about when you had in mind.
*Did I mention don't ask about rates?

famkejensen1592 reads

I answer all my emails and with this type they gat a standard "I'm sorry I am unavailable...thank you for your time". If they reply with a "why", the email gets time for useless banter.

But for messages similar to this, the responses are very brief, pointing him to the appropriate pages of my website (rates page and reservations form, and I'd ignore the phone number question). After that, ball's in his court if he still wants to see me. :)

Now, if he persisted in the "let's hang out" suggestions, implying off-the-clock time, I'd thank him for his interest, let him know we weren't compatible, wish him the best of luck in his search, and then not reply to any future emails. Until someone demonstrates that he's a time waster/clueless/danger/not my type, I assume he's a good potential client and treat him accordingly.

guys that can't follow standard procedures.  How many times do other veterans write here about reading the newbie manual, reading several pages of posts, reading the lady's web site, filling out her contact form or following other instructions, not asking about specific sex acts or asking about money, etc. etc. etc.

Hope your next few e-mails are more to the point AND within the proper guidelines.

Dear Rae,

Hello...hope all is well with you!  I saw your ad posted on XXX on XX/XX/XXXX that you're visiting XXX on XX/XX/2009.  I would very much enjoy meeting you during your visit!  I have completed the form on your website, but thought I would follow-up in person as well...  (Note: Last statement would be added only if your website has a form.)  

About me:  My name is XXX XXXXX, XX y/o SWM,  XXX by profession, X'X", XXX lbs.  If you need further screening info, let me know.  I know XXX XXXXX and XXX XXXXX as references: I will alert them that they may be contacted.

If possible, I would like to meet on XX/XX/XXXX, XX am/pm, for X hrs.  Let me know if this is good with you...I may have some flexibility on dates and times.  Hope to hear from you soon!



Crazy Diamond on TER

This type of note for a potential first meeting almost always gets a positive response, since it reveals that I have read your website, have an idea about how you go about your business, is friendly in tone and respectful of your time and mine.  It is also just an example: if had met you previously at an M&G, or had exchanged PM's on TER, I would reference that as well.  It doesn't take rocket science to gain the attention of providers when contacting them for the first time, just common sense, and following your directions.  The notes that you referenced in your post about "hanging out" probably wouldn't be OK even if that person were a regular client that you already know, but definitely seem inappropriate for someone looking to meet you for the first time.  But what do I know?  I've only been hobbying successfully for the last five years, have a 90% + success rate at getting ladies to respond to me when contacting them for the first time, etc.  Maybe I should break the rules, and send notes like those referenced?  I think not...that doesn't work, guys...      

Alright, ladies, critique me if I am doing anything wrong...

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