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Having Reviews On TER And Being A Registered Provider Help...regular_smile
terrev 89 Reviews 1523 reads

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caramelerika2930 reads

Hi, Im a provider in the DC area. I have been around  for a bit but not till recently did one of my clients really inform me of this website. I had been told by others about it but never really looked into it until today. Can someone let me know where to begin ...

Arnold Palmer1694 reads you can really look around and see how the review system works and get to know some of the DC regulars on that board.  If you have a website, put a TER link on it.  Lots of info here if you scroll down and turn a couple of pages on this board.

Welcome.  If you have reviews here (you can search using your phone number) then I think you get VIP access for your reviews.  Maybe one of the ladies can help you out.

Thank you guys. I was also wondering something. I dont put my face on my ads and wonder if that affects getting calls. The only reason I dont place my face is because Im from the area. Is there any way i can assure gentlemen that Im not LE?

And welcome to the newbie board!

It appears you have a couple of reviews, and they are pretty good.

If the link below is you, you will want to email [email protected] to claim this profile as yours.  By doing this you will have free limited VIP access.  You will be able to read your reviews in full, you will have access to TER's mail system, and the nifty [See my TER reviews] appendage will appear next to your user name whenever you post on any of TER's discussion boards.

Hope this helps,


YES INDEED ITS ME :D.  Im excited i got reviewed :). Thanks for the link I appreciate it alot. :D.

I always enjoy making someone's day!!!

Again, welcome to the newbie board!


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