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wglide2003 58 Reviews 791 reads

Is there a way of seeing if a provider is delisted?
I submitted a review and it was unapproved because she was delisted.
A new lady has reviews on another site but nothing here.
I don't want to wasted my time on a new review if she is delisted.

NoYellowEnvelope284 reads

... there's really no way to avoid this.  You can check to ensure her profile is up right before you write the review and again right before you submit it, but she could be delisted before your review is approved.

she ever had a profile to start with.  

People have proposed that TER have a registry of delisted gals that one can check for first before going through the effort of writing a review that will never appear, but I guess TER has a problem with that, and I can see their arguments against it.

So, for now, unless a gal already has a profile, you're firing in the dark

NoYellowEnvelope218 reads

Before I would write a review for a provider with no profile, I'd ask her if she minded if I wrote a first review (unless it was a warning type of review, then I wouldn't ask).  If she were delisted, I'd probably find out then.  But maybe not.  Better than nothing, though

Sometimes, an old ad or old review might include her (then current) TER ID number. When you search by number, you will get the "Provider Not Found!! Provider information is no longer available on TER." message indicative of having been delisted.  

Yet, somehow, I think that TER knows the diff between voluntary delisting requested by the Provider and forced delisting imposed by TER due to one or more infractions of the rules.  

IF it was a voluntary delisting (temporary retirement; avoid a stalker) you can ask her if she wants to be back on TER and, at her request, TER can un-delist her.  Does she post ads to the TER Ad Boards? Does she post comments to the TER Discussion Boards? That sounds like a voluntary de-listing and not a ban from TER. (I can think of Providers who have taken down their old Profiles with reviews going back to 2005 so they can be re-born 5-10 years younger with a new Profile with no lapse in TER membership.)

But back to your basic q: If a Provider does not have an active Profile searchable by name, phone, email or criteria other than a specific TER ID #, how do you know if she is simply non-reviewed or delisted? I do not know the answer to that.  

Posted By: wglide2003
Is there a way of seeing if a provider is delisted?  
 I submitted a review and it was unapproved because she was delisted.  
 A new lady has reviews on another site but nothing here.  
 I don't want to wasted my time on a new review if she is delisted.  

I copy the ad & her ter profile with links to go back quickly.  It is just how I do it.  Sometimes it comes in handy.
Store as drafts in my hobby email

Isn't that an oxymoron? :)

Obviously TER has a list somewhere for their admin, but it is not public. One of the rules about de-listed providers is they can't be mentioned on TER, so they are not going to publish a list.

I'm having a very hard time delisting myself. I've removed all Ads online and my P411 account but a year ago a client took it upon himself to make me a website and for a year I've tried to get it removed with no success. Any help please?

Posted By: Milamassage69
I'm having a very hard time delisting myself. I've removed all Ads online and my P411 account but a year ago a client took it upon himself to make me a website and for a year I've tried to get it removed with no success. Any help please?
If the client is using your pictures or material that you have created (with implied copyrights, such as your own "About Me" writings), then you should be able to force him or his ISP to stop using your materials. I don't think you can stop him from writing a blog or telling stories unless you can claim some other offense, such as libel. Without pictures or other juicy bits, whatever is left should get less traffic.

To get someone or an ISP to remove and stop using your materials, search the Newbie board for "DMCA Takedown Notice" going back 400-500-800 days. You can do some of the work yourself but you might to get a lawyer to write a letter for you, instead.

EDIT: Changed subject line. Also, you might want to save screenshots of his website pages in case it does come down to legal action. It could be a Perry Mason moment if he denies ever having used your pictures and you can counter, "Well, what about THIS!"  

-- Modified on 7/29/2016 3:08:57 AM

Posted By: Milamassage69
I'm having a very hard time delisting myself. I've removed all Ads online and my P411 account but a year ago a client took it upon himself to make me a website and for a year I've tried to get it removed with no success. Any help please?
Try the legal board.

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