Newbie - FAQ

Be patient CP,regular_smile
lungman 10 Reviews 355 reads

It's not you!
You would not believe the number of emails and phone calls these ladies get. ( especially the good ones ) I found out first hand how time consuming, the screening process, the emails, the phone calls can get.
Not sure where you are located, but i do know 1 lady, when she is taking appointments, she responds within the hour. Not sure how she does it? Must have a very efficent system.
Did you remember to do the requirements for the date? Not all ladies are the same but, i think most want, the names, phone numbers and web-sites of at least 2 well-reviewed providers.
Hope this helps.

cp_271546 reads

So I surfed through a lot of profiles and carefully selected a few providers that I would have liked to spend time with. I emailed them one after the other, some yesterday, some today to setup a date. And I didn't even get one response which is just beyond me. If you are not going to reply anyways, I fail to understand why mention email in your profile in the first place. I know I must be doing something terribly wrong too but not even one. I am a newbie. Any suggestions fron the more experienced ones or the providers themselves.

It's not you!
You would not believe the number of emails and phone calls these ladies get. ( especially the good ones ) I found out first hand how time consuming, the screening process, the emails, the phone calls can get.
Not sure where you are located, but i do know 1 lady, when she is taking appointments, she responds within the hour. Not sure how she does it? Must have a very efficent system.
Did you remember to do the requirements for the date? Not all ladies are the same but, i think most want, the names, phone numbers and web-sites of at least 2 well-reviewed providers.
Hope this helps.

and its Mother's Day too boot,  the ladies might be enjoying time with their families this weekend - I know I am.

You might start getting responses tomorrow.

This is probably exactly what it was, lol. Many ladies have children, & a lot probably were not working yesterday.. I know I wasn't. I agree, will possibly start hearing back from some of those you e-mailed today & tomorrow.

Posted By: Naomi_Sweets
and its Mother's Day too boot,  the ladies might be enjoying time with their families this weekend - I know I am.

You might start getting responses tomorrow.

First of all, don't say anything illegal in an e-mail... otherwise providers will consider you a cop and deliberately not respond.  Don't mention anything sexual, only state the necessary information to schedule an appointment, and use broad/vague terms.  Also, never refer to money as a "payment"  Always call it a "donation."

If you haven't gotten responses via e-mail, I would suggest calling them on the phone if you can.

it's hard to say.  Some good possibilities have been raised, i e, the content of your emails and the fact that it was Mother's Day weekend.  What you say in emails is very important, you have to be very careful or you will NOT get a reply.  Plus, if they are popular providers, they have tons of emails and phone msgs to go thru every day.  The fact that you are new and probably do not have any references to give them might also be a factor.  Look for newbie friendly providers, screening will be lighter.  Give them another day and try again.  If you still don't get answers, try some others.


cp_27257 reads

Thanks everyone who took time to reply. I am located in Northern Florida. I did some reading up on the forum. So I made sure I didn't mention anything 'illegal' in those emails.
And yes, I did call them too after I didn't get any reply. About 90% had either switched off their phones or told me I was calling the wrong number. Bollocks
One did answer but unfortunately she was busy. Am I feeling lucky or what.
Anyways how do you usually go about it?? I mean what should one ask if someone picks up. I have only been with a provider once before, whom I found through BP. That time it was easy but the experience wasn't great. That was when I wasn't aware of this and some other sites. So obviously I don't have any references. But if nobody sees how, how will I ever get references. Everybody starts from somewhere.

Hey CP, we all had to start somewhere.  References is kind of a catch 22 situation, I know.  One thing you could do is join one of the verification sites, DateCheck, Preferred411, or RoomService2000.  In FL, DC and P411 are more popular then RS2K.  Joining one or two of these will allow you to get verified w/o having to give out too much personal info to several different providers.  If you call P411, they will work with you, others have stated this in posts.  Also on P411, many providers indicate they are newbie friendly which makes it easier for you.  

Northern FL is pretty big, I don't think there are a lot of providers in the panhandle, but there are in the Jax area.  As far as initial contact, I personally prefer email over phone.  That way, she can respond when she has time, she may not be able to answer the phone when I call.  You said that the one who answered your call said she was busy.  Could you not ask for another time?  I would have.  I don't usually set up dates at the last minute anyway, I like to have them set up ahead of time.  If I can answer any questions in private, feel free to PM me.  


I don't respond to all emails. However, I always respond almost immediately to emails like this:

Dear _______,

I found your profile on TER, and wow, I was floored by [detail]. Anyways, I would like to set up a [insert appointment length here] [incall/outcall] on [insert date] at [insert time]. I'm also available on [alternate date] between [range of times] if you aren't available on [first date mentioned].

I am a [age] year old [race, profession].  I am new to this, so I do not have any references that I can provide you. However, I can assure you that [I'm a nice guy/respectful/looking for a mutually enjoyable time/etc.]. And if you respond to this email, I'll be happy to provide you with [my RS2K membership information/Date-Check/P411 number] as well as [workplace website/linked-in profile/workplace verification info].

You can contact me [via email/at this number between x and y time].

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Alternatively, fill out her contact form. Seriously, I get wet when people fill out my contact form thoroughly & completely, and I'm sure other providers do as well!

cp_27248 reads

Actually the one who replied, there was some confusion with her as well. I called on the number that was mentioned in the profile that I liked, but the girl who picked up said she was somebody else and not her. I thought it would be rude to ask her if she was the one in the pictures. Like I said it was one of those days.
And thanks Midwestern, that is a nice template that you provided. I did miss a few details. Will be careful in future.

I am brand new too. But so far I am 2 for 2 on getting responses. No booking yet, but it is a start. Also, in both cases the responses took a couple of days.  Not sure if it is the reason, but I have contacted only high end and very well reviewed ladies. I also took great care in making sure the e mails followed all guidelines.  Hang in there.

Along similiar lines, how long should I wait to see if a provider will respond, before going on to another provider?

Example: I want to see a certain someone in another city the last week of June. If I completed and submitted her webform today, what is a reasonable time to wait for a response? I want her to have sufficient time to check out her calendar and my references and I certainly don't want to be a pest; yet somehow I don't trust the reliability of these forms (the well-reviewed lady, yes, webforms, no). So, would early next week be in enough good taste to follow up with a real email or call? A secondary motive also is to leave me enough time to go to another provider if there is no response from the first, preferred, provider.


-- Modified on 5/30/2012 10:44:05 AM

$ is what motivates the majority, so if they are making money how can they respond?

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