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Another way of saying the same thing DC recommended...
mattradd 40 Reviews 855 reads

"Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative." If guys think you're just going to trash a lady they thought was top-notch, they're not likely to help you in your homework. Then you could well be left learning some lessons the hard way.

Hello all!

I just registered on this site and I must say I was underwhelmed by the escort girls I saw, most I'd never even consider picking up at a bar, if such was the case, and the other few were at best average; Now, of course I understand the convinience of such service, I don't have to put any effort into a "relationship", and being a married man, I just don't have the time for it anyway...
But still, if I'm going to pay for services I'd expect model level ladies, otherwise I'll just take my chances at bars and such, which is not very difficult in the end.

So here it is...

Would somebody post  link(s) to the really hot ladies in the Boston area, so I can review them? Also, this is going to be my first time, so ladies who are "newbie friendly" are apreciated.


but in any case, you'd do better to ask this question on the Boston Board.

As far as looks go, I do have a suggestion to narrow your search.

Go to the Review Section and click on "Search Reviews"  A page will come up whereby you can filter information to suit your tastes.  Click on Boston, then on the filter for appearance, click 10 (or perhaps 9-10) and set the other filters to what tickles your fancy.  Then hit select and a list of Boston area gals who meet those criteria will pop up.  You can go to the profile page of each and find a link to their websites to see pictures, etc.

If you become a VIP member you will be able to get the juicy details and read their reviews.

I hope this helps you to get what you are looking for.

Remember though, beauty is only skin deep.

That's enough trite expressions for today.

Oh Come on now!

Yeah, Like I'm looking for an intelligent/engaging person if I'm looking at this type of service. Pleaasee....

I'll grant you that are some really beautiful/hot women who are down right bad in the sack, but if you're hot enough I can deal with that for an hour ;)

And yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but again, come on!!

There are certain standards who everybody agrees on, really.

But indeed your post was helpful, so, thanks :)

"And yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but again, come on!!

There are certain standards who everybody agrees on, really."

There are porn and fetish sites dedicated to spinners, BBW's, hairy hippie ladies, those with crazy sized implants, 50y.o.+, "small people", etc.

Everyone has their own taste, as it should be.

Believe it or not even with this service, some gents actually DO prefer to share time with an intelligent/engaging person.

Good luck in finding your model, the above advice you've already received is good.

Well, no, not really, we all like something a bit different which is why we hobby in the first place.

You seem to want a super model but don't care if she is any good in bed. I'd rather have a lady who is passionate and fun to be with even if she isn't a "10" in the looks department.  

Check the Boston boards and maybe look at a few of the agency and indie web sites. There are quite a few lovely ladies working in Boston both indie and agency.

You may want to tone down the attitude a bit. It's a seller's market in this hobby.

I am sure the hot hotsie totsie ladies will be simply PANTING in anticipation of stroking your undeserved ego :)

of ignorance.  You may have some preconceived notions about the hobby and the experience that will be greatly dispelled when you finally partake.

While you may not now be looking for an intelligent and engaging person, you will very likely find one, which may very well prompt you to start looking for that in all of the ladies you may see in this hobby.

A good number of the hobbyists that you meet on this site have already made that transformation.

And no, the only standards that are universally agreed upon are not those of appearance, but those of safety and personal comportment.

Good luck.

I Cant wait til girls start reviewing you, I am so sure you are the pick of the crop eh ?

Yeah . . . were is my crop duster? I need to spray some more fertilizer on those waves of creamed corn.


famkejensen1571 reads

Alright so I am bored but I have to say it Ciara (tongue jammed firmly in my cheek)...he's the one paying so it doesn't matter if he's as ugly as a hat full of monkey's a'holes.

And one of these days we will anonymously review you boys...

specific provider recommendations, so Helikaon, while I appreciate you trying to help, I had to pull the post.

Rockeronthelook, please read the Newbie Manual above for some great information.  Once you've read it, please park on this board for awhile with any questions you may have.

In the meantime, please play with the Search Reviews feature in the Reviews menu so that you can learn your way around and find what you want.  Also, start reading the Boston Board (drop down menu on your left under "Regional Boards") to get a flavor of the ways posters interact.

It's always a better approach, especially as a newbie, not to describe what you don't like but to describe what you are looking for.  Saying that you are underwhelmed with the ladies you have seen on the board is not a great way to endear yourself with the group as a whole, who will ultimately be the ones helping you find what you seek.

The vast majority of providers that you will find in the Reviews section do not actively participate on the the boards, so you will probably find what you consider to be "model types" if you just look.  Keep in mind though, that what you consider beautiful may very well be different from other hobbyists.

Good luck

tmtlr271631 reads

Some people seem to put a bulls eye on their body as if to say, "come on hit me if you can".

Thanks though for being fair as I'm sure that isn't always the popular choice.


I don't know but it just sounds to me like old Rock is just throwing in his bid to become AHOTW

And in his very first week!!

This is the only board where a new person CAN come on and make an ass of himself or herself without becoming a target.  How else are they to learn?

Here's an idea.  Instead of fucking with him, how about helping to educate him?  If he remains stubbornly stinky, THEN make him the asshole of the week.

Haha!!  I was thinking the same thing!  Welcome Old Rock... hehe

Ugly as Sin1800 reads

Many are fat, or have scars, or are old. You will need to do a LOT of research on these boards, and PM members.  Most gals in the business I would not look twice at in a Dollar Store!  Take the SCORE #s with a LARGE grain of salt, and a large tequila!

On the other hand, the *MEN* that we all see are CALENDER MODELS...!!!  ;)


Hobbyists are a cross section of the population... that means plenty of beer guts, back hair, and botched circumcisms TO GO AROUND...!!! Let's face it folks- we live in an imperfect world and are imperfect people...

What we can DO is TRY to improve our appearance if we so desire, but mostly we can just be NICE and RESPECTFUL- you know, the old golden rule!  

This is a commodities market- supply and demand... Whatever YOUR personal thoughts are reguarding specific women... THEY wouldn't be in this line of work if enough men didn't DESIRE them (for whatever reason) enough to compensate them!

Don't be a hater because nobody is knocking down YOUR door to compensate YOU...! :-P

Just my .2 cents.

"Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative." If guys think you're just going to trash a lady they thought was top-notch, they're not likely to help you in your homework. Then you could well be left learning some lessons the hard way.

wow...what a splash you just made huh!!!
Really just because you are hiding behind a computer keyboard, that doesn't mean its all out "shit on the world" as you go along.
Try and behave like a Gentleman. It's not that hard.
Reading your post I have already decided and I am a Boston gal, I wouldn't see you. But then again I am not your type, meaning I am pretty Passionate smart , not a 10 but I am good with that... so I am all set.
You do come off with a wicked additude and thats a turn off. More than not, having the donation and references is not all required to see most Ladies. You need to be respectful, and a Gentleman. Simple as that. Your posts do not reflect that. Being a newbie it will be very difficult to begin with to see a great deal of ladies, many at this point will not see an unknown man. And by unknown I mean no well known provider references. Its a rock and a hard place, with that additude i am telling ya, thats where you will stay. Clean it up and try again...

shudaknownbetter1408 reads

Do NOT expect us to hand feed you.  You have to do your own homework.

Have you read the Newbie Manual? (great advise on the top of this board) as well as several pages on this board.  To round out your education read some on each of the boards.

If you want to participate in this hobby then you'd best learn how to do so with out getting caught.

Do you know what the 2 call system is?  A hobby phone?  secure email?  

Then you need to spring for VIP.  You need to be able to see the complete reviews to see who will fit your requirements.  It's a lot cheaper than even one spoiled date.

There is a funny cross-filtering issue related to your dilemma and the way you stated it.

You are dismayed that you can't seem to find any providers that live up to your standards of physical perfection.

Meanwhile, the providers are often dismayed that they can't find clients that are somewhat civil, have their egos in check, and are smart enough to figure out how to use the 'Search Reviews' feature on TER.

Everybody has problems.

Listen, I can understand a little bit of your problem.  I have often expressed my opinion that the appearance scores here are inflated so much that a "7-Attractive" is perceived as a slight and a "10-Once in a lifetime" seems to mean anything from cute neighbor to Cindy Crawford

On the other hand, after some patience and some effort, I did manage to figure out how to find some truly beautiful providers.  I even handed out a 10 when I originally thought I might not ever.

Not every provider here is going to look like Julia Roberts in 'Pretty Woman.'  On the other hand, almost none of the Hobbyists, with the possible exception of yourself, look like Richard Gere.

If you are patient and put some effort in, you will find a woman that will rock your world the minute you walk in the door, and the minute she puts you over the top in bed.

Now start hunting.  Just remember that a careful, thoughtful, methodical approach usually helps you bag your trophy.

famkejensen1443 reads

I just love being referred to as prey...makes me feel very safe and human..thanks for that.

If you seriously thought I was advocating harm or disrespect towards anyone, then I guess you haven't read any of my previous posts.

My thought was to try to re-phrase the advice that others had given in terms that the OP might better relate too.  If you have never heard the male/female human mating ritual expressed in terms of "The Chase", I would be surprised.

Yes of course I have but not in terms of "bagging a trophy". I guess hobbyists have a way with words...interesting group you are.

famkejensen1566 reads

And what would be your budget for such company? You want a woman beautiful enough to be classed as a model then you sure as shit better have some spare cash..the very best of luck with that one.

famkejensen1496 reads

In addition the uber model types do not hang on this board...for the most part are UTR and do not receive reviews...They don't need this board and in reality, how many guys on here would pay the going rate? Again, the very best of luck.

at five figures for an evening.

Beautiful? Absolutely, Charming? you bet.

"better" than a mid level provider?

not a chance.

It's all a matter of priorities.

famkejensen1650 reads

But something made you part with five figures. Better..maybe not but different...maybe or you would not have parted with the dough. I still don't see any on here in fact the OP is right.

I once asked a couple of guys on a porn set. Would you rather diddle a 7 who will fu@@ your brains out till your toes curl and eyes roll so far back in your head . You won't see for days? Or the perfect 10 who just lays there.
The responce they dig the 10 and they would pump away.....
So... Maybe you boys should ask the guy in the parking lot of the mall where he fpund his double date last week. Those plastic babes have nothiong to say and just lay there too!!!
Until then ...I will keep accepting I am around a 8 and boink off the ricktor scale...I do not need to look like a model when my skills will never fade away with time....
kisses and good luck Boston boy your gonna need it...I am beeting you will be home ALOT!!!

A Jenna Jameson Blow up doll! A perfect 10 that just lays there!!!

No really, best of luck...

famkejensen1174 reads

I've got to say that you have been dumped on and I see nothing wrong with your post. Good Lord, some of the veteran "hobbyists" have more attitude and are definitely ruder towards the ladies than you.

You just stated your truth and I guess you hurt a few feelings which surprises me considering that the ladies allow themselves to be judged like cattle and rated like sides of beef. And you come along and actually make a point and everyone jumps on you.

You like what you like. Good thing you didn't ask about large breasts as then you'd get all the small breasted ladies getting all huffy.

I still wish you the very best of'll need it!

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