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Agree with Jazz, and Bostonguy. That's what PMs are FOR!!!
anon7658849 1292 reads

PM the guys, and be blunt. Most are HAPPY to fill you in on the good, bad,or heinous.

Good luck!

doubledds2691 reads

I want to see this chick from cityvibe so bad-
Great reviews but she is way expensive.
And before I eat $650.00,
I just want to make sure shes for real and not a total dog.
Is it possible to contact the guys who reviewed her?
If so how do I do that?
do I go to iso and then to contact me?

thanks just trying to get this stuff right.
this place is pretty cool- if its for real.

probably not a good idea to try and contact other clients of hers

Hobbyists are usually very happy to share information with fellow travelers.

well i can't speak for everyone, nor do i think i am any kind of expert, but i think some hobyists are happy to leave reviews and feel thats enough

but contacting them personally is another matter, but hey i am no mind reader just my thoughts

GaGambler1064 reads

If the hobbyists in question don't want to answer, that their perogative. No harm in asking.

This entire site is for the purpose of exchanging information, and FWIW I've developed some pretty good friendships here that started with a simple PM.

Since we do have a newbie here with no track record the guys might be a little nervous..You can't blame them

I think doing a real good search of the reviews she has and check the other reviews each gentleman has written will help a lot.

If you do contact anyone don't ask specifics of service..You can ask how beautiful she was and if they were very happy with her company.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy yourself..Don't forget to write a review to let everyone know.

Kisses Haley

jazz, I agree with you, the ladies sure screen us why shouldn't we screen as well.  Never was much for a pig in a poke.

giving out any information about a lady's incall location or the area where she lives, a phone number or contact information that is not already on her website or in her reviews. I personally would be very careful about what I "said" to someone with no or very few reviews. When someone writes me to ask if it was really that good, or does the lady like to.... does she enjoy.....  I consider that to be totally appropriate....

Location and personal info is just that..If it's not available to everyone on a providers website then she alone should give it out
Kisses Haley

I get PM's all the time from guys asking about the ladies that I have reviewed. Depending on how long she has been around and how many reviews she has you should hear from at least a couple of fellows.

anon76588491293 reads

PM the guys, and be blunt. Most are HAPPY to fill you in on the good, bad,or heinous.

Good luck!

I will reply to PM's seeking information about a lady I have had the pleasure of seeing.

OK you guys, I was talking about PM's not open forum comments and I'd never never never give a ladies private info out without her first giving the OK.  Sorry I didn't make myself clear enough in me response.

you may want to ask your question with a bit more, I'd like to say class but instead I'll say Finesse. I doubt she is as you put it "a total Dog".  That just sounds rude. Most men I have noticed see the woman here for more than just the sexual and visual outcome.  But maybe thats just my experience.

it is a newbie board... perhaps he will learn. I do occasionally cringe when I see some of the things that appear in posts or reviews, though. There is no way I could handle being an escort.



well sometimes guys behind the scenes are really blunt(especially over the net), one would hope when they are with a woman they are more of a gentleman. But then again you never know

with a view like this one and several others lately, posting on a public forum so blunt and often harsh tells me a great deal about how they view woman and this hobby. I wonder how would they treat a woman they see differently they appear to have no respect for.  I am very disappointed with the recent posters, some that is. Its not our typical nice guy we expect to find here. Yes, most are nice Gentlemen but lately I just do not know. It's very concerning.

-- Modified on 11/12/2008 12:55:46 PM

"blunt" otherwise, that raises legitimate questions about whether their behavior with women is a thin veneer camouflaging a misogynistic attitude. I've heard plenty of locker room talk in my day; read plenty of very crass reviews. If I were a lady in this biz and was contacted by a potential client, I would read his reviews. They are the closest thing to locker room talk here. If the gentleman was disrespectful to the lady in his review, treated her like an object in his narrative, I personally would not see him.  OTOH, I *know* that some of the ladies have "shared information" about me - ladies who have given references on my behalf to others - well, let's just say I'm glad I can't read the provider's only board....

-- Modified on 11/13/2008 6:48:49 AM

-- Modified on 11/13/2008 2:44:53 PM

I have, in the past, received Private Messages from other members that are looking for a bit more information regarding providers that I have seen.  This is how I have approached it:

1.  I check the hobbyist's review history.  If he has at least a few reviews for credible-looking providers, then I might respond.  If he has no reviews or only one, then probably not.

2.  If he has reviews, I read a few to get an idea of his personality.  If he is crude, mean, or seems to use words as weapons, then I won't respond.  If he seems decent, then I will probably respond.

3.  I try a quick check of his board posting history.  Generally this doesn't reveal anything that the reviews didn't.

4.  If I am going to respond, I might take the time to get a sense of what kind of providers he has enjoyed or not enjoyed.  If he seems to prefer tall, enhanced, buxom babes and is asking about a petite, natural provider, I will make sure he knows that is what he is going to get.

5.  Finally, I never give out any info not already on the provider's site or profile.  I will answer some specific detail questions to a point, but I guess I am somehow still a little circumspect about dirty little details.  Blame my parents.

I have asked a couple of reviewers for some info in the past and have appreciated their responses.  That's what this site is all about.

Also, not to be too blunt, but based on the way you asked this question, I already have a couple of preconceived notions about who you are.  I get the impression that you are young.  Without a more considered inquiry and with no review history, I probably wouldn't respond.  But I am sure that many guys will.

Good luck.

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