New York

You can mess with the IRS if you have lots of money.
Patriots_Again_In_2005 3543 reads

Have you seen many of the uber rich corporate criminals that have stolen hundreds of millions, if not even billions from stockholders and the general public (through pension plan investments)? They hired high priced, skilled lawyers and beat the shit out of both the prosecutors and the IRS. Exactly how many of the many bigfish have done jailtime? One notable exception is Martha Stewart, but it looks like she had an idiot for a lawyer on top of her own idiocy for getting in the fix to begin with.

So cops and prosecutors are left to go after madams and escort agency operators when their time can be better spent tracing some of the serpentine financial transactions that are being done by people that really have something to hide, like the mob, REAL terrorists and bigtime drug dealers.

Your attempt to connect some woman that is working her ass off as an escort, even one that is here illegally to terrorism is utterly insane, it only appears to be done to buttress your particular point of view. Most make enough money to cover rent and basic expenses, they cannot send thousands to the shady terrorist overlord that you envision them in league with. You are not one of the more positive contributors to this site, so spare me in particular your sanctimonious bullshit.

Remember Heidi Fleis aka The Beverly Hills madam.  She was also busted because of tax issues and then she threatened to release her black book to rally her clients to help and support her in her battles or be outed.  No one came to her aid, period and she did jail time and owes fortunes to the IRS.

Well she finally did release names, Charlie Sheen and other celebs and judges but none were affected becuse they testified against her and did no jail but spoke of the fortunes they spent on the service and that increased her sentence because they now had a reasonable amount of testimony to calculate the monies spent all around.

She wrote a book and did a made for tv movie and did some trashy lingerie designing and then her 15 mins evaporated.

NEVER MESS WITH THE IRS.  The only other things in life that can destroy a person is a divorce or no health insurance.  The IRS is right up there with the top two.

May something to the government and they stay away, totally ignore them and you are doomed.

Never read anything regarding underage anyone, matter of fact, read on this board over and over that the staff was too old to be working.

Another thing Julie has problems with and the girls also is that alot of the staff were illegal aliens, Dominican, russian, etc and they now are locked up in federal detention centers with no access to their stashed cash to bail out or run and face deportation.  Thats another factor that plays into the feds role here - illegals being harbored-terrorist possibilities-sleepers.

Every angle that one can think of that interests the feds, tax evasion, money laundering, drugs, illegal aliens, undocumented workers, no employment taxes paid-I-9's, SS, medicaid ripoffs to treat the staff if hospitalized- who piad for the lady written about that was in the car accident and was hospitalized, hope she paid cash otherweise we all paid through OUR PAID TAXES.

Have you seen many of the uber rich corporate criminals that have stolen hundreds of millions, if not even billions from stockholders and the general public (through pension plan investments)? They hired high priced, skilled lawyers and beat the shit out of both the prosecutors and the IRS. Exactly how many of the many bigfish have done jailtime? One notable exception is Martha Stewart, but it looks like she had an idiot for a lawyer on top of her own idiocy for getting in the fix to begin with.

So cops and prosecutors are left to go after madams and escort agency operators when their time can be better spent tracing some of the serpentine financial transactions that are being done by people that really have something to hide, like the mob, REAL terrorists and bigtime drug dealers.

Your attempt to connect some woman that is working her ass off as an escort, even one that is here illegally to terrorism is utterly insane, it only appears to be done to buttress your particular point of view. Most make enough money to cover rent and basic expenses, they cannot send thousands to the shady terrorist overlord that you envision them in league with. You are not one of the more positive contributors to this site, so spare me in particular your sanctimonious bullshit.

What I was trying to state was: Anytime that large ums of cash, unreported cash is floating around it will attract the attention of LE and IRS because in the present enviorn. they are looking for large sums that can bankroll anything that a sleeper cell or worldwide terrosim might support.  Look at the Bowling Alley that they brought up on East 14th street that was owned by Arafat and where do you think that money went, to support his Grecian Formula beard darkener?
Try depositing what used to be 10K in the bank now they question even 5K cash, when the govt reporting system is still set at 10K.
Make more than one large cash deposit in the same named bank, even different branches and they have the alert system that trips flags in the same week.
Life has changed here since 9/11 and for the better when it comes to questioning illegals living amongst us, not to say the oldest profession, but the illegal personnel coming to our shores.
Large sums of cash, unreported income etc will have the feds, city and state out in force.  As the ghetto punks say: You have to keep it on the downlow or get the po po coming to you.
3 million a year is about right, so she clears 1.5 mil and you think 1.5 mil clear will not set off the flags, thats 2.7 mil if you earned it legit.
The white collar criminals have it different, they stole from the pensions, etc that are all insured and they had the money to defend themselves, while the madams have the assets frozen and if they had to pay for high priced legal talent, the first question asked is where did the ill gotten gains that pays the attys come from.  Look at Gotti when he wanted to make bail, al the relatives and friends had to put up their houses because he had al the assets frozen and could not retrieve the assets to pay the talent to defend until the "friends" pitched in, thats what has happened to the Trump Plaza Madam, a friend hired Shapiro to defend, obviously the friend knows where ther money is hidden (private safe dep box vaults with access by password and key, no ss # and) and knows that she wil get her money back plus some for her efforts and heat she will draw upon herself.
Julie was a different story, she was warned over and over but chose not to listen, hired bad security, and with all her LE clients and friends she should have and probably was tipped off, a multi location bust cannot go down inthat coordinated fashion with the idiots running the NYPD to not have loose lips tell her.  To raid 5 places in NYC and 2 in Nassau and no one said anything-how naive are we all?  To not notice LE outside your biz locations for 1 year especially in NYC where any car parked on a street that has no parking rules around the clock in the theatre district and the E 35 area (tunnel area) is just as stupid as the blind eye turned by management at Julies.  They probably tapped the telephones and e mails to have access, they picked her busiest day Thursdays based upon the largest number of working girls on staff on that day, look at the idea, payday in NYC is usually Weds or Thursdays, so they bust on Thursday night and no one knew?

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